Goals of Greenhouse Climate Control
Selected and rewritten from “Greenhouse Climate and Crop Growth and Development” by H. Challa. In: General Principles of “Protected Cultivation”, syllabus of Wageningen University
(Li Y aLing, Shanxi Agricultural University)
The use of climate control can influence the most important above-ground growth factors. These factors are light, CO2concentration, temperature and air humidity. The quantity of light is determined in most cases by the weather conditions outside the greenhouse, although the use of shades or supplementary lighting allows the grower to control this to some extent. Through the use of climate control, the grower has more influence over the other factors. What are the most important goals in the control of greenhouse climate? These can be summarized briefly:
气候控制可以影响最重要的地上部分生长因子。这些因子是:光照、二氧化碳浓度、温度和空气湿度。从某种程度上讲,种植者可以通过遮光或补光来控制光照量,但光照量很大程度上取决于温室外的天气状况。因此,在气候控制的过程中,种植者对其他因子的影响更大一些。温室气候控制最重要的目标是什么?可以归纳成以下几点:in most cases大多数情况下
to some extent某种程度上,(多少)有一点
●high production;高产
●optimal harvest planning;最优的收获规划
●optimal product quality;最佳的产品质量
●risk management (prevention of calamities);风险管理(灾难防范)
●environmental goals (use of pesticides and energy);环境效应(包括杀虫剂的使用
●optimal crop condition (on behalf of previously named goals);理想的作物状况
on behalf of
He spoke on behalf of the plan.
I'm writing on behalf of my mother to express her thanks for your gift.
我代表我母亲写信, 对你的礼物表示感谢。
●cost management (energy, CO2, labor).成本管理(能量、二氧化碳和劳动力)
At the same time, one must also consider that protected cultivation is an economic activity. Climate control must be seen within the framework of the total business situation. In this sense, climate control is always considered in relation to business goals, such as high production of good quality products, at the right time, at an acceptable cost and acceptable risk, and with an environmental impact which is as limited as possible.
In this sense在这个意义上in relation to与…有关
Climate control cannot be seen as separate from the crop, for which one tries to create
optimal conditions. The crop plays a double role: it changes its surroundings and it reacts to them. As a result of evaporation, photosynthesis and respiration, the crop influences the mass balances of CO2 and water vapor pressure of the air, as well as the energy balance.气候控制不能看作是与作物相隔离的,因为温室气候控制就是要试图创造作物理想的生长条件。作物起着双重作用:它既能改变周围的环境,同时又能对环境作出反应。作物通过蒸发作用、光合作用和呼吸作用能影响二氧化碳的质量平衡、水汽压以及能量平衡。react to对…作出反应
In controlling the production process, a distinction can be made between slow and fast-reacting processes. Slow-reacting processes are, for example, leaf and flower development, morphogenesis, and dry matter accumulation and distribution. Fast-reacting processes (several minutes or hours) include photosynthesis and transpiration.
When sufficient attention is paid to managing the crop in the long term (limiting conditions), the production rate is determined primarily by crop photosynthesis. This is determined largely by the amou
nt of photosynthetic active radiation (PAR), to a lesser extent by the CO2 concentration, and to only a small extent by temperature and air-humidity.
pay attention to注意,关心
No attention was paid to his advice.他的建议没有引起注意。
in the long term从长远看
to a lesser extent在较小程度上
I was very tired. To a lesser extent so was he. 我累极了。他也很累,但比我稍好些。However, these last two factors do have an indirect influence on the production via the crop condition. Crop condition concerns a complex of properties which determine the capacity of the crop to deliver good production over an extended period. This is a property which is particularly important of the long cultivation periods, required by indeterminat e crops (such as tomato and rose), and which is related to crop structure and crop …vitality‟.
Due to its effect on the development of the crop, temperature plays an important role in crop planning. In addition, one must consider important qualitative effects of light (such as crop management through manipulation of day-length and light quality). For many crops, planning the time of harvest is an important criterion for controlling the climate, due to predictable price movements (for example, Mother‟s Day, Easter etc.), or with regard to general cultivation planning (e.g. labor requirement) and contracts.
with regard to关于
I have nothing to say with regard to your complaints
对於你的投诉, 我无可奉告.
Product quality is such a broad concept that it is hardly possible to discuss it as part of this lesson. With regard to climate factors, however, it is certainly true that they must remain within certain limits in order to prevent problems with quality (Table 2-1).
Table 2-1 Influence of climate factors on quality at upper and lower limits Climate factor Lower limit Upper limit
Light poor product development,
susceptibility, perishability damage (…burning‟, especially potted plants)
CO2production loss due to increased
photorespiration damage (particularly from combustion byproducts)
Temperature chilling injury, deformations heat damage
Air-humidity occurrence of diseases and pest
infestation, dehydration appearance of disease symptoms, deficiency symptoms
These limits are often not absolute, but depend on the length and degree of exposure (comparable to dosage), and/or on the interplay with other climate factors. Particularly with regard to ornamental crops, the margins of tolerance can be remarkably narrow, since flowering, the form of the plant or flower, the color etc. can be negatively influenced if the temperature does not remain within the optimal path.
the margins of tolerance忍受的极限
Besides keeping within limits due to the danger of quality loss, the climate is also controlled to encourage positive quality characteristics. There is much research yet to be done in this area. One example of quality improvement through climate control is the recently developed concept of DIF temp
erature. In the DIF method, the night temperature is purposefully kept higher than the day temperature in order to shorten the internodal length, which yields a more compact plant.
