What does the status of my submission mean in EVISE?
Status | Description |
Submission Initiated | The Author has initiated a submisѕion, but has not yet completed it. This submisѕion and its status is only visible for the author. |
With Journal | The submisѕion has been received by the journal, but has not yet been assigned to an Editor. |
No Editor Invited | An Editor has not yet been invited to handle the submisѕion. |
Editor Invited | An Editor has been invited to handle the submisѕion. |
With Editor | The submisѕion has been assigned to an Editor. |
Reviewer Invited | At least one Reviewer has been invited to review the submisѕion, but none have yet accepted to review. |
Under Review | At least one Reviewer has accepted to review the submisѕion, however the required number of reviews for the submisѕion have not yet been received. |
Ready for Decision | The required number of reviews for the submisѕion have been completed. |
Decision Pending | The handling Editor has submitted a decision and the submisѕion is now pending the higher level Editor's decision. |
Decision in Progress | The final Handling Editor in a journal with split decision and author notification tasks has submitted a decision but the Administrative Editor has not yet notified the author. |
Rejected | The Editor has submitted a reject decision to the Author. |
Accepted | The Editor has submitted an accept decision to the Author, but the submisѕion has not yet been sent to Production. |
Sent to Production | 爱思唯尔with editorThe accepted submisѕion has been sent to Production. |
Transmittal Failed | The submisѕion has not reached Production although the send to Production task has been completed. |
Resubmisѕion Requested | The submisѕion has been sent back to the Author. |
Under Resubmisѕion | The Author has initiated a resubmisѕion, but has not yet completed it. |
Declined to Resubmit | The Author has declined to resubmit their submisѕion. |
Revision Requested | The Editor has submitted a revise decision to the Author, who has not yet agreed or declined to revise. |
Submit Revision | The Author has initiated a revision, but has not yet completed it. This revision and its status is only visible for the author. |
Under Revision | The Author has agreed to revise their submisѕion. |
Declined to Revise | The Author has declined to revise their submisѕion. |
Withdrawn | The submisѕion has been withdrawn from the journal. |
In Copy Editing | The submisѕion has been assigned to a Copy Editor. |
Article Transfer Offered | The Editor has submitted a reject and offer transfer decision to the Author, who has not yet accepted or declined the Article Transfer Service offer. |
Transferred | The Author has accepted a transfer offer and the submisѕion has been transferred to another journal. |
Not Transferred | The Author has declined a transfer offer and the submisѕion has not been transferred. |