公司总裁 chief executive
总经理 president;general manager
董事长 managing director;board chairman
高级顾问 senior advisor
副总经理 vice president;assistant president
总经理助理 assistant to president
执行副经理 executive vice manager
技术副经理 vice-manager-technology;technical manager
总经理 president;general manager
董事长 managing director;board chairman
高级顾问 senior advisor
副总经理 vice president;assistant president
总经理助理 assistant to president
执行副经理 executive vice manager
技术副经理 vice-manager-technology;technical manager
供应副经理 vice-manager-material
生产副经理 vice-manager-manufacturing
计划副经理 vice-manager-planning
人事副经理 vice-manager-personnel
总编辑 editor-in-chief
副主编 associate(deputy)editor
责任编辑 commissioning editor
主任 head;director
副主任 deputy director
总工程师 chief engineer
总设计师 chief designer
高级工程师 senior engineer
高级经济师 senior economist
助理工程师 assistant engineer
经济师 economist
副主任 deputy director
总工程师 chief engineer
总设计师 chief designer
高级工程师 senior engineer
高级经济师 senior economist
助理工程师 assistant engineer
经济师 economist
会计师 accountant
农艺师 agronomist
工艺师 technologist
设计师 designer
建筑师 architect
技师 technician
处长 division chief;director
科长 section chief
副科长 deputy chief
科技副县长 technical magistrate(deputy county head)
区长 administrative chief of District
乡长 administrative chief of Town
行长 president
厂长 factory director
院长 director
副科长 deputy chief
科技副县长 technical magistrate(deputy county head)
区长 administrative chief of District
乡长 administrative chief of Town
行长 president
厂长 factory director
院长 director
大学校长 president;vice-chancellor
大学副校长 vice-president;pro-vice-chancellor
中学校长 principal
小学校长 schoolmaster
教授 professor
副教授 associate professor
名誉教授 emeritus professor
客座教授 visiting professor
特级教师 special grade teacher
主治医生 physician-in-charge
内科主任 chief physician
医士 practitioner
护士长 head nurse
研究员 research fellow
主任委员 chairman
特级教师 special grade teacher
主治医生 physician-in-charge
内科主任 chief physician
医士 practitioner
护士长 head nurse
研究员 research fellow
主任委员 chairman
秘书长 secretary general
执行理事长 executive director
常务理事 standing director