Designation:A106–99e1An American National Standard
Used in USDOE-NE standards
Standard Specification for
Seamless Carbon Steel Pipe for High-Temperature Service1
This standard is issued under thefixed designation A106;the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or,in the case of revision,the year of last revision.A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A
superscript epsilon(e)indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.
e1N OTE—Values in14.5.1were editorially corrected August1999.
1.1This specification2covers seamless carbon steel pipe for high-temperature service(Note1)in NPS1⁄8to NPS48 inclusive,with nominal(average)wall thickness as given in ANSI B36.10.It shall be permissible to furnish pipe having other dimensions provided such pipe complies with all other requirements of this specification.Pipe ordered under this specification shall be suitable for bending,flanging,and similar forming operations,and for welding.When the steel is to be welded,it is presupposed that a welding procedure suitable to the grade of steel and intended use or service will be utilized (Note2).
N OTE1—It is suggested,consideration be given to possible graphitiza-tion.
N OTE2—The purpose for which the pipe is to be used should be stated in the order.Grade A rather than Grade B or Grade C is the preferred grade for close coiling or cold bending.This note is not intended to prohibit the cold bending of Grade B seamless pipe.
1.2Supplementary requirements(S1to S7)of an optional nature are provided for seamless pipe intended for use in applications where a superior grade of pipe is required.These supplementary requirements call for additional tests to be made and when desired shall be so stated in the order.
1.3When these products are to be used in applications conforming to ISO Recommendations for Boiler Construction, the requirements of Specification A520(Mechanical Property Requirements Section)shall supplement and supersede the requirements of this specification.
1.4The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded as the standard.
N OTE3—The dimensionless designator NPS(nominal pipe size)has been substituted in this standard for such traditional terms as“nominal diameter,”“size,”and“nominal size.”
1.5The following precautionary caveat pertains only to the test method portion,Sections11,12,13,14,and15,of this specification:This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns,if any,associated with its use.It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.
editorially2.Referenced Documents
2.1ASTM Standards:
A520Specification for Supplementary Requirements for Seamless and Electric-Resistance-Welded Carbon Steel Tubular Products for High-Temperature Service Conform-ing to ISO Recommendations for Boiler Construction3
A530/A530M Specification for General Requirements for Specialized Carbon and Alloy Steel Pipe3
E213Practice for Ultrasonic Examination of Metal Pipe and Tubing4
E309Practice for Eddy-Current Examination of Steel Tu-bular Products Using Magnetic Saturation4
E381Method of Macroetch Testing,Inspection,and Rating Steel Products,Comprising Bars,Billets,Blooms,and Forgings5
E570Practice for Flux Leakage Examination of Ferromag-netic Steel Tubular Products4
2.2ANSI Standard:
ANSI B36.10Welded and Seamless Wrought Steel Pipe6 2.3Military Standards:
MIL-STD-129Marking for Shipment and Storage7
MIL-STD-163Steel Mill Products,Preparation for Ship-ment and Storage7
2.4Federal Standard:
Fed.Std.No.123Marking for Shipments(Civil Agencies)7 Fed.Std.No.183Continuous Identification Marking of Iron and Steel Products7
2.5Other Standards:
1This specification is under the jurisdiction of Committee A-1on Steel,Stainless Steel,and Related Alloys and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee A01.09 on Carbon Steel Tubular Products.
Current edition approved Mar.10,1999.Published May1999.Originally published as A106–26T.Last previous edition A106–97a.
2For ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code applications see related Specifi-cations SA-106in Section II of that Code.
3Annual Book of ASTM Standards,V ol01.01.
4Annual Book of ASTM Standards,V ol03.03.
5Annual Book of ASTM Standards,V ol03.01.
6Available from American National Standards Institute,11West42nd St.,13th Floor,New York,NY10036.
7Available from Standardization Documents Order Desk,Bldg.4Section D,700 Robbins Ave.,Philadelphia,PA19111-5094,Attn:NPODS.
