    It's never easy to take criticism, especially when it's unexpected or feels personal. But I've learned that it's essential to stay calm and think things through. Once, in English class, my teacher pointed out a mistake I made in my essay. My first reaction was to feel a bit embarrassed, but I quickly reminded myself not to react emotionally.
    Instead, I focused on the feedback itself. I realized the teacher was trying to help me improve, not put me down. So I took a moment to understand the mistake and figure out how to avoid it next time. That was when I started to appreciate the value of criticism.
    After class, I even went up to the teacher and thanked her for her honesty. I told her I knew it wasn't easy to give criticism, but I really appreciated it because it helped me grow. She smiled and said that's exactly why she does it.
    Now, whenever I face criticism, I try to remember that moment. I know it's not about me personally; it's just a way to help me become better. And that's why I've learned to welcome criticism with open arms – because it's a gift that helps me improve.
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