English: As students, we often face a lot of pressure from school, family, and society. In order to reduce the stress, there are several effective methods we can adopt. First, it is essential to develop good time management skills. By organizing our daily schedule and allocating specific time for study, relaxation, and hobbies, we can avoid feeling overwhelmed by the workload. Additionally, exercise is another great way to alleviate stress. Engaging in physical activities such as jogging, swimming, or yoga can help release endorphins, the body's natural stress relievers, and improve our overall well-being. Moreover, maintaining a balanced diet and getting enough sleep are also crucial to keeping stress levels in check. Eating nutritious foods and getting adequate rest can boost our energy and enhance our ability to cope with challenges. Lastly, finding a support system is important for managing stress. Whether it's talking to friends, seeking advice from parents, or seeking professional help, having a support network can provide comfort and guidance in times of need.
react to stress的中文翻译
中文翻译: 作为学生,我们经常面对来自学校、家庭和社会的巨大压力。为了减轻压力,我们
