比如说你引用或改写了一段别人的作品,作者的名字是James Robert,日期为1992,但根据不同的表达方式,格式略有不同
There is some evidence (Jones, 1992) that these figures are incorrect.
(2)如果作者的姓或名字出现在正文中,则在姓或名字的后面直接加括号,写上日期Jones (1992) has provided evidence that these figures are incorrect.
(3)如果有两个作者,则都要写出来。(姓and 姓,年份)
It is claimed that government in the information age will “work better and cost less”(Bellamy and Taylor 1998, p.41).
(4)两个以上的作者,(第一个作者的姓et al. 日期)et al代表and other的意思…adoptive parents were coping better with the physical demands of parenthood and found family life more enjoyable (Levy et al. 1991).
In recent studies by Smith (1999a, 1999b, 1999c)…
Several writers (Jones 2004; Biggs 2006; Smith 2008) argue…
c.没有作者,没有organization或sponsor:(title of site网站的名称,日期)
Pepsi is a carbonated soft drink that is popular the world over. Its first appearance is in the world in 1890s. Pharmacist Calrb Bradham of New Bern, North California, is the man to be credited with the production of this drink. He introduced the drink in the name of “Brad‟s Drink”. Later, it came to be known as …Pepsi‟, probably due to the use of digestive enzymes, such as peps and kola nuts in its preparation. (Pepsi website,2011)
1.6 Explanation of sources of to be used and the reasons for their selection
Primary information consists of obtaining information that previously did not exist. It is obtained by going out into the marketplace and carrying out some sort of investigation there. Such as questionnaire, surveys, interviews.The advantage about using primary collection methods is the researchers will be presented with original and unbiased data. (Scottish Qualifications Authority, 2005a)
Secondary information uses existing information, collected originally for some other purpose and now being used a second time. Such as TV, magazines, newspaper and Internet. Advantage of secondary information is that it can provide large amounts of information quickly and cheaply. (Scottish Qualifications Authority, 2005b;
例如There is some evidence (Jones, 1992) that these figures are incorrect.
There is some evidence (Jones, n.d) that these figures are incorrect.
There is some evidence (Jones, c.1992) that these figures are incorrect.
2.Reference 页应该是放在正文的最后一页
1)书籍(不用标页码,只有journal artic le才要标注页码)
AUTHOR(S) (Y ear) Title. Edition –if not the 1st. Place of publication: Publisher. 要注意标点符号,大小写,以及斜体字
作者(年份). 书名. 版次. 出版地: 出版商
< KADOLPH, S.J. (2007) Textiles. 10th ed. New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall.
SCOTTISH QUALIFICA TIONS AUTHORITY(2005a)Business Accounting:An Introduction. 2nd ed. Beijing: China Morden Economics Publishing House
(1) 作者/ 编者项(author/ editor)
把姓放在前,名跟在其后,名要缩写的形式。如:Mary Thomson 著录为: Thomson ,M. 。如果作者有两个名(given name) ,则这两个名的缩写都得写上。如: Mary Ann Thomson 著录为:Thomson ,M. A. 。
如果有三个或三个以上的作者,则可只著录第一个作者的姓名, 跟着用etal. 表示“等等”作者。如:Mary Thomson , Tim Berry , Robin Jones 著录为:Thomson ,M. etal. 。
如果该书是编的,则要在编者后面加上ed. (一个人编) 或eds. (两个或更多人编) 。
(2) 题目项(title)
著录封面上的标题。太长的副标题可以省略不写。标题要用底(划) 线或斜体。
(3) 版本项(edition)
只有非第一版的书要著录版本项。如第二版,著录为:2nd ed. 。
a.如果是引用网页上面的electronic journal article,newspaper article or book,比如经济学
WIKI NAME. (Y ear) Title of article. [Online]. A vailable from: web address. [Accessed date].
网站名(最后编辑日期)文章名. [Online]. A vailable from: web address. [登录时间].
(2009) Secondary source - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. [online] A vailable at: /wiki/Secondary_source [Accessed: 14 Nov 2012].
Pepsico (2012) PepsiCo Brands | PepsiCo. [online] A vailable at: www.pepsico/Brands.html [Accessed: 14 Nov 2012].