ARM Library Optimized for Embedded Applications
Improved in MDK-ARM v4.1x
ARM Library Optimized for Embedded Applications
Improved in MDK-ARM v4.1x
MicroLib is a highly-optimized library for ARM-based embedded applications written in C. When compared to the standard C library included with the ARM Compiler toolchain, MicroLib provides significant code size advantages required for many embedded systems.
The primary differences between MicroLib and the standard C library are:
▪ MicroLib is designed for deeply embedded applications.
▪ MicroLib is optimized to use less code and data memory than using the ARM standard library.
▪ MicroLib has been designed to work without an operating system, however this does not prevent it being used together with any OS or RTOS such as Keil RTX.
▪ MicroLib contains no file I/O or wide character support.
▪ As MicroLib has been optimized to minimize code size, some functions will execute more slowly than the standard C library routines available in the ARM compilation tools.
▪ Both MicroLib and the ARM Standard Library are included in the Keil MDK-ARM.
▪ See Differences from the default C library for more detailed information
To use MicroLib in your embedded application, select the MicroLib check box in µVision and compile your application. µVision links your program with MicroLib and reduces your program size quickly and easily.
[转]KEIL RTX_Kernel使用小结 2012-01-11 01:07:36
分类: 嵌入式
我从Keil上下载最新的MDK423,看到里面关于RTX_Kernel的介绍。以前写51单片机程序的时候知道RTX这个东西,但从来没用过。这次打算用下RTX_Kernel试试,毕竟RTX_Kernel是商用免费的,uC/OS是商用收费的。另外是ARM Keil自家的东西,想必也不错。
1、我的Keil MDK版本是此时从下载的最新版本MDK423,之前的Keil注册机在这里可用。
3、依据ST官方库的例子,建立一个GPIO/IOToggle 工程。修改里面的IO端口与你的板子匹
1. #inlude <rtl.h>
项目选项里,在Target下,Operating system选择 RTX Kernel复制
1. /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2. * Task 1
3. *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
4. __task void task1 (void) {
5. for (;;) {
6. led1on(); //点亮LED1,函数具体内容依照你的开发板
7. os_dly_wait (10);
8. led1off(); //熄灭LED1
9. os_dly_wait (10);
10. }
11. }
12. /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
13. * Task 2
14. *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
15. __task void task2 (void) {
16. for (;;) {
17. led2off(); //熄灭LED2,函数具体内容依照你的开发板
18. os_dly_wait (10);
19. led2on();
20. os_dly_wait (10);
21. }
22. }
23. /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
24. * Task 'init': 建立所有的任务
25. *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
26. __task void init_task (void) {
28. id1 = os_tsk_create (task1, 0); /* start task phaseA */
29. id2 = os_tsk_create (task2, 0); /* start task phaseB */
30. os_tsk_delete_self ();
31. }
32. int main(void)
33. {
34. /*!< At this stage the microcontroller clock setting is already configured,
35. this is done through SystemInit() function which is called from startup
36. file (startup_stm32f10x_xx.s) before to branch to application main.
37. To reconfigure the default setting of SystemInit() function, refer to
38. system_stm32f10x.c file
39. */
41. /* To achieve GPIO toggling maximum frequency, the following sequence is 模拟串口使用printf函数mandatory.
42. You can monitor PD0 or PD2 on the scope to measure the output signal.
43. If you need to fine tune this frequency, you can add more GPIO set/reset
44. cycles to minimize more the infinite loop timing.
45. This code needs to be compiled with high speed optimization option.
46. */
48. GPIO_Config(); //IO口初始化函数,具体根据你的开发板
49. os_sys_init (init_task);
51. }
上面代码很简单,不用解释,一看即明白。编译,运行,会看到两个发光二极管一闪一闪的。恭喜你,RTX Kernel成功运行了!
5、RTX Kernel教程
实际上RTX Kernel API比较简单,相对于uC/OS-III而言。有一些uc/OS的基础的话,参照Keil帮助文档和rtl.h头文件,即可轻松使用RTX的API。简要总结如下: