Functional group :官能团 -----决定有机化合物的化学性质的原子或原子团,包含-X、-OH、-CHO、-COOH、
醇(Alcohols)R-OH ---an organic compound containing an OH group
    ---OH group is polar, tending to make alcohols soluble in water
    -----the nonpolar hydrocarbon chains tend to male alcohols insoluble in water
    ------the longer the hydrocarbon chain, the less insoluble the alcohols
代表:CH3CH2OH 乙醇
醛(Aldehydes R--CHO -- an organic compound containing a C=O group at the end of a hydrocarbon chain
代表:甲醛,HCHO 用作农药和消毒剂  CH3—CH2—CH2-CHO 类似于这样的
酮(Ketones  R--C=O--R ---an organic compound containing a C=O group at a position other than at the end of a hydrocarbon
代表:丙酮 CH3COCH3:用于制取有机玻璃单体,易燃,易
醚(Ethers      R-O-R---a compound in which an oxygen joins two hydrocarbon groups
代表:乙醚CH3CH2-OCH2CH3 ,全身麻醉
胺类(AminesR-NH2  --an organic grop containing an –NH2 gropu
      ----organic bases and react with acids
酰胺类(Amides)R-CO-NH2 –an organic compound containing  a R-CO-NH2 group
羧酸 (Carboxylic acid)  --an organic compound containing  a R-COOH group, organic acid
代表:CH3COOH 乙酸:醋
酯类(Estersreact with--an compound in which a COO group joins two hydrocarbon chains
