[Title Page]
Article Title
Author affiliationseditor at large
Correspondence information: Corresponding author name, affiliation, detailed permanent address, email address, telephone number
(Check the Guide for authors to see the required information on the title page)
Put the title of your abstract here using both upper and lower case letters, Times New Roman, 12 pts, bold, centered, double spaced
A. Authora, B. Authorb, C. Authora,
a Department, University, Street, Postal-Code City, Country
b Laboratory, Institute, Street, Postal-Code City, Country
This general template helps you on preparing manuscript for part of Elsevier Journals. Use this document as a template if you are using Microsoft Word or later. Here comes self-contained abstract. Please read the Guide for Authors of your target journal for the requirements of Abstract. Pay special attention to the word count.
PACS(optional, as per journal):
Keywords: Keyword ; Keyword (Read the Guide for Authors for the requirements for Keywords, including number, thesaurus, and classification indications)
1. Introduction
The manuscript should be prepared and submitted according to the Guide for Authors of your taget journal. . For your convenience, brief instructions on manuscript preparation are recorded below.
Please DO consult a recent journal paper for style and conventions. You may find samples on ScienceDirect. You need to check your manuscript carefully before you submit it. The editor reserves the right to return manuscripts that do not conform to the instructions for manuscript preparation.
2. General remarks on manuscript preparation
Generally, double line spacing, 12 pts font, and Times New Roman are preferred when you type the manuscript for review. This text formatting is provided in order to facilitate referee process and is also required for proper calculation of your manuscript length. Typing your manuscript follows the order: Title, Authors, Affiliations, Abstract, Keywords, Main text, Acknowledgements (optional), References (optional), Figure captions, Figures and Tables. Please consult the Guide for Authors for the proper organization of the main text. Ensure th
at each new paragraph is clearly indicated. Some journals also require lines to be numbered throughout the manuscript. You will usually want to divide your article into numbered sections and subsections. Present figures and tables at the right places mentioned in the Guide for Authors.
Most formatting codes are removed or replaced while processing your article so there is no need for you to use excessive layout styling. Please do not use options such as automatic word breaking, double columns or automatic paragraph numbering (especially for numbered references). Do use bold face, italic, subscripts, superscripts, etc., as appropriate.
Many journals required that figures and tables to be presented on separate pages at the end of the manuscript. The preferable file formats are: EPS (for vector graphics) and TIF (for bitmaps). However, PDF and MS Office (Word, Excel, Powerpoint figures) files are also acceptable. Use file names that enable to identify their contents in terms of figure number a
nd format . , , . All artwork has to be numbered according to its sequence in the text. All of them should have captions. Colour figures in printed version require an extra fee for most journals. Generally, no vertical rules (lines) should be used in tables. Illustrations should not duplicate descriptions that appear elsewhere in the manuscript.