红警编辑地图(Red Alert map editor)
Generally do not edit map terrain by Notepad, but you can edit settings. The terrain of a map is irregular letters, symbols, and strings of numbers. Only the program of the game itself can interpret, do the arithmetic, generate the map, and play the game. If you want to change settings, you must simply learn the Rules section edit method:
Use Notepad to open the map you want to edit, and then follow the directions below to enter information at the beginning or end of the map:
For every thing you want to edit, Red Alert 2 encodes all of these things, that is, their own ID. If you want to edit something, you have to use its ID. For example, I want to edit the Soviet construction plant, so you have to type in at the beginning:
You must use the brackets in capitals and English to declare what you want to edit.
Declare the object you want to edit, and edit its properties below.
Each property has its own key value for modifying the properties of an object. For example, if you want to modify the construction cost, you have to enter the key value "Cost""
(excluding quotation marks, where C must be capitalized or
Let me give you an example.
You want to change the construction cost of the Allied combat lab to 2000, then you have to type in:
So it's done. Each corresponding object has its own ID, introduced to the landlord:
GATECH= allied operational Laboratory
GAWEAP= allied Arsenal
NAWEAP= Soviet ordnance factory
GACNST= allied construction base
NACNST= Soviet construction base
GAREFN= allied mines
The Soviet mines NAREFN=
GAOREP= allied refinery
GAYARD= allied docks
NAYARD= Soviet docks
GAAIRC= Allied air command
AMRADR= United States Air Force Command GASPYSAT= spy satellite
GAGAP= crack generator
GAPOWR= Allied Power Plant
NAPOWR= Soviet power plant
NATECH= Soviet operational Laboratory NAHAND= Soviet barracks
NACLON= replication Center
GAPILE= allied barracks
GADEPT= allied maintenance plant GAGREEN= (Unused)
GASAND= allied walls
CAFNCB= black fence (unknown)
CAFNCW= white wall (unknown) CAMEX02= Maya ruins 02
CAMEX03= Maya Temple
CAMEX04= Maya Temple (big)
CAMEX05= Maya ruins 05
CACHIG06= Chicago architecture 06 GAWALL= allied walls
GACATE_A= (Guard, Border, Crossing) NAWALL= Soviet walls
CABHUT= bridge repair hut TSTLAMP= (AlphaLightPost)
GALITE= (Light, Post)
editor at large
NEGLAMP= (Negative, Ligh, Post) INGALITE= (Invisible, Light, Post) REDLAMP= (Red, Light, Post) NEGRED= (Negative, Red, Light)
GRENLAMP= (Green, Light, Post)
BLUELAMP= (Blue, Light, Post)
YELWLAMP= (Yellow, Light, Post)
INYELWLAMP= (Invisible, Yellow, Light, Post)
PURPLAMP= (Purple, Light, Post)
INPURPLAMP= (Invisible, Purple, Light, Post)
INORANLAMP= (Orange, Light, Post)
Ingrnlmp = (invisible Green Light Post)
Inredlmp = (invisible Red Light Post)
= = = = = = = = = = = = = 建筑 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Gapowr 盟军发电厂
Garefn 盟军矿厂
Gapile 盟军兵营
Gaweap 盟军兵工厂
