Ⅰ. Fill in the blanks.
1. It is necessary to engage the students in some act of _____ when teaching writing. 【答案】communication
2. The three stages in the training of writing include controlled writing, _____ writing and _____ writing.
【答案】guided/ parallel/ half-controlled,free/ independent
3. In order to motivate students, teachers should advocate _____ writing, that is, ask our students to write things we write in reality or things they want to write about. 【答案】authentic
【解析】为激励学生,教师应鼓励真实写作(authentic writing),即请学生写现实中的事物或自己想写的事物。
4. An _____ usually illustrates the main organising structure and the most important points of the essay.
5. Editing is the stage when students read through their writings and check the clarity of ideas or the logical development of their arguments. Editing may take two forms: _____ and self-editing.
【答案】peer editing
6. _____ is the stage when teachers guide students to make necessary improvements in both organisation and _____ based on either self-editing or peer editing, e. g. adding new points or deleting irrelevant facts, and correcting errors in spelling, punctuation, _____ or choice of words.
7. Brainstorming can be done _____ or in pairs or groups of students. In a brainstorming session, students list all the _____ they can think of related to a topic, either in writing or _____, quickly and without much _____.
【答案】individually,ideas (words, concepts),aloud (speaking, etc),planning (thinking)
Ⅱ. Multiple Choice
1. Which of the following way does NOT help teachers motivate students to write?
A. Give students a few topics so that they can choose what they want to write about.
B. Hold a class discussion on the topic before writing.
C. Organise class presentations or group presentations to allow students to share their writings.
D. Give a mark or words like ‘good’ or ‘very good’.
2. Which of the following statement about writing is true?
A. As to the way we write, writing can be both collaborative and solitary.
B. If writing tasks focus on the product rather than on process, they help students
to develop real writing skills.
C. Mechanical writing activities by themselves motivate students.
D. Many writing tasks have a communicative element.
【解析】写作既可以合作(collaborative),也可以独作(solitary)。如果写作任务专注于结果而不是过程,那就不能帮助学生发展实际的写作技能。机械的写作活动(mechanical writing activities)本身并不能激励学生。许多写作任务没有交际成分(communicative element)。因此,本题正确答案为A。
Ⅲ. True or False
1. The process-oriented approach to writing pays great attention to the accuracy of the final product but ignores the process, which the students go through to reach the final goal.
【解析】以结果为导向的方法(the product-oriented approach)关注作品的精确性,但是忽略写作的过程。
2. The process-oriented approach does not pay attention to what students do while they are writing; it attaches great importance to the content before they start writing and after they finish writing.
【解析】以过程为导向的方法(the process-oriented approach)不仅仅关注学生在写作时的表现,也重视学生在写作前和完成写作后的表现。
3. Writing in ELT classroom (also as homework) is often seen as a means to consolidate language that
is recently studied. Very often the students write from someone else’s ideas. This kind of writing is seen as ‘writing as language learning’.
4. It is important to note that editing is not simply to fin d error about one’s or others’ writing, but to negotiate meaning and improving writing.
5. One point which is extremely important for teachers to keep in mind is that a teacher’s attitude can influence students’ confidence and motivation to write. So during the teacher-student conferencing, teachers need to encourage rather than criticise, be constructive rather than destructive and try their best to protect student s’ self-esteem.
6. Brainstorming often results in a list of ideas, however, these ideas are not necessarily all useful or related to one another. Mapping will give students the opportunity to select from the list those useful ideas to be included in their writing and also to see how these ideas can be put together in a coherent or logical way to present a convincing argument.
7. In order to make the teaching of writing effective, teachers should guide the students through the process of writing.
( ) 8. A communicative approach motivates students to write authentic contents that have some communicative elements.
