Unit 2 I believe that the world is what you think it is.
1The sky is blue and the sunshine is b________.I feel very comfortable.
2—Do you believe what he said?
—Yes, he's my best friend and I t________ him.
3He's lived in the city for many years and has a large c________ of friends here.
4She mended a broken dish with________(胶水).
5I think friendship is a hidden ________(珍宝). We'll benefit(获益) from it.
6The boy was afraid ________ (see) his father because he didn't pass the exam.
7When I walked past the room, I heard Mary ________(sing) in it.
8He didn't remember ________ (smile) at me.
9—How do you feel when you watch the national flag go up?
—It makes me ________(feel) very proud.
10All the animals can't live ________(with) water or air.
include, believe, lonely, worry about, day by day
11.The leaves on the tree are getting yellow ____________.
12Grandpa lives in the old house alone. He feels very ____________.
13A good breakfast should ____________ milk, eggs, fruit and vegetables.
14Please ____________ me. I can do the work very well.
15Don't ____________ him. He'll be all right soon.
(  )16.The maths teacher came in, ________ a smile ________ his face.
Aon; with  B.with; on
Cwith; in  D.in; on
(  )17. ________ I ask you to do something, you always refuse.
AEvery time  B.Every hour
CEvery minute  D.Every moment
(  )18.The article gives students some ________ about how to stay safe online.
Asuggestions  B.activities
Cdecisions  D.advantages
(  )19.—How are you today, Tom?
—I'm even ________. I don't think this medicine is good for me.
Aworse  B.badly
Cbetter  D.well
(  )20.—How strange! You sit in your room ________ for a long time, Li Ming.
—I just want to be quiet for a while. I'm sorry, Dad. I failed the test again.
Ain silence  B.in person
Cin public  D.in fact
Lucy looked very shy when she first stood in front of Mrs Campbell's class. It was Monday. After 21.________(introduce) her to the class, the teacher told her to sit at a two­student desk that was empty(空的). She went to the desk 22.________ silence. She was the only one without a desk partner. She knew nobody there. She didn't feel sure of 23.________(her), and she didn't know 24.________ the others wanted to make friends with her or not, so she was very lonely. She didn't think that they would include her in their circle of friends. She didn't know how 25.________(treat) them. But Mrs Campbell gave her some 26.________(suggest). She encouraged her to join them. When she joined them, some students explained that they expected to make 27.________(friend) with her. They regretted not being very friendly to her at 28.________(one). Day by day, something different happened. 29.________ few days later, they stuck together like glue. She had a great time in the new school. Other people often saw that there was a bright smile on 30.________(Lucy) face.
.6.to see
.11.day by day
15.worry about
18A 考查名词词义辨析。句意:这篇文章给学生们提供了如何保证上网安全的建议。suggestion意为“建议”;activity意为“活动”;decision意为“决定”;advantage意为“优点”。根据语境可知此处表示“给学生提出建议”。故选A。
19A 考查形容词比较等级的用法。句意:“汤姆你今天怎么样?”“我感觉甚至更糟糕了。我认为这种药对我没有益处。”由答语I don't think this medicine is good for me.”可推知此处表示“感觉更差”副词even意为“甚至”修饰形容词bad的比较级worse(更差的;更糟糕的)。故选A。
20A 考查介词短语辨析。句意:“真奇怪啊!李明你默默地坐在房间里好长时间了。”“我就想安静一会儿。抱歉爸爸。我又一次考试失败了!”in silence意为“沉默地”;in person意为“亲自”;in public意为“公开地;当众”;in fact意为“实际上”。根据“just want to be quiet for a while”可知用in silence。故选A。
25.to treat 
外研版八年级下册Module10  Unit2 基础知识点测试
1. He left school and began work ________ twelve.
A. at the age ofB. at the beginning of
C. at the top ofD. at the bottom of
2. —Has Mike received his mother's mail?
—Yes, he signed for it ________ this morning.
A. in personB. in fact     
C. in silence
3. —How well she sings!
—Yes, she has a very beautiful ________.
A. voiceB. sound 
C. noiseD. laughter
4. I'm afraid to ________ from the top of the mountain.
A. look outB. look up 
C. look downD. look for
5. It ________ that Joan had no chance to be a teacher at that moment.
editor的汉语A. tastedB. looked 
C. seemedD. smelt
6. —What's the meaning of “OneBeltandOneRoad”?
—Let me ________ the words in the new dictionary.
A. look atB. look for   
C. look afterD. look up
7. —Books are our friends. ________ do you read books?
—I read books every day.
A. How oftenB. How soon   
C. How long
8. The teacher seemed ________ what had happened, but he said nothing.
