printf函数的用法python某些时候,用python模块来实现一些特定的功能会比用其他类型的模块越发简洁便利。在C++程序中,调用python模块时需要加载一些须要的libs,这些libs在网上都可以到。下面的代码演示了C++程序如何调用python中的函数,并得到从python函数中返回的多个值。  name : cal.py  return type : tuple def mix(a, b) :  r1 = a + b  r2 = a - b  return (r1, r2)  (7,3)  ilude "stdafx.h" include ".\\include\\Python.h" int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])  sing filename = "cal"; // cal.py  string methodname_mix = "mix"; // function name  Py_Initialize();  // load the mole  PyObject * pyFileName = PyString_FromString(filename.c_str());  PyObject * pyMod = PyImport_Import(pyFileName);  // load the function  PyObject * pyFunc_mix = PyObject_GetAttrString(pyMod, methodname_mix.c_str());  // test the function is callable  if (pyFunc_mix PyCallable_Check(pyFunc_mix))  PyObject * pyParams = PyTuple_New(2);  PyTuple_SetItem(pyParams, 0, Py_BuildValue("i", 5));  PyTuple_SetItem(pyParams, 1, Py_BuildValue("i", 2));  // ok, call the function  int r1 = 0, r2 = 0;  PyObject * pyValue = PyObject_CallObject(pyFunc_mix, pyParams);  PyArg_ParseTuple(pyValue, "i|i", r1, r2);  if (pyValue)  printf("%d,%d\n", r1, r2); //output is 7,3  Py_Finalize();  return 0;
