Contract Title 合同标题 | ||||||||||
Shanghai Secco Petrochemical Company Limited 上海赛科石油化工有限责任公司 | ||||||||||
Integrated Project Management Team 一体化项目管理组 | ||||||||||
Caojing, Shanghai, P R China 中国 上海 漕泾 | ||||||||||
Document Title 文件标题 | ||||||||||
Piping Construction Quality Management Detail Rules 管道工程施工质量管理工作细则 | ||||||||||
PR-00-CIJ-PP-0001 | ||||||||||
editor evaluating revision | ||||||||||
A00 | 朱诚钢 | 30.12.02 | ||||||||
P00 | NR | NR | (Signature) | |||||||
Issue Rev 版本号 | Issue or Revision Description 签发或版本说明 | Origin by 制文人 | Date 日期 | Check by 审核人 | Date 日期 | Approve by 批准人 | Date 日期 | Approve by 批准人 | Date 日期 | |
This Document is Owned by 本文件持有人 | IPMT Authority IPMT授权批准 | |||||||||
1.0 编制目的及适用范围
Purpose for Preparation and Scope of Application
2.0 编制原则
Principles for Preparation
3.0 执行标准及有关规定
Applicable Standards and Relevant Regulations
3.1 中国政府的相关法规和政策
Relevant laws, regulations and policies issued by Chinese government:
3.2 SECCO项目IPMT质量体系有关文件
Documentation related to IPMT quality system of SECCO project:
3.3 SECCO项目IPMT规定和要求
IPMT regulations and requirements of SECCO project:
3.4 施工验收标准及规范
Standards and codes for construction acceptance:
4.0 冲突和协调
Conflict and Coordination
5.0 专业技术经理与专业工程师
Specialist Technical Manager and Specialist Engineer
5.1 专业技术经理
Specialist technical manager
5.2 专业工程师
Specialist engineer
6.0 HSE
7.0 施工过程中工程施工质量的控制
Quality Control in the Process of Construction
7.1 主要依据
Main basis
7.2 熟悉现场管理体系、建立工作接口
Acquaintance with site management system and establishment of working interface
7.3 技术准备
Technical Preparations
7.4 组织设计交底
Organization Design Briefing
7.5 图纸与设计文件会审
Joint Check-up of Drawings and Design Documents
7.6 审查施工组织设计和施工方案
Check-up of Construction Organization Design and Construction Plan
7.7 施工过程的质量控制点的制定和检查程序
Procedures for the Establishment and Inspection of Quality Control Points in the Construction Process
7.8 施工过程中的质量控制
Quality Control During the Construction Process
7.8.1 原材料的检查与验收原则
Principles for the Inspection and Verification of Raw Materials
7.8.2 管子抽检的内容和比例
Contents and Percentage of Pipe Spot-check
7.8.3 其他管道组成件抽检的内容和比例
Spot-check Contents and Percentage of Other Pipe Components
7.8.4 阀门的检验与试验(包括管道视镜、过滤器及阻火器检验)
Valve Inspection and Experiment (Including the inspection of pipe signt glass, strainer and flame arrestor)
7.8.5 采用的主要管道器材标准(规范)
Major Piping Specifications Standards (or codes) 材料标准
Material Standards 无缝钢管
Seamless Steel Pipe 焊接钢管
Welded Steel Pipe 管件
Pipe fittings 联接件
Pipe joints 阀门
Valves 应用规范
Application specification 管子
Pipe 管件
Pipe fittings 联接件
Pipe joints 阀门
7.8.6 管道防腐
Pipingcorrosion prevention
7.8.7 管道的预制加工工艺
Pre-fabrication process for pipe
7.8.8 碳素钢管道焊接、热处理及质量检查
Welding, heat treatment and quality inspection for carbon steel pipe
7.8.9 阀门安装
Valve installation
7.8.10 低温材料检验及安装
Cryogenic material inspection and installation
7.8.11 静电接地安装
Static grounding erection
7.8.12 管道系统试验、吹除与清洗
Test, purging and cleaning for piping system
7.8.13 工程中间交接
Engineering intermediate takeover
7.8.14 竣工验收
Completion acceptance
7.9 专业工程师应保存的资料
Documents to be retained by specialist engineer
附录1: 管道安装工程质量控制点
Appendix 1 Quality Control Points for Piping Installation Project
附录2: 工业管道施工管理台帐
Appendix 2 Industrial Piping Construction Management Record Book
Purpose for Preparation and Scope of Application
1.1 本规定适用于上海SECCO 90x104t/a乙烯项目(以下简称SECCO项目)的现场施工质量管理工作。
These stipulations are applicable to the site construction quality management of Shanghai SECCO 90x104t/a Ethene Project (hereinafter referred to as SECCO project).
1.2 本规定是为了明确SECCO项目的现场施工质量管理工作的职责、工作内容、工作流程、方法以及设计、采购、施工的协调,推行现代化、科学化、规范化的项目管理模式而编制的。
These stipulations are prepared for the purpose of defining the responsibilities, working contents, operating process and procedures for the site construction quality management of the SECCO project and for coordination among the design, procurement and construction, so as to pursue the modernized, scientific and standardized mode for project management.
2.0 编制原则
Principles for Preparation
2.1 本细则在项目质量管理目标合理分解、项目质量管理组织已经确立的前提下,以项目的规律效应性和操作实用性为原则编制的。
These rules are prepared on the principle of the law effectiveness and operating practicabili
ty of the project, under the precondition that the objectives of the project quality management have been reasonably decomposed and the organization of project quality management has been established.