The business enterprise personal management system
The 21st century the most intense competition should belong to talents competition, a multi-discipline knowledge of compound talents is probably a enterprises to grow an indispensable part of the important factor. Therefore Human Resource has become the most important Resource of enterprises, the Human resources Management, Human Resource Management (HRM) has become the modern enterprise Management work in one important content of. And in the human resources management of basic work is personnel .
resources翻译For corporations, staff personnel files of not only can make the managers in a certain extent master the basic personnel they hire personnel information, but also for the enterprise human resources supervisory work to provide relevant personnel information data support. For example: enterprise make staff recruitment and training plans, reasonable use of personnel, etc. Therefore, the enterprise personnel work quality not only can directly affect the enterprise human resources management, and will indirectly affect the whole enterprise management.
With the development of society, the progress of science and technology, the application of computer in social fields are widely used, more and more people both felt use computer different management scienc
e and convenient; To realize the management information system to manage the importance of work.
Management Information System, Management Information System (MIS), is an enterprise is the production and operation of various internal and external Information for the collection, processing, sorting, transfer, and orderly storage and used in the Management and decision-making, is the enterprise efficiency of Information System. It can make the enterprise more timely, accurate, comprehensive and detailed understanding the information needed data. At the same time management information system for various information data of further processing, can make the enterprise of the leadership of production, marketing, management decision-making basis for more fully and is more reasonable and scientific, Thus for society to create more value for the development of enterprises to create more opportunities. In addition, the management information system can make the enterprise management more scientific, rationalization and institutionalized, standardization, For the enterprise's management level up to a new stage, For the enterprise the continuous, healthy and stable development of the lay solid foundation.
Personnel system is the typical information management system, through the personnel system for personnel has artificial incomparable advantages - for example: retrieves, the search rapidly convenient, the reliability high, thereserves big, the secrecy good, the life is long, the cost low status. A
perfect design, stable
operation of the personnel system can make people from heavy traditional manual management freed, so as to improve the enterprise personnel work efficiency, assist enterprises better complete personnel ; Moreover, the overall management of enterprise informatization construction is enterprise's scientific, thestandardized management connecting with the world of the important conditions, enterprise personnel and enterprise informatization of overall management informationization important component. Therefore, using the computer to enterprise personnel is the inexorable trend of personnel system is the enterprise management is indispensable. So in the graduation design, I choose the development of personnel system.
21世纪最激烈的竞争当属人才的竞争,一个具有多学科知识的复合性人才或许是一个企业发展壮大所不可或缺的重要因素。因此人力资源已逐步成为企业最重要的资源,人力资源管理(Human Resource Management,HRM)也成为现代企业管理工作中的重要内容之。而在人力资源管理中的基础工作就是人事档案管理。
管理信息系统,MIS(Management Information System),是一个将企业生产和经营中的各种内、外部信息进行收集、加工、整理、传递,并有序地存储,以用于管理和决策,是企业增效的信息系统。它能够使企业更加及时、准确、全面、详实的了解所需的信息数据。同时管理信息系统对各种信息数据的进一步加工,能使企业领导层的生产、经营、管理决策依据更加充分,更具有合理性、科学性;从而为社会创造出更多的价值,为企业的发展创造出更多的机会。另外,管理信息系统可以使企业的管理更加科学化、合理化、制度化、规范化;为企业的管理水平跨上新台阶;为企业持续、健康、稳定的发展奠定坚实基础。