Standard Test Methods for
Measurement of Hydraulic Conductivity of Saturated Porous
Materials Using a Flexible Wall Permeameter1
This standard is issued under thefixed designation D5084;the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or,in the case of revision,the year of last revision.A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A
superscript epsilon(e)indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1.1These test methods cover laboratory measurement of the
hydraulic conductivity(also referred to as coeffıcient of per-
meability)of water-saturated porous materials with aflexible
wall permeameter at temperatures between about15and30°C
(59and86°F).Temperatures outside this range may be used;
however,the user would have to determine the specific gravity
of mercury and R T(see10.3)at those temperatures using data
from Handbook of Chemistry and Physics.There are six
alternate methods or hydraulic systems that may be used to
measure the hydraulic conductivity.These hydraulic systems
are as follows:
1.1.1Method A—Constant Head
1.1.2Method B—Falling Head,constant tailwater elevation
1.1.3Method C—Falling Head,rising tailwater elevation
1.1.4Method D—Constant Rate of Flow
1.1.5Method E—Constant V olume–Constant Head(by
mercury)editor evaluating revision
1.1.6Method F—Constant V olume–Falling Head(by mer-
cury),rising tailwater elevation
1.2These test methods use water as the permeant liquid;see
4.3and Section6on Reagents for water requirements.
1.3These test methods may be utilized on all specimen
that have a hydraulic conductivity less than about1310−6m/s
(1310−4cm/s),providing the head loss requirements of5.2.3
are met.For the constant-volume methods,the hydraulic
conductivity typically has to be less than about1310−7m/s.
1.3.1If the hydraulic conductivity is greater than about
1310−6m/s,but not more than about1310−5m/s;then the
size of the hydraulic tubing needs to be increased along with
the porosity of the porous end pieces.Other strategies,such as
using higher viscosityfluid or properly decreasing the cross-
sectional area of the test specimen,or both,may also be
possible.The key criterion is that the requirements covered in
Section5have to be met.
1.3.2If the hydraulic conductivity is less than about
1310−11m/s,then standard hydraulic systems and tempera-
ture environments will typically not suffice.Strategies that may
be possible when dealing with such impervious materials may
include the following:(a)controlling the temperature more
precisely,(b)adoption of unsteady state measurements by
using high-accuracy equipment along with the rigorous analy-
ses for determining the hydraulic parameters(this approach
reduces testing duration according to Zhang et al.(1)2),and(c)
shortening the length or enlarging the cross-sectional area,or
both,of the test specimen.Other items,such as use of higher
hydraulic gradients,lower viscosityfluid,elimination of any
possible chemical gradients and bacterial growth,and strict
verification of leakage,may also be considered.
1.4The hydraulic conductivity of materials with hydraulic
conductivities greater than1310−5m/s may be determined by
Test Method D2434.
1.5All observed and calculated values shall conform to the
guide for significant digits and rounding established in Practice
1.5.1The procedures used to specify how data are collected,
recorded,and calculated in this standard are regarded as the
industry standard.In addition,they are representative of the
significant digits that should generally be retained.The proce-
dures used do not consider material variation,purpose for
obtaining the data,special purpose studies,or any consider-
ations for the user’s objectives;and it is common practice to
increase or reduce significant digits of reported data to be
commensurate with these considerations.It is beyond the scope
of this standard to consider significant digits used in analysis
methods for engineering design.
1.6This standard also contains a Hazards section about
using mercury,see Section7.
1.7The time to perform this test depends on such items as
the Method(A,B,C,D,E,or F)used,the initial degree of
saturation of the test specimen and the hydraulic conductivity
of the test specimen.The constant volume Methods(E and F)
and Method D require the shortest period-of-time.Typically a
test can be performed using Methods D,E,or F within two to 1This standard is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D18on Soil and
Rock and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D18.04on Hydrologic
Properties of Soil and Rocks.
Current edition approved Nov.1,2003.Published January2004.Originally
approved in1990.Last previous edition approved in2000as D5084–00e1.
2The boldface numbers in parentheses refer to the list of references appended to
this standard.
*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard.
Copyright©ASTM International,100Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA19428-2959,United States.
three days.Methods A,B,and C take a longer period-of-time,from a few days to a few weeks depending on the hydraulic conductivity.Typically,about one week is required for hydrau-lic conductivities on the order of 1310–9m/s.The testing time is ultimately controlled by meeting the equilibrium criteria for each Method (see 9.5).
1.8The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the standard,unless other units are specifically given.By tradition in U.S.practice,hydraulic conductivity is reported in centime-ters per second,although the common SI units for hydraulic conductivity is meters per second.
