Do plants listen to music? How can a plant possibly respond to music? Well,plants breathe through their many mouths,which are also known as stomata and it has been discovered that plant stomata respond to music!
A few years ago,scientists at the University of California,San Diego discovered what controls a plant's stomata.The two cells that form the stoma consist of specialized cells adjusted to the resonant(共鸣的)frequency of calcium(钙).When exposed to this frequency the stomata close.However,if the frequency isn't exactly right the cells will open again within an hour.This happens even if the concentration of calcium is high enough that the stomata would normally close.
When specific music or bird songs cause the plant to vibrate(颤动),but not at the exact freq
uency for calcium resonance,the stomata will open after a misjudgment of time,even though the plant would keep them closed under normal circumstances.
Testing has shown that a leaf fertilizer(肥料)applied to the plant will have more effect on the development and growth of the plant if its stomata are wide open.This is quite logical,because plants absorb the leaf fertilizer through their stomata.Combinations of frequency and leaf fertilizer are available for many different crops.However,if the stomata are forced to remain open,the plant won't be able to control the amount of water lost and so it risks dehydration(脱水).As a result,exposing plants to music for over 3 hours a day could endanger their health.There could also be bad effects on plants if the volume or frequency is too high.
It isn't exactly clear how music influences the development and growth of plants,but more and more is being discovered about resonance physics and we're closer than ever to solid scientific proof and theories in this area.Maybe,in twenty years' time people will laugh if you say plants don't have ears!
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇科普文。主要介绍了音乐对植物的影响。
1.Why does the author ask the questions in Paragraph 1?
A.To express his doubts.
B.To present different ideas.
C.To describe the lifestyle of plants.
D.To introduce points for discussion.
D [推理判断题。根据文章第一段中的“it has been discovered that plant stomata respond to music”以及下文内容可以推断,作者在文章首段提出那两个问题是为了引出本文要讨论的主题。]
2.What does the underlined word “This” in Paragraph 2 refer to?
A.The reopening of the cells.
B.The change in frequency.
C.The frequency of calcium.
D.The closing of the stomata.
react to和respond to的区别A [代词指代题。根据上下文内容可知,画线词是指代上文提到的“the cells will open again”这一情况。]
3.It call be inferred from the text that         .
A.future plants are likely to have ears
B.how music affects plant growth is widely known
C.growers must be careful when exposing plants to music
D.the stomata don't affect the effect of leaf fertilizer on plants
C [推理判断题。根据文章第四段内容可知,如果让植物长时间地暴露在音乐环境中或者音
4.Which can be the best title for the text?
A.Benefits of Music to Plants
B.Influence of Music on Plants
C.How to Improve Plant Growth?
D.How Do Plants Listen Without Ears?
B [标题归纳题。通读全文可知,本文主要讲音乐能够促进植物的生长,但是如果让植物长时间地暴露在音乐环境中或者音乐的音量或频率过高,反而会对植物产生不良的影响。由此可知,B项“音乐对植物的影响”最能概括本文的内容。]
My first term at MIT(麻省理工学院)was awesome—I got all A's,and I declared math as my major.My parents were expecting me to become a doctor like them so I was trying to satisfy them.But I was desperately running away from them.I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life.My third term,I ended up with a D in math.I didn't do that well in my other classes,either.It seemed like all my friends were doing so well,getting opportunities over the summers.
My fifth term,I realized that I was awful at higher­level math.I had lost all confidence in myself.I went to a few classes at the beginning of the term,but after by midterm,I had totally stopped.My only relief was the dance team I was on.I would sleep all day,and then go to dance practice,and then go back to sleep.As expected,I failed in all of my classes and had to withdraw from MIT.
I had no choice but to tell my parents.Instead of yelling or hitting me,though,they just held me and cried.The next day,my dad took a day off from work and took me to a nearby,small arts college.
I had lost all confidence in myself.Before my first biology test,I didn't think I could pass.I did pass.Since I had so much free time,I decided to join a biology lab.I realized that was what I wanted to do! I wanted to be a scientist!
