这是我第一次写Chemical Communications(以下简称CC)的论文,虽然先前已有13篇1作SCI的经历,但对于这样的期刊还是不敢怠慢的,毕竟是Royal Society of Chemistry(RSC)的王牌杂志。
之后,思考我的文章的写作思路。与长文章(full paper)不同的是,最强的创新点要最先展示,让读者耳目一新,有兴趣接着读下去。接下来是次要的、再次要的等等。当然你的东西不可能完美无缺,这时最好就不要提出了,等以后写full paper时再写吧,以免引起不必要的麻烦,有时甚至是导致直接拒稿的主要原因。
1、 文章长度<3页(模版格式);
2、 要准备graphical abstract,彩图加一句话的说明;
3、 摘要也要求是一句话不超过50单词;
4、 实验过程和次要数据可放在supplementary information里;
5、 要有urgent statement;
6、 推荐2个审稿人;
7、 图的dpi至少600。
1天后文章投出,状态为editorial assessment;
12天后,状态为manuscript with referees;
经历了22天后,状态变为awaiting revised manuscript from authors;
Dear Professor ****
Communication Ref.: B813327A
Title : A novel efficient oxide electrode for electrocatalytic oxygen reduction at 400-600 oC
I have received the reports from the referees and I shall be pleased to publish your paper in ChemComm once referee B's comments have been addressed. I would be grateful if you would forward a suitably revised manuscript as soon as possible.
Please ensure that you include the following as separate files:
* Final manuscript text, preferably in Word format
*Schemes preferably as ChemDraw files. ChemDraw structures facilitate article enhancements such as those in the Prospect View, as they can be machine-processed to yield useful information. However, Chemwindow files (filename.cwg, filename.cw2), ISIS/Draw exported as sketch format (filenameskc) and ChemSketch exported in ChemDraw format (filename.cdx) may also be supplied.
* Figures, as TIFF, EPS or PDF format at greater than 600dpi.
* Graphical Abstract, this should now include a short (-30 word) statement of novelty for publication in the Contents List, and may be in colour.
* Any Electronic Supplementary Information (ESI)
* Cover Letter, this should describe any changes made in response to the referees' comments and list all the electronic files you are supplying. Please also include information on the file formats and operating system used.
If for any reason you are unable to use file upload then please send the above files, quoting your manuscript reference number, by e-mail to ****************
I shall look forward to hearing from you shortly.
Yours sincerely
Mike Brown
Report A
This is a very good paper related to material development of SOFC technology. It qualifies for publication in ChemComm with respect to novelty, significance, reliable and technical quality. It is also readable and understandable for the readers.
I recommend acceptance of this paper without any changes.
Report B
This is an interesting contribution to the field of medium temperature SOFC.
Major point: The electrode properties (e.g. the ASR) are strongly dependent on the microstructure (grain size, porosity, etc.). There is no detailed information on this which makes comparison with other electrode compounds a bit difficult.
The electrode impedance response seems to be analyzed by two '(RQ)' circuits, however, given the materials properties I would rather expect a 'Gerischer' type response ( also calle
d 'the chemical impedance' by Adler et al., ref.15). Information on the impedance dispersion should be included. The interpretation of the P(O2) dependence of the two resistances is, without further information, quite speculative.
虽然是小修改,但绝不能马虎。5天后认真写好response to referrees和Cover letter后,投修改稿,当天article accepted for publication。
:) 在小木虫上学到很多有益的东西。
editorial office也祝大家paper早日接收~
Thank you for sending your revised manuscript. On consideration of the answers to the referees comments and the changes made I am pleased to say that this has now been accepted and passed for editing. PDF proofs for correction will be sent to you by e-mail in due course. Please note that the author is responsible for the final proof-reading of manuscripts. It is imperative that you check your proofs (including any tabulated data and figures) very carefully and return corrections to the Editorial Production office within 48 hours of receipt. All corrections should be sent at the same time.
Manuscript status and log
Event Date
Article accepted for publication 04/Feb/2009
Manuscript received by Editorial Office 11/Dec/2008