Lesson 2 Breakfast or Lunch
I    Teaching Objectives
1. Students learn how to use words about time and appellation;
2. Students learn how to use the present continuous tense to describe the future;
3. Students learn to make exclamation.
II    Key Points, Difficulties and Solutions
重点:Learn the difference between the simple present tense and the present continuous tense.
难点:1. Note the position of adverbs of frequency (always, ever, never, sometimes, etc)
2. How to use “what” to make exclamation.
解决方案Exemplary teaching
III    Teaching Procedures
1. Lead-in
Ok, I have a question. 我有一个问题。Panda has two dreams. Do you know what they are? 你知道熊猫的两个梦想是什么吗?一个是竹子不开花,一个是睡到自然醒。What time do you get up everyday? 你一般都是在几点起床?Nine? Ten? Well, me too. Maybe, getting up late is everyones dream, isn’t it? 啊,我想睡懒觉恐怕是每一个人的梦想吧,连熊猫都是,呵呵。So, today we will 
learn a story about a slacker. 好,今天我们就来学一个懒虫的故事。看看到底在作者身上发生了什么事呢?
2. Discussion
(1) Do you get up early every day? 
(2) What time do you usually get up every day? 
(3) Do you find it easy or difficult to get up? 
(4) When do you usually get up on weekends? 
(5) Do you get up early or late on Sundays? 
(6) What do you usually have for breakfast? 
(7) What do people in England usually have for breakfast?
3. Listening
(1)Lets listen to the audio; and try to get the answers of the following questions. 
让我们听音频并试着到下面问题的答案。Ok, let’s begin.
What day was it? 
When did the writer get up last Sunday? 
What was the weather like last Sunday?
Who was coming to see the writer? 
(2)Listen to the audio again and find the answer to the question. 听音频并到下面问题的答案。
Why was the writer’s aunt surprised?
4. Vocabulary (textbook)
5. Text-explanation
(1) It was Sunday. 
it 指时间、天气、温度或距离,it被称为“虚主语”(empty subject)。从公司到我家大概有5公里。It is about 5 kilometer from the company to my home. 作为第三人称单数的中性代词,it可以指一件东西、一件事件或用来指是什么人: It is a lovely baby. 
(2)I never get up early on Sundays. 
never从来不、绝对不。频率副词,可以用在多种时态中。 例句:
-Have you loved me? -Never. 
-Will you marry me? -Never.  太绝情了!
on Sundays: 所有的星期天,每逢星期天,与一般现在时连用,表示经常性的行为。 
介词on一般用于表示某一天的时间短语中:on Mondayon Monday morning,on that day 当使用lastnextthisthat时,介词(以及定冠词)必须省略: 我下周(这周)来见你。I’ll see you next/this Friday.
(3) I sometimes stay in bed until lunchtime. 
sometimes 有时。频率副词。常用于一般现在时。
例句:I usually get up at seven but sometimes at eight. 
stay in bed 在床上,卧床休息
in bed 在床上睡觉 VS in the bed 仅仅是陷在床里面 
你必须再卧床两天。You must stay in bed for another two days. 
到上床睡觉的时候了。It’s time for bed now
until 用在肯定句中,表示一个动作一直持续到某时。He stayed in bed until/till lunchtime. 
用在否定句中,表示直到什么时间才做了某事。He didn’t get up until lunchtime.   
例句:Last night I stayed up until/till 12:00. = Last night I didn’t go to bed until 12:0
lunchtime 午饭时间,一般是指11:00~13:00 
(4) Last Sunday I got up very late. I looked out of the window. It was dark outside. 'What a day!' I thought. 'It's raining again.’
look out 小心,注意。Look out! Theres a hole in the ground. = Watch out! 
look out of... 往„的外面看。←→ look  往„的里面看
It was dark outside. 这里的it也是虚主语,指代天。outside是地点副词,作状语。
What a day! 省略式感叹句。= What a day it is! = What a bad/terrible day it is! 
来源:It is a bad day. What a bad day it is! 
构成:What + 名词(包括冠词和形容词) + 主语代词+ 谓语动词+ ! 
对照:How + 形容词/副词+ 主语(名词/代词) + 谓语动词+ ! 
What a good girl (she is)! (主、谓可省)
有上下文和一定的语境, 才能省略形容词。一般省略形容词表示批评或不大好的意思。
What (a lot of) trouble( he is causing)! 他弄出多少麻烦啊!
EG: 好肥一头猪!What a fat pigit is! 
这些书多么有意思啊!What interesting booksthey are. 
It’s raining again. 这里的it也是虚主语,代指天气。again反映了作者抱怨的情绪。