1.9This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns,if any,associated with its use.It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.
2.Referenced Documents 2.1ASTM Standards:3
D 653Terminology Relating to Soil,Rock,and Contained Fluids
D 698Test Methods for Laboratory Compaction Character-istics of Soil Using Standard Effort (12,4000ft-lbf/ft 3(600kN-m/m 3))
D 854Test Method for Specific Gravity of Soil Solids by Water Pycnometer
D 1557Test Methods for Laboratory Compaction Charac-teristics of Soil Using Modified Effort (56,000ft-lbf/ft 3(2,700kN-m/m 3))
D 1587Practice for Thin-Walled Tube Geotechnical Sam-pling of Soils
D 2113Practice for Rock Core Drilling and Sampling for Site Investigation
D 2216Test Method for Laboratory Determination of Water (Moisture)Content of Soil and Rock by Mass
D 2434Test Method for Permeability of Granular Soils (Constant Head)
D 2435Test Method for One-Dimensional Consolidation Properties of Soil
D 3550Practice for Ring-Lined Barrel Sampling of Soils D 3740Practice for Minimum Requirements for Agencies Engaged in the Testing and/or Inspection of Soil and Rock Used in Engineering Design and Construction
D 4220Practices for Preserving and Transporting Soil Samples
D 4753Specification for Evaluating,Selecting and Speci-fying Balances and Scales for Use in Soil,Rock,and Construction Materials Testing
D 4767Test Method for Consolidated Undrained Triaxial Compression Test for Cohesive Soils
D 5079Practices for Preserving and Transporting Rock Core Samples
D 6026Practice for Using Significant Digits in Geotechni-cal Data
D 6151Practice for Using Hollow-Stem Augers for Geo-technical Exploration and Soil Sampling
D 6169Guide for Selection of Soil and Rock Sampling Devices Used with Drill Rigs for Environmental Investi-gations 3.Terminology
3.1.1For common definitions of other terms in this stan-dard,see Terminology D 653.
3.1.2head loss,h L or h —the change in total head of water across a given distance. —In hydraulic conductivity testing,typi-cally the change in total head is across the in
fluent and effluent lines connected to the permeameter,while the given distance is typically the length of the test specimen.
3.1.3permeameter —the apparatus (cell)containing the test specimen in a hydraulic conductivity test. —The apparatus in this case is typically a triaxial-type cell with all of its components (top and bottom specimen caps,stones,and filter paper;membrane;chamber;top and bottom plates;valves;etc.).
3.1.4hydraulic conductivity,k —the rate of discharge of water under laminar flow conditions through a unit cross-sectional area of porous medium under a unit hydraulic gradient and standard temperature conditions (20°C).
4.1Discussion —In hydraulic conductivity testing,the term coeffıcient of permeability is often used instead of hydraulic conductivity ,but hydraulic conductivity is used exclusively in this standard.A more complete discussion of the terminology associated with Darcy’s law is given in the literature.(2,3)
3.1.5pore volume of flow —in hydraulic conductivity test-ing ,the cumulative quantity of flow into a test
specimen divided by the volume of voids in the specimen.
4.Significance and Use
4.1These test methods apply to one-dimensional,laminar flow of water within porous materials such as soil and rock.4.2The hydraulic conductivity of porous materials gener-ally decreases with an increasing amount of air in the pores of the material.These test methods apply to water-saturated porous materials containing virtually no air.
4.3These test methods apply to permeation of porous materials with water.Permeation with other liquids,such as chemical wastes,can be accomplished using procedures simi-lar to those described in these test methods.However,these test methods are only intended to be used when water is the permeant liquid.See Section 6.
4.4Darcy’s law is assumed to be valid and the hydraulic conductivity is essentially unaffected by hydraulic gradient.4.5These test methods provide a means for determining hydraulic conductivity at a controlled level of effective stress.Hydraulic conductivity varies with varying void ratio,which changes when the effective stress changes.If the void ratio is changed,the hydraulic conductivity of the test specimen will likely change,see Appendix X2.To determine the relationship
For referenced ASTM standards,visit the ASTM website,,or contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM Standards volume information,refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on the ASTM
between hydraulic conductivity and void ratio,the hydraulic conductivity test would have to be repeated at different effective stresses.
4.6The correlation between results obtained using these test methods and the hydraulic conductivities of in-placefield materials has not been fully investigated.Experience has sometimes shown that hydrau
lic conductivities measured on small test specimens are not necessarily the same as larger-scale values.Therefore,the results should be applied tofield situations with caution and by qualified personnel.
