    Fenton Reaction for Determining Hydroxyl Radicals.
    The Fenton reaction is a chemical reaction that generates hydroxyl radicals, which are highly reactive species that can damage DNA, proteins, and lipids. The reaction is commonly used in laboratory settings to study the effects of oxidative stress on biological systems.
    The Fenton reaction is a two-step process. In the first step, iron(II) ions react with hydrogen peroxide to form hydroxyl radicals and iron(III) ions. In the second step, iron(III) ions react with another molecule of hydrogen peroxide to regenerate iron(II) ions and produce a second molecule of hydroxyl radicals.
    The rate of the Fenton reaction is influenced by several factors, including the concentration of iron(II) ions, hydrogen peroxide, and pH. The reaction is most efficient at pH values between 3 and 5.
    The Fenton reaction can be used to determine the concentration of hydroxyl radicals in a solution. This is done by adding a known amount of hydrogen peroxide to a solution containing iron(II) ions. The reaction is then allowed to proceed for a known period of time, and the concentration of hydroxyl radicals is determined using a spectrophotometer.
    The Fenton reaction is a powerful tool for studying the effects of oxidative stress on biological systems. The reaction can be used to generate hydroxyl radicals in a controlled manner, and the concentration of hydroxyl radicals can be determined using a spectrophotometer.
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