Unit 2 Fill out our form and come to learn English in Los Angeles!
1.Many foreign ________ like to come to our city to enjoy the delicious Chinese food.
2The game begins at ten o'clock, and it ________ for two hours.
3David really values your ________ more than anything else.
4The blind(盲的) woman needs a well ________ dog.
5All the students will be able to take part in different ________.
Hu Qiang ________ ________ ________ with the help of his teachers last term.
Many countries have ________ ________ ________ ________ China.
He ________ ________ drive us to the airport yesterday, but we ________ to take a taxi there.
We are ________ ________ get used to the city's ________ ________ day by day.
I ________ ________ ________ the new house already.
11The school provides books and computers for the students.(改为同义句)
The school ________ the students ________ books and computers.
12The course lasts for_eight_weeks. (对画线部分提问) 
________ ________ does the course last?
13We have many things to do in Los Angeles.(改为同义句)
________ ________ many things for us ________ ________ in Los Angeles.
14It's three years since the old lady moved to America. (改为同义句)
The old lady ________ ________ ________ America for three years.
15I like yellow better than red.(改为同义句)
I ________ yellow ________ red.
Hi! Lingling
Thank you for your email. I'm very happy that we met each other on the Internet. __16__ are your English classes going? Have you learned a lot? In Canada, students learn a foreign language, too. Most English­speaking students learn French. In my school we can choose __17__ Chinese or French, or both. I chose to learn Chinese. I have a lot of Chinese friends. My sister is also learning Chinese. This way we can talk to each other in Chinese and our parents won't __18__. In Vancouver, my home town, there are a lot of __19__ schools. If someone wants to learn a foreign language, he can go to these schools after regular classes. Most of these schools offer Chinese classes, and many Chinese parents __20__ their children to Chinese language schools so they won't __21__ their native language. You told me that learning English is __22__. I don't think learning any foreign language is  easy. Chinese is also difficult for me, editor的汉语but we shouldn't __23__. Next time I send you an email, I'll try to write in __24__ and you can reply in English. This way, we'll help each other  learn a foreign language! I'd like to know more __25__ what it is like to learn English in China. Could you please tell me about it? I'm looking forward to reading
your email.
(  )16.A.Where  B.WhenCHow  D.What
(  )17.A.other  B.eitherCneither  D.both
(  )18.A.understand  B.hearCstudy  D.learn
(  )19.A.sports  B.artClanguage  D.music
(  )20.A.send  B.talkCcollectD.give
(  )21.A.remember  B.forgetCwrite  D.laugh
(  )22.A.easy  B.difficultCinteresting  D.bad
(  )23.A.give up  B.turn downCgo over  D.get up
(  )24.A.English  B.FrenchCChinese  D.Japanese
(  )25.A.about  BoveCfrom  D.in
.6.made great progress
7formed close friendships with
8offered to; preferred
9certain to; daily life
10have paid for
.11.provides; with 
12.How long
13There are; to do 
14.has been in
15prefer; to
17B 考查连词。句意:在我的学校我们可以选择汉语或法语或两者都选。either…or…意为“要么……要么……”。故选B。
19C 考查名词。由下句可知如果某个人想要学习外语他上完常规的课程后可以去这些学校。故判断本句句意为“在我的家乡有许多语言学校”。language意为“语言”。故选C。
21B 考查动词。remember意为“记住”;forget意为“忘记”;write意为“写”;laugh意为“笑”。句意:许多中国父母送他们孩子到汉语学校学习以便他们不会忘记母语。故B。
22B 考查形容词。联系下句可知玲玲认为学习英语很困难。easy意为“容易的”;difficult意为“困难的”;interesting意为“有趣的”;bad意为“坏的”。故选B。
23A 考查动词短语。句意:汉语对我来说也很困难但是我们不应该放弃。give up意为“放弃”;turn down意为“拒绝”;go over意为“复习”;get up意为“起床”。故选A。
外研版八年级下册Module10  Unit2 基础知识点测试
1. He left school and began work ________ twelve.
A. at the age ofB. at the beginning of
C. at the top ofD. at the bottom of
2. —Has Mike received his mother's mail?
—Yes, he signed for it ________ this morning.
A. in personB. in fact     
C. in silence
3. —How well she sings!
—Yes, she has a very beautiful ________.
A. voiceB. sound 
C. noiseD. laughter
4. I'm afraid to ________ from the top of the mountain.
A. look outB. look up 
C. look downD. look for
5. It ________ that Joan had no chance to be a teacher at that moment.
A. tastedB. looked 
C. seemedD. smelt
6. —What's the meaning of “OneBeltandOneRoad”?
—Let me ________ the words in the new dictionary.
A. look atB. look for   
C. look afterD. look up
7. —Books are our friends. ________ do you read books?
—I read books every day.
A. How oftenB. How soon   
C. How long
8. The teacher seemed ________ what had happened, but he said nothing.
A. to knowB. knows     
C. knowD. knew
9. —I'm sorry, Miss Green. I left my math book at home.
—It doesn't matter. Please remember ________ it here tomorrow.
A. takingB. to take           
C. bringingD. to bring
10. —Excuse me, how long will it take me to get to the post office?
—Well, it depends on________.
A. how you will get there 
B. when you will get there
C. where you will get   
D. how will you get there
11. Adam seemed to come to school by bus today. (改为同义句)
