Digital Chip Testing with Agilent 93000 SoC Series
量 IMS ATS200 10年 良 了 量 來 2004年 Agilent 93000 SOC Series 不 類 IC 不 來 IC 了 數 IC IC SOC 立 更良 來 行數
CIC Agilent 93000 SoC Series 1 testhead channel board IC DUT board DUT interface testhead channel board連 manipulator 來 testhead 量 support rack CIC 數 data channel數量 320 channel data rate 更 660Mbps vector memory 量 channel 28MVectors 若 scan scan pattern waveform channel scan memory 量 84MVectors 類 Instrument 4 Arbitrary Waveform Generator (AWG) 類 量 類 Digitizer 類 類 行 量 AWG 16bits resolution 30Msps sampling rate 12bits resolution 500Msps sampling rate Digitizer 16bits resolution 3MHz bandwidth 12bits resolution 100MHz bandwidth IC 8 8 不 IC 7V 6A 流 利 數 IC 行 行說 讀 來 行數 IC
editor barDUT Board
DUT Interface
Support Rack
1 Agilent 93000 SoC Series
來 Agilent 93000 SoC Series 錄
Test Development Flow
1. 流
行數 IC 流 2 test plan design a DUT board pin configuration level setup timing setup vector setup testflow setup testing the device result analysis 說
行IC test plan functional scan pattern power dissipation量 design a DUT board DUT board IC testhead pogo pin連 行IC CIC 8 IC package (DIP48 PLCC68 PLCC84 CQFP100 CQFP128 CQFP144 CQFP160 CQFP208) 都 DUT board 便 來 行 pin configuration IC signal pin signal pin連 test channel device power supply 來 IC
level setup power supply voltage current limit drive voltage (VIL VIH) compare voltage threshold (VOL VOH) timing setup system cycle (period time) 六 vector setup 量 waveform vector
testflow setup 流 testing the device 行 IC 量
IC response response 若 (PASS) 若不 (FAIL) result analysis 量 timing diagram 來 error map來 shmoo plot來 IC
2 流
Design a DUT Board
1. CIC DUT Board
CIC 8 IC digital channel數量 320 DUT board 連 testhead 3 DIP48 CQFP128 CQFP144 package DUT board PLCC68 PLCC84 CQFP160 DUT board CQFP100 CQFP208 DUT board DUT board (loadboard) package pin count數量 都不 320 DUT board 類 IC power pin 不 都 DUT board IC power pin 連 device power supply DUT board 4
SB48, CQFP128, CQFP144 LCC68, LCC84, CQFP160
CQFP100, CQFP208
3 DUT board
4 DUT board連
Software Overview
1. Software Overview
SmarTest 5 pin configuration level setup timing setup vector setup testflow setup testing the device result analysis 都 SmarTest 行 便 IC 量 IC response SmarTest offline mode online mode online mode 連 行 offline mode 行 不 行 offline mode 令 unix%> HPSmarTest –o & online mode 令 unix%>
HPSmarTest &
5 SmarTest Overview
SmarTest main toolbar report window operation control window 6 main toolbar report window 了 log operation control window 量 report window 了 log tester state 連 tester operation 行 離 SmarTest main toolbar File Quit便 離 離 pin configuration level setup 都