.Read the text and answer the following question.
The story in the second passage mainly tells us ________.
A.a joke made by Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson
B.a dialogue between Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson
C.a misunderstanding between Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson
D.a story told by two famous detectives
.Choose the best answers according to the text.
1.In the first dialogue the customer in fact means that ________.
A.he doesn't know what it is now
B.he doesn't hear clearly what the waiter says
C.he is not content with the soup
D.he mistakes “bean” for “been”
2.In the third dialogue the customer really wants to know ________.
A.the length of the pancakes
B.how soon the pancakes will be ready
C.the size of the pancakes
D.the shape of the pancakes
3.When did the story probably happen?
A.In the morning.  B.At noon.
C.In the afternoon.  D.At night.
4.What happened to Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson?
A.Their tent was stolen by someone.
B.They quarreled with each other about their tent.
C.Their tent was blown away by the strong wind.
D.They quarreled with each other about different opinions of life.
答案:1~4 CBDA
1.The boy was sliding (滑行) on the ice, but suddenly he lost his balance and fell down.
2.She leaned over and whispered (低语) something in his ear.
3.She was too drunk (醉的) to remember anything about the party.
4.We are against any plans to cut the education budget (预算).
1.particularadj.特殊的;特别的 n.细节;细目particularlyadv.特殊地;特别地
2.amusevt.使发笑;使愉快amused adj.愉快的;开心的amusingadj.好笑的;
有趣的amusement n.娱乐;消遣
3.explanationn.解释;讲解;说明explain vt.&vi.解释;说明
4.occasionn.时刻;场合occasional adj.偶然的;特殊场合的
5.actressn.女演员actor n.男演员
6.reactvi.作出反应;回应reaction n.反应;反作用
7.detectiven.侦探detect v.侦察;发现;察觉
8.mountain n.山;山脉mountainousadj.多山的
9.messn.脏或乱的状态messy adj.脏乱的
1.burst into laughter    放声大笑
2.play on words  玩文字游戏
3.react to……作出反应;回应
4.bring out使……明显;显示出
5.add up合计;把……加起来
6.treat ...as ...  把……当作
7.in the open air  在露天;在户外
8.slide into偷偷溜进
9.be particular about……挑剔
10.in a whisper  小声地
11.in a mess  杂乱不堪
1.[教材原句]What did John think Mary should have done with the mess in the pan?
[句型点拨]should have done意为本应该做某事,事实上却没有做
[佳句赏析]Don't worry about what you should have done last week or what you might be able to do tomorrow.
2.[教材原句]Whenever you finish your story, you will feel a sense of success.
[佳句赏析](2015·福建满分作文)Whenever you want to achieve something in life, there will be problems of this or that kind.
Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson went camping in a mountainous area. They were lying in the open air under the stars. Sherlock Holmes looked up at the stars and whispered,Watson, when you look at that beautiful sky, what do you think of? Watson replied, “I think of how short life is and how long the universe has lasted.”No, no, Watson! Holmes said.What do you really think of? Watson tried again.“I think of how small I am and how vast the sky is.”Try again, Watson! said Holmes. Watson tried a third time.“I think of how cold the universe is and how warm people can be in their beds.” Holmes said,Watson, you fool! You should be thinking that someone has stolen our tent! 
夏洛克·福尔摩斯和华生医生去一个山区野营。他们躺在野外的星空下。夏洛克·福尔摩斯仰望着繁星,轻声问道:华生,当你望着美丽的天空时,你想到了什么?华生回答说:我想到我们的生命是多么短促,而宇宙却是多么漫长。”“不对,华生!福尔摩斯说,你到底想的是什么?于是华生又试着回答:我想到我是多么渺小,而天空是多么广阔。”“再回答一次,华生!福尔摩斯说。华生试着回答第三次:我想到宇宙是多么寒冷,而人们睡在床上该是多么暖和。福尔摩斯说:react to中文翻译华生,你这个傻瓜!你应该想到有人把我们的帐篷偷走了!
1.Children particularly would burst into laughter at his behaviour.(P20)
particularly adv.特殊地;特别地
particular adj.        特殊的;特别的
n. 细节;细目
be particular about  对……挑剔
in particular (=particularly)  特别地;尤其地
The hotel wasn't particularly good. But I had stayed in many worse hotels.
She is_so_particular_about her housework that servants will not work for her.
Peter was lying on the sofa doing nothing in particular.
2.On one occasion in a restaurant he ordered a steaktartare.(P20)
