1。 Define the slope。
2。 Define the slope materials.
3. Assign the materials to the slope segments.
4。 Define the rock starting locations (seeders)。
5。 Compute the analysis.
6。 Graph the results.
Defining Rock Seeders
Select: Rocks → Add Point Seeder
1。 Right—click the mouse and select Vertex Snap from the popup menu.
2。 Move the cursor near the first slope vertex (ie. The vertex at 0 , 0). When the cursor is close to the vertex, it will “snap" to the exact location of the vertex (since we turned Vertex Sn
ap on in step 1)。editor bar
3. When the cursor (blue cross) is snapped to the vertex, click the left mouse button, and the Define Initial Conditions dialog will appear。
Select: Rocks → Compute
Define Slope:Select: Slope → Define Slope
To define the slope material properties, select MaterialEditor from the toolbar or the Slope menu。Select: Slope → Material Editor
Figure 1-3: Material Editor dialog。In the Material Editor dialog, you will notice that a number of default materials have been pre-defined for your convenience. However, for this tutorial, we will define three new materials, as described below。 1. Select the Add button in the Material Editor dialog,and notice that “New Material” appears in the Existing Materials list.
2。 Change the name of this new material to Type One, and enter the properties given in Table 1-1.
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 to define two more new materials named Type Two and Type Three。 See Table 1-1 for properties.
Select: Slope → Slope Editor
In most cases you will find it easier to graphically assign materials, rather than use the Slope Editor dialog. To assign materials graphically, simply:
1。 Select the Assign toolbar button。