Copyright©ASTM,100Barr Harbor Drive,West Conshohocken,PA19428-2959,United States.
SSPC-SP 6Surface Preparation Specification No.68
3.Ordering Information
3.1The inclusion of the following,as required will describe the desired material adequately,when ordered under this specification:
3.1.1Quantity (feet or number of lengths),
3.1.2Name of material (seamless carbon steel pipe),3.1.3Grade (Table 1),
3.1.4Manufacture (hot-finished or cold-drawn),
3.1.5Size (NPS and weight class or schedule number,or both;outside diameter and nominal wall thickness;or inside diameter and nominal wall thickness),
3.1.6Special outside diameter tolerance pipe (16.2.2),3.1.7Inside diameter tolerance pipe,over 10in.(254mm)ID (16.2.3),
3.1.8Length (specific or random,Section 20),
3.1.9Optional requirements (Section 9and S1to S4),3.1.10Test report required (Section on Certification of Specification A 530/A 530M),
3.1.11Specification designation,3.1.12End use of material,
3.1.13Hydrostatic test in accordance with Specification A 530/A 530M or 13.3of this specification,or NDE in accordance with Section 14of this specification.3.1.14Special requirements.
4.1The steel shall be killed steel,with the primary melting process being open-hearth,basic-oxygen,or electric-furnace,possibly combined with separate degassing or refining.If secondary melting,using electroslag remelting or vacuum-arc remelting is subsequently employed,the heat shall be defined as all of the ingots remelted from a single primary heat.
4.2Steel cast in ingots or strand cast is permissible.When steels of different grades are sequentially strand cast,identifi-cation of the resultant transition material is required.The
producer shall remove the transition material by any estab-lished procedure that positively separates the grades.
4.3For pipe NPS 11⁄2and under,it shall be permissible to furnish hot finished or cold drawn.
4.4Unless otherwise specified,pipe NPS 2and over shall be furnished hot finished.When agreed upon between the manu-facturer and the purchaser,it is permissible to furnish cold-drawn pipe.
5.Heat Treatment
5.1Hot-finished pipe need not be heat treated.Cold-drawn pipe shall be heat treated after the final cold draw pass at a temperature of 1200°F (650°C)or higher.
6.General Requirements
6.1Material furnished to this specification shall conform to the applicable requirements of the current edition of Specifi-cation A 530/A 530M unless otherwise provided herein.
7.Chemical Composition
7.1The steel shall conform to the requirements as to chemical composition prescribed in Table 1.
8.Heat Analysis
8.1An analysis of each heat of steel shall be made by the steel manufacturer to determine the percentages of the ele-ments specified in Section 7.If the secondary melting pro-cesses of 5.1are employed,the heat analysis shall be obtained from one remelted ingot or the product of one remelted ingot of each primary melt.The chemical composition thus deter-mined,or that determined from a product analysis made by the manufacturer,if the latter has not manufactured the steel,shall be reported to the purchaser or the purchaser’s representative,and shall conform to the requirements spe
cified in Section 7.9.Product Analysis
9.1At the request of the purchaser,analyses of two pipes from each lot (Note 4)of 400lengths or fraction thereof,of each size up to,but not including,NPS 6,and from each lot of 200lengths or fraction thereof of each size NPS 6and over,shall be made by the manufacturer from the finished pipe.The results of these analyses shall be reported to the purchaser or the purchaser’s representative and shall conform to the require-ments specified in Section 7.
9.2If the analysis of one of the tests specified in 9.1does not conform to the requirements specified in Section 7,analyses shall be made on additional pipes of double the original number from the same lot,each of which shall conform to requirements specified.
N OTE 4—A lot shall consist of the number of lengths specified in Sections 9and 21of the same size and wall thickness from any one heat of steel.
10.Tensile Requirements
10.1The material shall conform to the requirements as to tensile properties prescribed in Table 2.Computed elongation values are contained in Table 3and Table 4.
