getto是什么意思 getto在线翻译 getto什么意思 getto的意思 getto的翻译 getto的解释 getto的发音 getto的同义词 getto的反义词 getto的例句 gettogetto 双语例句1. why is itthat i have to climb 1, 000 mountains to getto you and all you have to do is smileto get to me?
2. can just sit down and getto know each other better.
3. amoral and political philosophy is not like a smorgasbord, where you getto pick and choose the offerings you like and leave the others behindwithout explanation.
react to啥意思道德与政治哲学不是自助餐,你可以选择自己喜欢的,扔掉其余而没有丝毫解释。
4. with that kind of clarity, people will understand the need to getto zero and begin to grasp the scope and scale of innovation that isneeded.
5. call it ping-pong diplomacy across the taiwan strait: mainland chinalobs balls instead of missiles at the islanders, and the taiwanese getto fight back.
6. just compare arriving at la guardia`sdumpy terminal in new york city and driving through the crumblinginfrastructure into manhattan with arriving at shanghai`s sleek airportand taking the 220-mile-per-hour magnetic levitation train, which useselectromagnetic propulsion instead of steel wheels and tracks, to getto town in a blink.
抵达纽约市la guardia机场笨拙的航站楼,驱车走过曼哈顿摇摇欲坠的基础设施,再和抵达上海时髦的机场,乘坐时速220英里的磁悬浮列车的体验比较一下。然后自问:到底是谁生活在第三世界国家?
7. being able to decide means you getto live the life that you want to.
8. what if i couldn`t getto you?
9. if we getto the final, we still have hope that he can be there.
10. you will getto eat great chinese food.
11. you really think youre going to get to four buttons before i getto one?
