How to Escape a Fire.
A fire can be a terrifying and dangerous event, but it is important to stay calm and follow these steps to escape safely:
1. Stay low and crawl. Smoke and heat rise, so staying low will help you avoid being overcome by fumes and flames. Crawl towards the nearest exit or escape route.
2. Cover your face with a wet cloth. This will help filter out smoke and protect your lungs.
react to an emergency 3. Feel doors before opening them. If a door is hot, do not open it. There may be a fire on the other side.
4. If your clothes catch fire, stop, drop, and roll. This will help smother the flames.
5. Do not use elevators. Elevators can become trapped in a fire, so always use stairs to escape.
6. Once you are outside, stay out. Do not go back into the building for any reason.
7. Call 911. Report the fire and give the dispatcher your location.
Additional Tips for Escaping a Fire:
Have a fire escape plan. Everyone in your household should know what to do in the event of a fire.
Practice your fire escape plan regularly. This will help you become familiar with the escape routes and make it easier to react in an emergency.
Keep fire extinguishers in your home. Fire extinguishers can be used to put out small fires.
Install smoke detectors in your home. Smoke detectors can warn you of a fire in its early
1. 保持低姿势并爬行。烟雾和热量会上升,因此保持低姿势将有助于您避免被烟雾和火焰吞没。朝最近的出口或逃生路线爬行。
2. 用湿布捂住脸部。这将有助于过滤烟雾并保护您的肺部。
3. 开门前先摸一摸。如果门很热,请不要打开。另一边可能着火。
4. 如果您的衣服着火,请停下来,趴下,然后滚动。这将有助于扑灭火焰。
5. 不要使用电梯。电梯可能被困在火中,所以逃生时请务必使用楼梯。
6. 一旦你到外面,请待在外面。无论出于什么原因,都不要返回建筑物。
7. 拨打 911。报告火灾并向调度员提供您的位置。