专利名称:Method and apparatus to verify an agent 发明人:デイヴィッド モス,ヘルベルト プラッチュ,カトリン フュクスレ,ラルフ マズーフ
摘要: (57)< Abstract > Topic of this invention is to develop manner and the device which verify the operation material which makes the proof of complex formation between the reactant possible. This topic mixes two which reacts to the complex reactants at least, mutually measures the IR spectrum of the individual reactant which does not react in the blend yet at first point in time, measures the complex of the reactant at second point in time due to one other IR measurement at least, forms the difference of two spectra which were measured at the point in time when it differs, is solved the reactant where the difference spectrum has band structure as the operation material by the manner which it chooses. Furthermore, two sample looping valves restoration with the reagent and organicity chemical compound by two pumps, the sample looping valve is jointed by closed space, with third pump the blend is produced in closed space, is supplied proposes the device which to in the IR cuvette.react to的用法
申请人:フォルシュングスツェントルム カールスルーエ ゲゼルシャフト ミット ベシュレンクテル ハフツング,ビーエーエスエフ アクチェンゲゼルシャフト
地址:ドイツ連邦共和国 カールスルーエ ヴェーバーシュトラーセ 5,ドイツ連邦共和国,ルートヴィッヒスハーフェン カール-ボッシュ-ストラーセ 38
代理人:矢野 敏雄 (外4名)更多信息请下载全文后查看