4.7In most cases,when testing high swell potential mate-rials and using a constant-volume hydraulic system,the effec-tive confining stress should be about 1.5times the swell pressure of the test specimen or a stress which prevents swelling.If the confining stress is less than the swell pressure, anomalousflow conditions my ,mercury column(s) move in the wrong direction.
N OTE1—The quality of the result produced by this standard is dependent of the competence of the personnel performing it and the suitability of the equipment and facilities used.Agencies that meet the criteria of Practice D3740are generally considered capable of competent and objective testing,sampling,inspection,etc..Users of this standard are cautioned that compliance with Practice D3740does not in itself assure reliable results.Reliable results depend on many factors;Practice D3740 provides a means of evaluating some of those factors.
5.1Hydraulic System—Constant head(Method A),falling head(Methods B and C),constant rate offlow(
Method D), constant volume-constant head(Method E),or constant volume-falling head(Method F)systems may be utilized provided they meet the following criteria:
5.1.1Constant Head—The system must be capable of maintaining constant hydraulic pressures to65%or better and shall include means to measure the hydraulic pressures to within the prescribed tolerance.In addition,the head loss across the permeameter must be held constant to65%or better and shall be measured with the same accuracy or better.
A pressure gage,electronic pressure transducer,or any other device of suitable accuracy shall measure pressures to a minimum of three significant digits.The last digit may be due to estimation,see5.1.1.1. D6026discusses the use or application of estimated digits.When the last digit is estimated and that reading is a function of the eye’s elevation/location,then a mirror or another device is required to reduce the reading error caused by parallax.
5.1.2Falling Head—The system shall allow for measure-ment of the applied head loss,thus hydraulic gradient,to65% or better at any time.In addition,the ratio of initial head loss divided byfinal head loss over an interval of time shall be measured such that this computed ratio is accurate to65%or better.The head loss shall be measured with a pressure gage, electronic pressure transducer,engineer’
s scale,graduated pipette,or any other device of suitable accuracy to a minimum of three significant digits.The last digit may be due to estimation,see5.1.1.1.Falling head tests may be performed with either a constant tailwater elevation(Method B)or a rising tailwater elevation(Method C),see Fig.1.This schematic of a hydraulic system presents the basic components needed to meet the objectives of Method C.Other hydraulic systems or schematics that meet these objectives are acceptable.
5.1.3Constant Rate of Flow—The system must be capable of maintaining a constant rate offlow through the specimen to 65%or better.Flow measurement shall be by calibrated syringe,graduated pipette,or other device of suitable accuracy. The head loss across the permeameter shall be measured to a minimum of three significant digits and to an accuracy of 65%or better using an electronic pressure transducer(s)or other device(s)of suitable accuracy.The last digit may be due to estimation,see5.1.1.1.More information on testing with a constant rate offlow is given in the literature(4).
5.1.4Constant Volume-Constant Head(CVCH)—The sys-tem,with mercury to create the head loss,must be capable of maintaining a constant head loss cross the permeameter to 65%or better and shall allow for measurement of the applied head loss to65%or better at any time.The head loss shall be measured to a minimum of three significant digits with an electronic pressure transducer(s)or equiv
alent device,(5)or based upon the pressure head caused by the mercury column, see10.1.2.The last digit may be due to estimation,see5.1.1.1. of two CVCH systems are shown in Fig. 2and Fig.3.In each of these systems,the mercury-filled portion of the tubing may be continuous for constant head loss to be maintained.For the system showed in Fig.2,the head loss remains constant provided the mercury column is vertical and is retained in only one half of the burette system(left burette in Fig.2).In the system shown in Fig.3,the head loss remains constant provided the water-mercury interface on the effluent end remains in the upper horizontal tube,and the water-mercury interface on the influent end remains in the lower horizontal tube.These schematics present the basic components needed to meet the objectives of Method E.Other hydraulic systems or schematics that meet these objectives are acceptable. types of hydraulic systems are typically not used to study the temporal or pore-fluid effect on hydraulic conductivity.The total volume of the specimen is maintained constant using this procedure,thereby significantly reducing effects caused by seepage stresses,porefluid interactions,etc. Rather,these systems are intended for determining the hydrau-lic conductivity of a material as rapidly as possible.—Since this hydraulic system contains mer-cury,special health and safety precautions have to be consid-ered.See Section7.—For these types of hydraulic systems to function properly,the separation of the mercury column has to be prevented.To prevent separation,the mercury and“constant head”tube have to remain relatively clean,and the inside diameter of this tube cannot be too large;typically a capillary tube is used.The larger diameterflushing tube(Fig.2)is added to enableflushing clean water through the system without excessive mercury displacement.Traps to prevent the acciden-talflow of mercury out of the“Constant Head”tube orflushing tube are not shown in Fig.2and Fig.3.
