Count to ten例句
1. Count to ten before you react.
2. I always tell my children to count to ten when they feel angry or upset.
3. It's important to take a deep breath and count to ten before making a big decision.
4. Whenever I feel overwhelmed, I try to count to ten and clear my mind.
5. I used to have a bad habit of interrupting people, but now I count to ten before speaking.
6. Count to ten and let the anger pass before responding to an insulting comment.
7. When feeling stressed, it's a good idea to count to ten and practice some relaxation techniques.
8. If you find yourself forgetting something important, count to ten and retrace your steps.
9. Count to ten and think about the consequences before you say something you might regre
10. When driving, it's important to count to ten and remain calm in frustrating situations.
11. Count to ten and give yourself time to process bad news before reacting.
12. If you feel overwhelmed at work, try counting to ten and taking a short break to regroup.
react to的用法13. Count to ten and take a deep breath to calm your nerves before public speaking.
14. Before clicking "send" on an angry email, count to ten and consider whether it's appropriate.
15. Count to ten and consider all the options before making a hasty decision.
16. When feeling anxious, try counting to ten and picturing a peaceful scene to calm your mind.
17. Remember to count to ten and practice patience when dealing with difficult people.
18. Count to ten and think before reacting emotionally to criticism or feedback.
19. Before entering a potentially contentious conversation, count to ten and plan out your approach.
20. Sometimes it's best to count to ten and walk away from a situation to avoid conflict.
