How to Work From Home
By Kenneth R. Rosen
Here is a modest guide to becoming a successful remote employee, a culmination of what I’ve learned along the way.
Don’t sleep where you work. Whether it’s a rented office space or a den converted into a home office or a cabin in the woods for that matter, find a space away from your bedroom to
Get into your groove. “Having a consistent schedule and being kind of strict about it is really useful for drawing outlines around your time so that you can keep things balanced for both work and play,” said Jacqui Cheng, editor in chief of Wirecutter, and someone who’s worked from home full time for over 12 years.
Plan against distractions. Set boundaries if you’re working at home by explaining to family members or children that your work area is off limits, and they should avoid interrupting unless it’s important.
Trying to mix work and free time runs the danger of never quite powering down or shutting off, and can lead to burnout and depression from feeling like you’re always on and available. To boot, your friends and family miss out on the time you would spend with them if you worked in an office instead of at home. Make sure to enforce your boundaries.
1.modest [ˈmɒdɪst] adj. ___________________________
2.culmination [ˌkʌlmɪˈneɪʃən] n. ___________________________
3.den [den] n. ___________________________
4.convert [kənˈvɜːt] vt. ___________________________
5.cabin [ˈkæbɪn] n. ___________________________
6.consistent [kənˈsɪstənt] adj. ___________________________
7.burnout [ˈbɜ:nˌɑʊt] n. ___________________________

Humour is the most effective, yet frequently neglected, means of handling the difficult situations in our lives. It can be used for patching up differences, apologizing, saying “no”, criticizing, and getting the other fellow to do what you want without his losing face. For some jobs, it is the only tool that can succeed. It is a way to discuss sensitive subjects because a serious dialogue may start a riot. For example, many believe that comedians on television are doing more today for racial and religious tolerance than people in any other forum.
Humour is often the best way to keep a small misunderstanding from escalating (升级) into a big deal. Recently a neighbor of mine had a quarrel with his wife as she drove him to the airport. Airborne, he felt miserable, and he knew she did, too. Two hours after she returned home, she received a long-distance phone call. “Person-to-person for Mrs.I.A.Pologize.” intoned the operator. “That’s spelled ‘P’ ” In a twinkling (眨眼间), the whole day changed from bad to lovely at both ends of the wire.
