1.(2017•淄博)Betsy was born in Brooklyn,New York.Most of her childhood was spent in New York City,in a house filled(50)with books.It was then that she grew to love books and reading.
editor的名词和动词形式Before she became a(51)writer(write),Betsy taught kindergarten(幼儿园)and first grade.The best part of the school day for her(52)was(be)story time,when she could share her favorite books with the class.She decided(53)to try(try)writing her own children's books after she met her husband,illustrator(插画家)Giulio.Together,they have (54)created(create)many books.She writes the words,(55)and he draws the pictures.
Betsy believes that writers should always edit(编辑)their own work and then ask someone else to look it over."Your editor can be your teacher,one of your parents,(56)or older brother or sister,or someone in your class who is good at writing.Your editor will see your work(57)differently(different)from the way you see it,so you will get a new point of view(见解)."
Betsy and her husband like to travel,and they sometimes do research for their books on (58)their(t
hey)trips.They also enjoy talking to students when they visit schools and(59)libraries(library).
【解答】50.with 考查介词,根据题干中的filled装满,可知应该和介词with连用,filled with装满了…,故填with.
51.writer 考查名词,根据she became a她成为一个…可知后面是一个名词,把write变成名词writer,句意"她是一个作家",故填writer.
52.was 考查动词,根据文章语境,可知是一般过去时,主语是The best part of the school day 她Ianwas.学校生活最好的一部分,是单数,所以动词要用三单式,故填was.53.to try 考查动词,根据空格前的decided,可知decide to do决定做某事,是固定搭配,故填to try.
54.created 考查动词,根据空格钱的助动词have,可知题干是现在完成时,have/has+过去分词,故填created.
55.and 考查连词,根据前文She writes the words,她写词,后文he draws the pictures他画图,可知前后是并列关系,故填and.
56.or 考查连词,根据后文or sister,or someone in your class who is good at writing或者妹,或者
57.differently 考查副词,根据Your editor will see your work你的编辑看待你的工作,可知此处是副词修饰动词see,故要把different变成副词differently,故填differently.58.their 考查代词,根据空格后的名词trips旅行,可知名词前面要用形容词性物主代词,they对应their,故填their.
59.libraries 考查名词,根据and前是名词复数schools,可知此处表示复数概念,library 也用复数形式,故填libraries.
2.(2016•淄博)In 1990.when I (50)was(be)nine years old.I wanted very much to find (51)a pen friend.I found Ashley's address in a magazine,and decided (52)to write(write)to her.
I sent off my letter with a little hope.V ery quickly.I received her letter.(53)To my
surprise.Ashley was only one month (54)older(old)than me.I learned some new expressions from her.1 (55)really(real)liked this new friend.
Letter after letter,year after year,Ashley and I continued to write to one another.A letter would be received and I'd write back right away.We would send each other birthday and Christmas (56)gifts
Eight years later,my parents decided it was time (57)for me to meet this friend.They drove me down to Mississippi for a few days.We (58)had(have)a fun time together.We did the things that teenage girls love to do.
Twenty﹣five years after the (59)first(one)letter.Ashley and I still have an amazing friendship.Although we don't write letters now.we communicate through mobile phones and the Internet.
【解答】50:was 考查be动词的时态根据"In 1990"可知,这句话的时态为一般过去时.又因主语是"I",所以此处应用am的过去式,故答案为was
51:a 考查冠词根据名词"pen friend"为可数名词单数形式可知,此处应用不定冠词修饰.又因pen是以辅音音素开头的单词,故此处答案为a
52:to write 考查动词形式根据动词"decided"可知,此处考查的是动词短语"decide to
do sth 决定做…",所以此处应该用动词的不定式,答案为to write
53:To 考查介词根据现有词语"_ my surprise"可知,此处考查短语"to one's surprise 令某人惊讶的是…",所以此处应用介词to,因to位于句首,所以首字母应该大写,答案为To
54:older 考查形容词的比较级根据"than me"可知,此处应该用形容词的比较级形式.old的比较级为older,故答案为older
55:really 考查副词根据"liked"可知,应填词语修饰动词,所以此处应填词语为副词,real的副词形式为really,故答案为really
56:gifts 考查名词根据"birthday and Christmas"可知,礼物不止一份,所以此处应该用gift的复数形式,答案为gifts
57:for 考查介词根据现有句子可知,这里考查的是句型:It is…for sb to do sth,for 在这里意为"对…来说",故答案为for
58:had 考查动词形式根据上句"They drove me down to Mississippi for a few days"可知,事情发生在过去,所以此处应该用have的过去式,答案为had
59:first 考查序数词根据句意"从_信开始已经过去25年了"及提示词可知,此处意为"第一",所以这里应该用one的序数词形式,答案为first
3.(2018•淄博)Playgrounds in schools and parks are usually built to be safe enough.Most of the safety rules were created(1)in the 1980s,after a few accidents happened on playgrounds.Some children were hurt(2)seriously(serious)in these accidents.Their parents said the playgrounds weren't safe enough,and that the bosses that owned the playground(3)had(have)to pay much money to those parents.After that,schools and cities began changing playgrounds to make them as safe(4)as possible.But safe playgrounds have not really made a(5)difference(different)in the accidents.In fact,there have been more accidents where children have broken an arm or a leg.Some experts believe that this is because children can learn to be careful only(6)when they are in danger.
Children should do things that seem a little dangerous﹣﹣﹣like climbing trees,riding bikes really fast or playing near water.Those things can teach(7)them(they)how to keep safe.When children have small accident,they learn how(8)to aviod(avoid)
worse accidents.
If children(9)are allowed(allow)to take some risks,they can become confident and independent.They also get better at problem﹣solving and teamwork.Many experts also believe tha
t "safe" playground are too boring.They say that if playgrounds were more challenging and(10)exciting(excite),kids would probably get more exercise.
【解答】1.in.考查介词.在哪个世纪哪个年代用介词in,此题是在20世纪八十年代in the 1980s,故答案是in.
2.seriously.考查副词.副词修饰动词,此题中hurt是动词,因此填副词seriously.3.had.考查动词.根据前面的weren't,可知是一般过去时态,因此答案是had.4.as.考查副词.此题考查固定表达as…as.意思是和…一样,因此填as.5.difference.考查名词.此题考查固定表达.产生作用,有影响make a difference.因此,答案是名词形式difference.
7.them.考查代词.此题中teach是动词,后面加人称代词宾格形式,因此答案是them.8.to aviod.考查动词.此题考查固定表达,学习如何去做某事learn how to do.因此答案是to avoid.
9.are allowed.考查动词.根据意思,如果孩子们被允许去冒一些险,被动语态,一般现在时态,主语是复数,故答案是are allowed.
