1.content n.内容,目录,容量;满足 adj.满足的;满意的 vt.使满足
be content with=be satisfied with对……感到满足/满意
be content to do sth.=be willing to do sth.愿意做某事
content sb./oneself with sth. 使某人/自己对……满意
in content and form 在内容和形式上
(1)Are you ____________ your present salary?你对现在的薪水满意吗?
(2)My parents ________________________ in the country.我父母甘愿住在乡下。
(3)Simple praise is enough to ____________.一点点表扬就足以使他满足。
(4)Show me __________________ your suitcase.给我看看你手提箱里的东西。
react to的用法
答案:content with;are well content to live;content him;the contents of
提示:content 用做形容词时,通常做表语、后置定语或状语,做前置定语要用contented,如:a contented expression“满足的表情”; content 前的修饰词用 well,而不用 very。
2.astonish vt. 使吃惊;使惊讶
astonishing adj. 令人十分惊异的
astonished adj. 感到十分惊讶的
astonishment n. 惊讶
to one‘s astonishment 使某人万分惊讶的是
in astonishment 惊讶地
be astonished at/by sth. 因某事而吃惊
be astonished to do sth. 因干某事而吃惊
(1)We __________________ the news of her sudden death.她突然去世的消息使我们震惊。
(2)It ____________ us to hear that you did not receive our letter. 听说你还没收到我们的信,这使我们十分惊讶。
(3)It was an ____________ story.这故事令人惊讶不已。
答案:were astonished at;astonished;astonishing
3.entertain vt.&vi. 使快乐,款待
entertaining adj. 引人发笑的,有趣的,娱乐的
entertainment n. 招待,款待,娱乐
entertain sb. with sth. 用……使某人快乐
entertain sb. to sth. 用……招待/款待某人
give an entertainment to sb. 招待某人
(1)He often __________ the children ______ funny expressions. 他经常用滑稽的表情逗孩子们玩儿。
(2)I usually _________ my friends ______ dinner on Sundays.我常在星期天请朋友们吃饭。
(3)It’s not a very serious film, but a good _______________.这不是一部严肃的电影,而是一部很好的娱乐片。
答案:entertains with;entertain to;entertainment
4.overcome v. 战胜;克服;征服
be overcome by sth.……使某人垮掉,……使某人昏迷
be overcome with emotion/excitement/horror/grief 因情感/兴奋//悲伤而不能自持
(1)In the final game Sweden easily ____________ France.在决赛中,瑞典队轻松战胜了法国队。
(2)Her parents __________________ grief at the funeral.在葬礼上她的父母悲痛欲绝。
(3)The dead woman had __________________ smoke.这个女人是被烟呛死的。
答案:overcame;were overcome with;been overcome by
5.convince vt.使确信,使信服,使认识
convincing adj.令人信服的;有说服力的
convinced adj.确信的;深信的;坚信的
convince sb. of sth. 说服某人相信某事
convince sb. 使某人信服(相信)
be 确信……
be/feel firmly 确信;笃信;坚信……
(1)We finally ____________ them ______ our adventure.
=We finally ___________ them ____________ our adventure.我们最终令他们信服了我们的冒险经历。
(2)Her smile ___________ him ______ she was happy.她的微笑使他确信她快乐。
(3)They __________________ the result of the experiment finally.他们最终相信了实验结果。
(4)I __________________ his guilt. ________he is guilty. 我确信他有罪。
答案:convinced of;convinced to believe;convinced that;were convinced of;am convinced of;that
(5)There is now ____________ evidence that smoking causes lung cancer.现有令人信服的证据说吸烟能导致肺癌。
6.direct vt.&vi. 导演;指挥;指示 adj. 径直的;直接的;直率的 adv. 直接地
direct sth. to/towards sth./sb.
direct sth. at/against sth./sb.把……对准(某方向或某人)
direct sb. to sp. 给某人指路,为某人领路
direct sb. to do sth. 指示/命令某人做某事
that 从句(用虚拟语气)
the direct road/train 直通道路/直达列车
be in direct contact with sb. 与某人有直接的联系
go direct to sp. 直接去某地
(1)She prefers to ______ rather than ______.她宁愿当演员,不愿当导演。
(2)The police officers had __________________ search the building. 警察奉命搜查这栋大楼。
(3)The judge _________ that the mother be given custody of the child. 法官判决这孩子由母亲照管。
答案:act;direct;been directed to;directed
7.particular adj. 特殊的,特别的,挑剔的 n. 细节,细目
be particular to 是……特有的
be particular about/over sth. 对……讲究,挑剔
in particular 尤其,特别,格外
(1)The coconut __________________ the tropics.椰子是热带地区特有的。
(2)She __________________ her clothes.她对衣着很讲究。
(3)She loves the song ____________, because her mother used to sing it.她特别喜爱这首歌,因为她妈妈过去经常唱。
答案:is particular to;is particular about;in particular
8.whisper v.&n.低语,耳语,私语;私下说,低声地说
in a whisper (=in whispers) 低声地
whisper about sth. 密谈某事
It is 有人私下说……
whisper to sb. 对某人窃窃私语
(1)They debated it ____________.他们低声辩论。
(2)The two girls were ______________ in the library.这两个女孩在图书馆里低声说话。
(3)After a few minutes, he ___________ the answer ______ the creature’s ear.过了几分钟,他小声在这个动物的耳旁说出答案。
(4)__________________ that he was heavily in debt.据说他负债累累。
答案:in whispers;whispering;whispered in;It was whispered
提示:whisper 后接双宾语时,间接宾语无论在前还是在后,其前都要带介词 to, 即whisper sth. to sb.= whisper to sb. sth.。类似结构还有:
