1. Q:Please state your name for the record.
A:My name is Brett Miller,M-i-l-l-e-r.
2. Q:Could you please tell us your occupation and your educational background?
A:I am a babysitter and I took classes at Midlands University. 
3. Q:What is your relationship with Davis’ family?
A: I had been a babysitter for Hillary and Joey since July 2016.
4. Q:What was Joey like when you were babysitting him?
A: Joey was a pretty happy kid. He loved to play with toys .
5. Q:How was Joey’s physical state?
A:He is sick and has some breath problems. he would get winded more easily than most kids his age. He would start breathing really hard, almost gasping, and he would get light-headed.
6. Q:Poor child.What did Andy do about this?
A: Andy took Joey to the doctor once, however, he refused to take him to the doctors any more.
7. Q:What personal habit have you noticed related to the deceased,Joey?
A: I noticed that for the entire time I knew him, Joey was teething.I often see him put things in his mouth.
8. Q:What did Joey like putting in his mouth?
A: Shiny things and things he had seen other people playing with— especially things he had seen his sister playing with.
9. Q:What was Andy’s reaction to this?(在这里要答andy平常对这种情况都很担心 但是没有对princess beads 有extra precaution for是某次不小心打翻才看见warning)
A:Andy has been worrying about this all the time.As for Princess Beads, at first he didn’t see the warning labels on the box. Only when Andy accidentally knocked the box on its side did he see the warnings on the bottom. 
10. Q:How did Andy respond to the warning?
A:He even didn’t take the warning on the box seriously.
11. Q:What was your reaction to Andy's attitude?
A:I didn’t want to annoy Andy but I was worried about Joey.So I warned Andy of potential dangers.
12. Q:How did Andy respond to your words?
A:He didn’t. Right after I warned him, our conversation was interrupted.
13. Q:So when did you continue your interrupted conversation?(这里可以答再也没有 andy也没有在看过)注意exhibit24 9
A: Not anymore. We never continued the conversation.
14. Q:When was the first time you saw the princess beads?
A: I first saw the Princess Beads when in late July 2017, as Hillary’s birthday gift.
15. Q:How did Joey react when he saw the beads?(一开始就很激动后来也很感兴趣)
A: He was very excited at the Beads. He was pretty interested in them. He staring intently at the Beads when girls were playing with it.
16. Q:What Joey's behavior was that indicates Joeys' interest in Princess Beads?(有两次8/3 8/5)
A: On Aug 3rd,he drew pictures of the Princess Beads with his crayon.
On Aug 5th,when Hillary was away, Joey would pick up the rings and put them in his mouth.Sometimes Joey put the rings in his mouth, he spit them back out almost immediately and scrunched his nose like something tasted bad. 
17. Q:What was Joey's reaction towards the princess beads on August 3?
A: Joey was drawing in his coloring book with crayons. He kept looking back and forth between the Princess Beads and his coloring book. He is without doubt really interested in Princess Beads.
react to和respond to的区别
18. Q:How about the situation on August 5?
A: Well, Hillary was not home and had left her Princess Beads in the living room. And Joey, he looked fascinated by them. A few times, he would pick up the rings and put them in his mouth. 
19. Q:What did Joey do after he put the beads in his mouth at that time?
A: He spit them back out almost immediately and scrunched his nose like tasting something bad. 
20. Q:What was Andy's reaction towards Joey's behavior?
A: Andy saw Joey near the beads. Andy immediately and angrily yelled, “Joey, put down those beads! I’ve told you again and again, those aren’t for you!” His face seemed really upset and worried. Andy scooped Joey up, hugged him, and carried him out of the living room. Andy didn’t say anything to me about it—Andy just glared at me while carrying Joey from the room.
21. Q:Where were you on August 8?
A:At Andy's apartment.
22. Q:Why were you at Andy's apartment?
A: I was babysitting Joey.
23.Q:What was Joey and Hillary like when you arrived at the house that day?
A: Hillary was still asleep when I arrived but Joey was wide awake and very excited. He was  running around the apartment, jumping on the couch and giggling. He was too excited and energetic.

24.Q:What did you do to calm Joey down?(答案写到Joey饿了 为他做了什么blabla.)
A: I tried to get Joey to settle down and watch some cartoons in the living room but he wouldn’t sit still. At about noon, I went into the kitchen to make Joey some lunch.  

25.Q:What was in the living room when you left it?
A: There were exactly two items other than furniture in the living room: the TV remote and the Princess Beads. 
26.Q:What did Joey do during your stay in the kitchen?(不能够看到
