
L数据库系统为依托,综合运用了Java和JSP技术,主要完成对公交查询系统的需求分析,功能模块划分,数据库模式分析,并由此设计了数据库结构和应用程序。本文系统地介绍了公交查询系统的系统分析与设计,并对该系统的关键技术作了分析,提出了有效的解决方案。这些关键技术包括JavaServlet 的应用,实现MVC模式下的应用程序开发,解决大量的JSP页面和实际业务处理问题。
关键词  公交查询;JSP;JavaServlet
The Design and Implementation of Urban Public Transport Inquiry System Based on JSP
Urban public transport system is a necessary part of a city, the content of the public transport system whether developed is vital to the city transportation and urban development , so the city bus query system should be able to provide adequ
ate public transport制作查询类小程序 informations for the whole city and fast service.
Bus query system is a integration of the network system with collection about bus query, bus management, personal center. It realized the bus information data, and popularization, public information release the most comprehensive to the most simple, fast, clear the way .
The management system for public transport has created a new area, about the time constraint mode of information communication and a real-time way of sharing information, the new way for public transportation has brought new opportunities, but also brings challenges.
Follow the web application system development steps, on the basis of J2EE development environment, application the most perfect JavaServlet technology, based on SQL database system, the integrated use of Java and JSP technology, mainly analyzing the demand for public transport inquiry system, function module division, and database model analysis, according to these used to design the datab
ase structure and application. This paper systematically introduces the system analysis and design of the bus query system, and analyzes the key technologies of the system, puts forward the effective solution. The application of these key techniques include JavaServlet, realize the application-program of MVC mode development, to solve a lot of the JSP pages and practical business processing problems.