The costs of climate control are largely due to the energy used for heating (and dehumidifying), cooling and possibly for supplementary lighting. In addition, CO2 injection can also result in extra costs. But reducing such costs should never be a goal in itself. One must always consider the extra benefits which result from the use of extra production resources (marginal costs versus marginal benefit). The costs can also be indirectly influenced by climate control, as a result of its effects on the need for labor and the
utilization of greenhouse space (crop planning).
due to应给予、由于、因为、应归功于
react to后面加什么Her absence is due to illness.她因病缺席。
in itself本质上,就其本身而言,本身;实际上
The design has weakness in itself. 这设计本身存在弱点。
It is a small thing in itself. 这本是一件小事。
V arious problems can be considered as part of the concept of risk management. On one hand, the grower could consider the risk of serious crop damage, or even total crop loss, as a result of diseases or pests, damage due to air pollution, or the appearance of physiological disorders (caused by plant reactions). On the other hand, there are also other types of risks, such as that resulting from poor crop planning. Products may be ready too soon or too late, at a time when there is no market for them. Risk prevention is coupled with crop quality, providing resistance to stress, diseases and pests, among other factors, as well as with the avoidance of risky situation such as condensation on the crop, or exposing it to extreme conditions. The judgment of the grower plays a large role in the prevention or ac
ceptance risk.
On the other hand在另一方面
On the other hand, many women choose to go out to work.
另一方面, 许多妇女又选择外出工作。
coupled with加上,外加,与…相结合,伴随着
Gambling is always coupled with degradation.
1.shade [ ☞♏♓♎ ] n. 遮荫, 遮光物, 帘(light diminished in intensity as a result of the
interception of the rays; partial darkness)
2.supplementary [ ♦✈☐●♓❍♏⏹♦☜❒♓ ] adj. 附助的(added or serving as a supplement;
additional); supplementary lighting 补光(the method or equipment used to provide artificial illumination)
3.calamity [ ☜●✌❍♓♦♓] n. 灾难, 不幸事件(an event that brings terrible loss, lasting distress,
or severe affliction; a disaster)
4.risk [risk] n. 冒险, 风险(the possibility of suffering harm or loss; danger); risk management 风险
管理,险情管理(handling, supervision, or control of danger);risk prevention险情预防
the money you paid for a purchase)
6.surroundings [♦☜❒♋☺⏹♎✋☠] n. 环境(the external circumstances, conditions, and objects
that affect existence and development; the environment)
7.mass balance [❍✌♦ ♌✌●☜⏹♦] 质量平衡(here mainly means the balance of carbolic
metabolism and water metabolism in a plant)
(formation of the structure of an organism or part; differentiation and growth of tissues and organs during development)
especially through the stomata of plant tissue or the pores of the skin)
10.photosynthetic active radiation
[ ♐☜◆♦☜◆♦♓⏹♏♦♓ ✌♦♓ ❒♏♓♎♓♏♓☞☜⏹] (=PAR) 光合有效辐射(solar radiation in the wavelength of 340-760nm that are effective to photosynthesis)

which influence crop growth)
12.indeterminate crop [ ♓⏹♎♓♦☜❍♓⏹♓♦ ❒☐] 无限生长型作物(crops such as
tomato, rose etc. that can continually grow if the environment is favorable; not terminating in a flower and continuing to grow at the apex)

of a crop and connecting two crops)
14.susceptibility [ ♦☜♦♏☐♦☜♌♓●♓♦♓ ]n.易感性, 感受性,感病性(the quality or
condition of being susceptible)
15.perishability [ ☐♏❒♓☞☜♌♓●♓♦♓] n. 易腐性,易败性(liable to perish, subject to decay)
16bustion [ ☜❍♌✈♦♦☞☜⏹ ] n. 燃烧, 氧化(a chemical change, especially oxidation,
accompanied by the production of heat and light)
17.deformation [ ♎♓♐❍♏♓☞☜⏹ ] n. 变形,变态,畸变(the act of process of
deforming; the condition of being deformed; an alteration of form for the worse)
18.infestation [ ♓⏹♐♏♦♦♏♓☞☜⏹ ] n.(害虫、盗贼等)袭,出没,横行,(昆虫)传染(harmful
persons or things esp. vermin or disease overrun [a place) in large numbers)
19.dehydration [ ♎♓♒♋♓♎❒♏♓☞☜⏹ ] n.脱水(the process of removing water from a
substance or compound)
20.deficiency symptom [♎♓♐♓☞☜⏹♦♓ ♦♓❍☐♦☜❍] 缺素症(symptom caused by the lack
of some essential or important element)
21.dosage[ ♎☜◆♦♓♎✞ ] n. 剂量, 用量(administration of a therapeutic agent in prescribed
22.DIF temperature 昼夜逆温差(=different day and night temperature, especially means that the
night temperature is purposefully kept higher than the day temperature)
23.internodal length [ ♓⏹♦☜⏹☜◆♎●  ● ♏☠] 节间长度(the stem length between two
24pact plant [ ❍☐✌♦ ☐●⏹♦] 紧凑的株型(closely and firmly united or packed
together, dense, compact clusters of flowers)
