Working document QAS/20.842
May 2020
Good manufacturing practices:
water for pharmaceutical use
The control of water quality, including microbiological and chemical quality, throughout production, storage and distribution processes is a major concern. Unlike other product and process ingredients, water is usually drawn from an on-demand system and is not subject to testing and batch or lot release prior to use. The assurance of water quality to meet the on-demand expectation is, therefore, essential.
In recent years, following extensive consultation with stakeholders, several pharmacopoeias have adopted revised monographs on water for injection (WFI) that allow for production by non-distillation technologies, such as reverse osmosis (RO). In 2017, the World Health Organization (WHO) Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations (ECSPP) recommended that the WHO Secretariat collect feedback on whether or not they should revise the WHO specifications and good m
anufacturing practices (GMP) on WFI, and how to do so. Following discussions during several consultations, the ECSPP agreed that the monograph in The International Pharmacopoeia (Water for injections) and the guideline WHO Good manufacturing practices: water for pharmaceutical use (1) should both be revised to allow for technologies other than distillation for the production of WFI. In early 2019, the WHO Secretariat commissioned the preparation of a draft guidance text for the production of WFI by means other than distillation. Following several public consultations, the text was presented to the Fifty-fourth ECSPP. The Expert Committee adopted the Production of water for injection by means other than distillation guideline and recommended that it should also be integrated into WHO’s existing guideline on Good manufacturing practices: water for pharmaceutical use.
近年来,由于干系人提出非常多的建议,几部药典均对注射用水(WFI)进行了修订,允许采用非蒸馏技术如反渗透(RO)制备 WFI。 2017 年, WHO 制剂标准专家委员会(ECSPP)建议 WHO 秘书处收集各方对于是否认为应修订 WHO 标准和 WFI GMP 以及如何修订的反馈。在几次征求意见期间经过讨论之后, ECSPP 同意对国际药典各论(注射用水)和 WHO 指南“GMP:制药用水” 进行修订,允许使用非蒸馏技术制备WFI。2019 年早期,WHO 秘书处协调起草了非蒸馏方法制备WFI 的指南草案。经过几次公开征求意见之后,该文件被提交给第 54 次 ECSPP。专家委员会采纳了“非蒸馏方法制备注射水”的指南,并将建议整合至 WHO 现有指南“GMP:制药用水”中。
This current document is a revision of WHO Good manufacturing practices: water for pharmaceutical use, previously published in the WHO Technical Report Series, No. 970, Annex 2, 2011.
本文件是之前发布为 WHO TRS 970 附录 2, 2011 的“WH O GMP:制药用水”修订本。
1. Introduction
2. Background to water requirements and uses
3. General principles for pharmaceutical water systems
4. Water quality specifications
4.1. Pharmacopoeial specifications
4.2. Drinking-water
4.3. Bulk purified water
4.4. Bulk highly purified water
4.5. Bulk water for injections
4.6. Other grades of water
5. General considerations for water purification systems 水净化系统的一般考虑点
6. Water storage and distribution systems
7. Good practices for water systems
8. System sanitization and bioburden control
9. Storage vessels
10. Water distribution
11. Biocontamination control techniques
12. Operational considerations
12.5 Phase 1
12.6 Phase 2
react to中文12.7 Phase 3
13. Continuous system monitoring
14. Maintenance of water systems
15. System reviews
16. Inspection of water systems
17. References
18. Further reading
1 Introduction and scope
1.1 This document concerns water for pharmaceutical use (WPU) produced, stored and distributed in bulk form. It intends to provide information about different specifications for WPU; guidance on GMP regarding the quality management of water systems; water treatment (production) systems; water storage and distribution systems; qualification and validation; and sampling, testing and the routine monitoring of water.
1.2 Although drinking-water is addressed, the focus of this document is on the treatment, storage and distribution of treated water used in pharmaceutical applications.
1.3 This document does not cover water for administration to patients in the formulated state or the us
e of small quantities of water in pharmacies to compound individually prescribed medicines.
1.4 The document can be used in whole or in part, as appropriate, to the section and application under consideration.
1.5 In addition to this document, the “Further reading” section at the en d of this document includes some relevant publications that can serve as additional background material when planning, installing and using systems intended to provide WPU.
1.6 This document is supplementary to the World Health Organization (WHO) Good manufacturing practices for active pharmaceutical ingredients (2), and WHO Good manufacturing practices for pharmaceutical products: main principles (3).
本文件是对世界卫生组织(WHO)活物成分GMP(2)和WHO药物成品GMP(3)的补充。2. Background to water requirements and uses
2.1 Water is a widely used substance in the pharmaceutical industry. It is extensively used as a raw material or starting material in the production, processing and formulation of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), intermediates and finished pharmaceutical products (FPP), in the preparation of solvents and reagents, and for cleaning (e.g. washing and rinsing). Water has unique chemical properties due to its polarity and hydrogen bonds. It is able to dissolve, absorb, adsorb or suspend different compounds. These would include contaminants that may represent hazards in themselves or that may be able to react with intended product substances, resulting in hazards to health. Water should therefore meet the required quality standards to mitigate these risks.
2.2 The microbiological and chemical quality of water should be controlled throughout the production, storage and distribution of water. Water is not usually subjected to testing and batch or lot release before use. It is usually drawn from a system on-demand for use.
Results from testing are normally available only after water has already been used as microbiological tests may require periods of incubation. The assurance of quality to meet the on-demand expectation of water is therefore essential.
2.3 To reduce the risks associated with the production, storage and distribution of water and, considering the properties and use of water, it is essential:
•to ensure the appropriate design, installation, operation and maintenance of the pre-treatment (production of drinking-water), treatment (production of WPU such as purified water (PW) and WFI), and storage and distribution systems;
•to perform periodic sanitization;
•to take the appropriate measures in order to prevent chemical and microbial contamination; and
•to prevent microbial proliferation.
2.4 Different grades of water quality exist. The appropriate water quality, meeting its defined specification, should be used for the intended application.
3. General principles for pharmaceutical water systems
3.1 Pharmaceutical water production, storage and distribution systems should be designed, installed, commissioned, qualified, validated, operated and maintained to ensure the consistent and reliable production of water of intended quality.
3.2 The capacity of these systems should be appropriate to meet the average and peak flow demand. The systems should be able to operate continuously for significant periods of time in order to avoid the inefficiencies and equipment stresses that occur when equipment cycles turn on and off too frequently.
3.3 The use of the systems following an initial qualification such as installation qualification (IQ), operational qualification (OQ), performance qualification (PQ) and validation should be approved by the quality unit, e.g. quality assurance (QA).
3.4 Water sources and treated water should be monitored regularly for chemical, microbiological and, as appropriate, endotoxin contamination. The performance of water treatment, storage and distribution systems should also be monitored. Records of the results monitored, trend analysis and any actions taken should be maintained.