5.1.5Constant Volume-Falling Head(CVFH)—The system, with mercury to create the head loss,shall meet the
given in 5.1.2.The head loss shall be measured to a minimum of three significant digits with an electronic pressure transduc-er(s)or equivalent device(s),(5)or based upon the differential elevation between the top surfaces of the mercury level in the headwater and tailwater tubes.The last digit may be due to estimation,see schematic drawing of a typical CVFH hydraulic system is shown in Fig.4(5).Typically,the tailwater tube has a smaller area than the headwater tube to increase the sensi-tivity of flow measurements,and to enable flushing clean water through the system without excessive mercury displacement in the headwater tube.The schematic of the hydraulic system in Fig.4presents the basic components needed to meet the objectives of Method F.Other hydraulic systems or schematics that meet these objectives are acceptable.The development of the hydraulic conductivity equation for this type of system is given in Appendix X1. —Since this hydraulic system contains mer-cury,special health and safety precautions have to be consid-ered.See Section 7. —For these types of hydraulic systems to function properly,the separation of the mercury column and entrapment of water within the mercury column have to be prevented.To prevent
such problems,the mercury and tubes have to remain relatively clean.In addition,if different size headwater and tailwater tubes are used,capillary head might have to be accounted for,see Appendix X1,X1.2.3.2,and X1.4.Traps to prevent the accidental flow of mercury out of the tubes are not shown in Fig.4.
5.1.6System De-airing —The hydraulic system shall be designed to facilitate rapid and complete removal of free air bubbles from flow ,using properly sized tubing and ball valves and fittings without pipe threads.Properly sized tubing,etc.,means they are small enough to prevent entrap-ment of air bubbles,but not so small that the requirements of 5.2.3cannot be met.
5.1.7Back Pressure System —The hydraulic system shall have the capability to apply back pressure to the specimen to facilitate saturation.The system shall be capable of maintain-ing the applied back pressure throughout the duration of hydraulic conductivity measurements.The back pressure sys-tem shall be capable of applying,controlling,and measuring the back pressure to 65%or better of the applied pressure.The back pressure may be provided by a compressed gas supply,a deadweight acting on a piston,or any other method capable of applying and controlling the back pressure to the tolerance prescribed in this
FIG.1Falling Head –Rising Tail System,Method
N OTE 2—Application of gas pressure directly to a fluid will dissolve gas in the fluid.A variety of techniques are available to minimize dissolution of gas in the back pressure fluid,including separation of gas and liquid phases with a bladder and frequent replacement of the liquid with de-aired water.
5.2Flow Measurement System —Both inflow and outflow volumes shall be measured unless the lack of leakage,conti-nuity of flow,and cessation of consolidation or swelling can be verified by other means.Flow volumes shall be measured by a graduated accumulator,graduated pipette,vertical standp
ipe in conjunction with an electronic pressure transducer,or other volume-measuring device of suitable accuracy.
5.2.1Flow Accuracy —Required accuracy for the quantity of flow measured over an interval of time is 65%or better.5.2.2De-airing and Compliance of the System —The flow-measurement system shall contain a minimum of dead space and be capable of complete and rapid de-airing.Compliance of the system in response to changes in pressure shall be minimized by using a stiff flow measurement system.Rigid tubing,such as metallic or rigid thermoplastic tubing,or glass shall be used.
5.2.3Head Losses —Head losses in the tubes,valves,po-rous end pieces,and filter paper may lead to error.To guard against such errors,the permeameter shall be assembled with no specimen inside and then the hydraulic system filled. or Falling Head —If a constant or falling head test is to be used,the hydraulic pressures or heads that will be used in testing a specimen shall be applied,and the rate of flow measured with an accuracy of 65%or better.This rate of flow shall be at least ten times greater than the rate of flow that is measured when a specimen is placed inside the permeameter and the same hydraulic pressures or heads are applied. Rate of Flow —If a constant rate of flow test is to be used,the rate of flow to be used in testing a specimen shall be supplied to the permeameter and the head loss measured.The head loss without a specimen shall be less than 0.1times the head loss when a specimen is present.5.3Permeameter Cell Pressure System —The system for pressurizing the permeameter cell shall be capable of applying and controlling the cell pressure to 65%or better of
FIG.2Constant Volume –Constant Head System,Method E