Available from Steel Structures Painting Council,44005th Ave.,Pittsburgh,PA 15213-2683.
TABLE 1Chemical Requirements
Grade A
Grade B Grade C Carbon,max A 0.250.300.35Manganese
0.27–0.930.29–1.060.29–1.06Phosphorus,max 0.0350.0350.035Sulfur,max 0.0350.0350.035Silicon,min,max B 0.400.400.40Copper,max B
0.400.400.40Molybdenum,max B,max B
0.400.400.40Vanadium,max B
For each reduction of 0.01%below the specified carbon maximum,an increase of 0.06%manganese above the specified maximum will be permitted up to a maximum of 1.35%.B
These five elements combined shall not exceed 1%.
TABLE 4Elongation Values
Area,in.2A Tension Test Specimen Wall Thickness,in.B
Elongation in 2in.min.,Specified Tensile Strength,psi
Grade A
Grade B
Grade C
1/2in.Specimen 3/4in.Specimen 1in.Specimen 11/2in.Specimen
480006000070000$0.75$1.491$0.994$0.746$0.49736.029.525.50.74  1.470–1.4900.980–0.9930.735–0.7450.490–0.49636.029.525.50.73  1.451–1.4690.967–0.9790.726–0.7340.484–0.48936.029.525.50.72  1.430–1.4500.954–0.9660.715–0.7250.477–0.48336.029.525.50.71  1.411–1.4290.941–0.9530.706–0.7140.471–0.47635.529.025.50.70  1.390–1.4100.927–0.9400.695–0.7050.464–0.47035.529.025.50.69  1.371–1.3890.914–0.9260.686–0.6940.457–0.46335.529.025.50.68  1.350–1.3700.900–0.9130.675–0.6850.450–0.45635.529.025.00.67  1.331–1.3490.887–0.8990.666–0.6740.444–0.44935.529.025.00.66  1.310–1.3300.874–0.8860.655–0.6650.437–0.44335.  1.291–1.3090.861–0.8730.646–0.6540.431–0.43635.028.525.00.64  1.270–1.2900.847–0.8600.635–0.6450.424–0.43035.028.525.00.63  1.251–1.2690.834–0.8460.626–0.6340.417–0.42335.028.525.00.62
TABLE 2Tensile Requirements
Grade A (Explanatory Note 2)
Grade B Grade C
Tensile strength,min,psi (MPa)Yield strength,min,psi (MPa)
Transverse Longitu-dinal Transverse Longitu-dinal Transverse
Elongation 50mm,min,%:
Basic minimum elongation transverse strip tests,and for all small sizes tested in full section
35253016.53016.5When standard 50-mm gage length test specimen is used
12For longitudinal strip tests
A ,B
A ,B
A ,B
For transverse strip tests,a deduction for each 1/32-in.(0.8-mm)decrease in wall thickness below 5/16in.(7.9mm)from the basic
minimum elongation of the following percentage shall be made
The minimum elogation in 2in.(50.8mm)shall be determined by the following equation:
e 5625000A 0.2/
U 0.9
e 5minimum elongation in 2in.(50.8mm),%,rounded to the nearest 0.5%
A 5cross-sectional area of the tension test specimen,in.2,based on specified outside diameter or nominal specimen width and specified wall thickness rounded to
the nearest 0.01in.2(if the area thus caluclated is greater than the value 0.75in.2shall be used),and
U 5specified tensile strength,psi.
B See Table 4for minimum elongation values for various size tension specimens and grades.C
Table 3gives the computed minimum values:
TABLE 3Computed Transverse Elongation A
Wall Thickness
Elongation 50mm,min,%
mm Grade A,Transverse
Grades B and C,Transverse
This table gives the computed minimum elongation values for each 1/32-in.(0.8-mm)decrease in wall thickness.Where the wall thickness lies between two values shown above,the minimum elongation value is determined by the following equation:
Grade Direction of Test
Equation A B and C
Transverse Transverse
E 540t +12.50E 532t
+  6.50
where:E 5elongation 50mm,%,and t 5actual thickness of specimen,in.
