院(系)级班:        计科系07级1班       
专    业:        计算机科学与技术       
题    目:    **学院学生成绩查询管理系统   
学    号:                   
姓    名:                   
同 组 人:                
2010 11 18
摘  要
关键词:成绩查询管理; 数据库;MySQL;MyEclipse
Yibin college students' scores query management system is the typical information management system, and its development and important including backend database in establishing and maintaining and developing the application interface of front-end two aspects. The former required to establish the data consistency and perfect sex is strong, the data security good storehouse. Require to the latter the application program function complete, easy to use, etc.
This system mainly completes the management of students' scores query, including to the result of inquiry, credits query and statistics, mandating inquires the statistical and etc of rel
ated functions.
Which is the core of the system inquiry function, in system mainly according to the student student id, class number, course, query, its purpose is to user-friendly. However, add, modify and delete their relationship is one of the core of the system, each table modifications are to the influence of linkage of other forms, when complete add or delete when operating system will automatically modify of the student's grade. System using MySQL to design database and use the currently outstanding development tools MyEclipse, it has the most flexible database structure for database application has good support.
Paper mainly introduced this topic development background, to complete the functions and development process. Key instructions of the system design of key, designing ideas, difficulty technology and solutions.
Key word:  Software; Database system; Information management
