The moment. Hope, just ninemonths o1d, saw another haby fall, tears welled up inher own eyes and she crawled off to be comforted by her mother, as thoughit were she who hed beenhurt. And 15- month-old Michael went to get his own teddybcarfor his crying friend Paul; whenPaul kept crying, Michacl rctrieved Paul' ssecurity blanket for hiu.
Both these small acts of syupathy and caring were observed by motherstrained to record such incidents of empathy in action. The results ofthe study .suggest that the roots of empathy can be traced to infancy. Virtually from theday they are born nfants are upset when they hear another infant crying- aresponse some see as the earliest precursor of empathy,
Developmental psychologists have found that infants feel sympatheticdistress even before they fully realize that they exist apart from other people.Even a few months after birth, infants react to a disturbance in those aroundthem as though it were their own,crying when they see another child' s tears.
成长心理学家发现,甚至在充分意识到自己是独立于其他人而存在之前,婴儿就感受到了同情的苦恼。共至在出生后几个月,婴儿就会对周围人的烦躁不安做出反应,就好像他们自己的烦躁不安- -样,看到别的孩子哭也跟着哭。
By one year or so,they starl to realize the misery is nIol their own bulsomeone else' s,though they still seem confused over what to do about it. Inresearch by Marlin L. offman al New York Universily, for exauple, aone year oldbrought his omn mother over to comfort a crying friend, ignoring the friend' smother,who was also in the room.
This confusion is sccn too when one- ycar- olds imitatc the distress ofsomeone else, possibly to beller comprehend whal they are feeling; for example,if another baby hurts her fingers, a one -year-old might put her own fingers inher mouth Lo see if she hurls, Loo. 0n seeing his mother cry, one baby wipedhis own eyes,though they had no tears. .
这样的困惑在其他.岁 大的孩了身上也能看到,他们模仿别的孩了的痛苦,也许是为了更好地理解他们的感受。例如,如果别的婴儿伤了手指,一个一岁大的孩子就会把自己的手指放进嘴里,看看白己是否也感觉到痛。看到白己的妈妈哭,婴儿即使没有眼汨,也会擦拭自己的眼睛。