Tension Test Specimen Wall Thickness,in.B
Elongation in2in.min.,Specified Tensile Strength,psi
Grade A Grade B
Grade C 1/2in.Specimen3/4in.Specimen1in.Specimen11/2in.Specimen480006000070000
0.61  1.211–1.2290.807–0.8190.606–0.6140.404–0.40934.528.524.5 0.60  1.190–1.2100.794–0.8060.595–0.6050.397–0.40334.528.524.5 0.59  1.171–1.1890.781–0.7930.586–0.5940.391–0.39634.528.024.5 0.58  1.150–1.1700.767–0.7800.575–0.5850.384–0.39034.528.024.5 0.57  1.131–1.1490.754–0.7660.566–0.5740.377–0.38334.028.024.5 0.56  1.110–1.1300.740–0.7530.555–0.5650.
370–0.37634.028.024.5 0.55  1.091–1.1090.727–0.7390.546–0.5540.364–0.36934.028.024.9 0.54  1.070–1.0900.714–0.7260.535–0.5450.357–0.36334.027.524.0 0.53  1.051–1.0690.701–0.7130.526–0.5340.351–0.35633.527.524.0 0.52  1.030–1.0500.687–0.7000.515–0.5250.344–0.35033.527.524.0 0.51  1.011–1.0290.674–0.6860.506–0.5140.337–0.34333.527.524.0 0.500.990–1.0100.660–0.6730.495–0.5050.330–0.33633.527.023.5 0.490.971–0.9890.647–0.6590.486–0.4940.324–0.32933.027.023.5 0.480.950–0.9700.634–0.6460.475–0.4850.317–0.32333.027.023.5 0.470.931–0.9490.621–0.6330.466–0.4740.311–0.31633.027.023.5 0.460.910–0.9300.607–0.6200.455–0.4650.304–0.31033.027.023.5 0.450.891–0.9090.594–0.6060.446–0.4540.297–0.30332.526.523.0 0.440.870–0.8900.580–0.5930.435–0.4450.290–0.29632.526.523.0 0.430.851–0.8690.567–0.5790.426–0.4340.284–0.28932.526.523.0 0.420.830–0.8500.554–0.5660.415–0.4250.277–0.28332.026.523.0 0.410.811–0.8290.541–0.5530.406–0.4140.271–0.27632.026.023.0 0.400.790–0.8100.527–0.5400.395–0.4050.264–0.27032.026.022.5 0.390.771–0.7890.514–0.5260.386–0.3940.257–0.26331.526.022.5 0.380.750–0.7700.500–0.5130.375–0.3850.250–0.25631.526.022.5 0.370.731–0.7490.487–0.4990.366–0.3740.244–0.24931.525.522.5 0.360.710–0.7300.474–0.4860.355–0.3650.237–0.24331.025.522.0 0.350.691–0.7090.461–0.4730.346–0.3540.231–0.23631.025.522.0 0.340.670–0.6900.447–0.4600.335–0.3450.224–0.23031.025.022.0 0.330.651–0.6690.434–0.4460.326–0.3340.217–0.22330.525.022.0 0.320.630–0.6500.420–0.4330.315–0.3250.2
10–0.21630.525.021.5 0.310.611–0.6290.407–0.4190.306–0.3140.204–0.20930.525.021.5 0.300.590–0.6100.394–0.4060.295–0.3050.197–0.20330.024.521.5 0.290.571–0.5890.381–0.3930.286–0.2940.191–0.19630.024.521.5 0.280.550–0.5700.367–0.3800.275–0.2850.184–0.19029.524.521.0 0.270.531–0.5490.354–0.3660.266–0.2740.177–0.18329.524.021.0 0.260.510–0.5300.340–0.3530.255–0.2650.170–0.17629.024.021.0 0.250.491–0.5090.327–0.3390.246–0.2540.164–0.16929.023.520.5 0.240.470–0.4900.314–0.3260.235–0.2450.157–0.16329.023.520.5 0.230.451–0.4690.301–0.3130.226–0.2340.151–0.15628.523.520.5 0.220.430–0.4500.287–0.3000.215–0.2250.144–0.15028.523.020.0 0.210.411–0.4290.274–0.2860.206–0.2140.137–0.14328.023.020.0 0.200.390–0.4100.260–0.2730.195–0.2050.130–0.13627.522.519.5 0.190.371–0.3890.247–0.2590.186–0.1940.124–0.12927.522.519.5 0.180.350–0.3700.234–0.2460.175–0.1850.117–0.12327.022.019.5 0.170.331–0.3490.221–0.2330.166–0.1740.111–0.11627.022.019.0 