british journal of cancer 审稿流程
The editorial process for the British Journal of Cancer involves several steps:
editorial office1. Submission: Authors submit their manuscripts through the journal's online submission system after carefully following the journal's submission guidelines.
2. Initial evaluation: The editorial office screens the submission to ensure that it meets the journal's scope and quality standards. If the manuscript is deemed suitable, it proceeds to the next step.
3. Peer review: The manuscript is sent to at least two expert reviewers in the field who evaluate the scientific rigor, methodology, and significance of the study. Reviewers provide their comments and recommendations on the manuscript.
4. Editorial decision: Based on the reviewers' feedback, the editor-in-chief or an associate editor makes a decision regarding the manuscript. Possible decisions include acceptance, revisions required, major revisions required, or rejection.
5. Revision: If revisions are requested, authors are given a specific timeframe to address the reviewers' comments and revise their manuscript accordingly. Revised manuscripts are then re-evaluated by the editor and potentially sent back to the reviewers.
6. Final decision: After reviewing the revised manuscript, the editor makes the final decision on whether to accept or reject the manuscript. The decision is communicated to the authors along with any further recommendations or requirements.
7. Production: If the manuscript is accepted, it undergoes the production process where it is copyedited and prepared for publication. Authors may be required to provide additional information or files.
8. Publication: The final version of the manuscript is published online on the journal's website and assigned a unique digital object identifier (DOI). It becomes accessible to the scientific community and the public.
The entire peer review and editorial process is conducted with confidentiality and with adhe
rence to ethical guidelines. The British Journal of Cancer aims to maintain a high standard of scientific publishing by ensuring rigorous evaluation and quality control of submitted manuscripts.