0.160.310–0.3300.207–0.2200.155–0.1650.104–0.11026.521.519.0 0.150.291–0.3090.194–0.2060.146–0.1540.097–0.10326.021.518.5 0.140.270–0.2900.180–0.1930.135–0.1450.091–0.09626.021.018.5 0.130.251–0.2690.167–0.1790.126–0.1340.084–0.09025.521.018.0 0.120.230–0.2500.154–0.1660.115–0.1250.077–0.08325.020.518.0 0.110.211–0.2290.141–0.1530.106–0.1140.071–0.07624.520.017.5 0.100.190–0.2100.127–0.1400.095–0.1050.064–0.07024.019.517.0 0.090.171–0.1890.114–0.1260.086–0.0940.057–0.06323.519.517.0 0.080.150–0.1700.100–0.1130.07
5–0.0850.050–0.05623.019.016.5 0.070.131–0.1490.087–0.0990.066–0.0740.044–0.04922.518.516.0 0.060.110–0.1300.074–0.0860.055–0.0650.037–0.04322.018.015.5 0.050.091–0.1090.061–0.0730.046–0.0540.031–0.03621.017.015.0 0.040.070–0.0900.047–0.0600.035–0.0450.024–0.03020.016.514.5 0.030.051–0.0690.034–0.0460.026–0.0340.017–0.02319.015.513.5 0.020.030–0.0500.020–0.0330.015–0.0250.010–0.01617.514.512.5 #0.01#0.029#0.019#0.014#0.00915.012.511.0 A1in.25645.16mm2.
11.Bending Requirements
11.1For pipe NPS2and under a sufficient length of pipe shall stand being bent cold through90°around a cylindrical mandrel,the diameter of which is twelve times the outside diameter(as shown in ANSI B36.10)of the pipe,without developing cracks.When ordered for close coiling(Note
the pipe shall stand being bent cold through180°around a cylindrical mandrel,the diameter of which is eight times the outside diameter(as shown in ANSI B36.10)of the pipe, without failure.
11.2Subject to the approval of the purchaser,for pipe whose diameter exceeds10in.(254mm),it shall be permis-sible for the bend test to be substituted for theflattening test described in Section12.The bend test specimens shall be bent at room temperature through180°with the inside diameter of the bend being1in.(25.4mm),without cracking on the outside portion of the bent portion.
11.3For pipe whose diameter exceeds25in.(635mm)and whose diameter to wall thickness ratio is7.0or less,the bend test described in11.2shall be conducted instead of the flattening test.
N OTE5—Diameter to wall thickness ratio5specified outside diameter/ nominal wall thickness.
Example:For28in.diameter5.000in.thick pipe the diameter to wall thickness ratio528/555.6.
12.Flattening Tests
12.1Except as allowed by11.2,for pipe over NPS2,a section of pipe not less than21⁄2in.(63.5mm)in length shall beflattened cold between parallel plates until the opposite walls of the pipe meet.Flattening tests shall be in accordance with Specification A530/A530M,except that in the formula used to calculat
e the“H”value,the following“e”constants shall be used:
0.08for Grade A
0.07for Grades B and C
12.2When low D-to-t ratio tubulars are tested,because the strain imposed due to geometry is unreasonably high on the inside surface at the six and twelve o’clock locations,cracks at these locations shall not be cause for rejection if the D-to-t ratio is less than ten.
N OTE6—The H values have been calculated for sizes from NPS21⁄2to 24,inclusive,and are shown in Table X1.1of this specification.
13.Hydrostatic Test
13.1Each length of pipe shall withstand without leakage through the pipe wall,a hydrostatic test,except as provided for in13.2,13.3,and13.4.
13.2When specified by the purchaser,it shall be permis-sible for pipe to be tested by the nondestructive electric test described in Section14in lieu of the hydrostatic test.
13.3When specified in the order,pipe shall be furnished without hydrostatic test and without the NDE in Section14.In this case,each length so furnished shall include the mandatory marking of the letters“NH.”
13.4When the hydrostatic test and the NDE test are omitted and the lengths marked with the letters“NH,”the certification, when required,shall clearly state“Not Hydro Statically Tested,”the specification number and material grade,as shown on the certification,shall be followed by the letters“NH.”14.Nondestructive Electric Test
14.1When allowed by13.2,each pipe shall be tested with
a nondestructive electric test in accordance with Practice E213,Practice E309,or Practice E570.In such cases,the marking of each length of pipe so furnished shall include the letters“NDE.”It is the intent of this test to reject pipe with imperfections that produce test signals equal or greater than that of the calibration standard.
14.2When the nondestructive electric test is performed,the lengths shall be marked with the letters“NDE.”The certifica-tion,when required,shall state“Nondestructive Electric Tested”and shall indicate which of the tests was applied.Also the letters“NDE”shall be appended to the product specifica-tion number and material grade shown on the certification. 14.3The following information is fo
r the benefit of the user of this specification:
14.3.1The reference standards defined in14.4through14.6 are convenient standards for calibration of nondestructive testing equipment.The dimensions of such standards are not to be construed as the minimum sizes of imperfections detectable by such equipment.
14.3.2The ultrasonic testing referred to in this specification is capable of detecting the presence and location of significant longitudinally or circumferentially oriented imperfections: however,different techniques need to be employed for the detection of such differently oriented imperfections.Ultrasonic testing is not necessarily capable of detecting short,deep imperfections.
14.3.3The eddy current examination referenced in this specification has the capability of detecting significant imper-fections,especially of the short abrupt type.
14.3.4Theflux leakage examination referred to in this specification is capable of detecting the presence and location of significant longitudinally or transversely oriented imperfec-tions:however,different techniques need to be employed for the detection of such differently oriented imperfections. 14.3.5The hydrostatic test referred to in Section13has the capability offinding defects of a size permitting the testfluid to leak through the tube wall and may be either visually seen or detected by a loss of pressure.
Hydrostatic testing is not necessarily capable of detecting very tight,through-the-wall imperfections or imperfections that extend an appreciable distance into the wall without complete penetration.
14.3.6A purchaser interested in ascertaining the nature (type,size,location,and orientation)of discontinuities that can be detected in the specific applications of these examinations is directed to discuss this with the manufacturer of the tubular product.
14.4For ultrasonic testing,the calibration reference notches shall be,at the option of the producer,any one of the three common notch shapes shown in Practice E213.The depth of notch shall not exceed121⁄2%of the specified wall thickness of the pipe or0.004in.(0.102mm),whichever is greater.
14.5For eddy current testing,the calibration pipe shall contain,at the option of the producer,any one of the following discontinuities to establish a minimum sensitivity level for rejection:
14.5.1Drilled Hole—The calibration pipe shall contain depending upon the pipe diameter three holes spaced120°apart or four holes spaced90°apart and sufficiently separated longitudinally to ensure separately distinguishable responses. The holes shall be drilled radially and completely through
