冲突的层次intrapersonal or intrapsychic conflict; Interpersonal conflict; intragroup conflict; intergroup conflict.
谈判发生的三个原因(to agree on how to share or divide a limited resource, such as land or property or time ;to create something new that neither party could do on his or her own;to resolve a problem or dispute between the parties)
典型硬试棒球法策略Good cop/bad cop; lowball/highball; bogey道德困境; The nibble; chicken; intimidation恐吓; aggressive behavior; snow job夸夸其谈;
结束谈判策略Provide alternatives; assume the close; split the difference; exploding offers; sweeteners;
循环协议的8个类型Compromise妥协; logroll 相互捧场; modify the resource pie 修正蛋糕资源; expand the pie 做大蛋糕 ; find a bridge solution 搭桥; cut the costs for compliance削减成本; superordination 更高级别的解决办法 ; nonspecific compensation非特异性补偿;
相互捧场策略的三个方面Explore differences in (risk preference  expectation  time preferen
框架的7个种类: Substantive; outcome; aspiration; process; identity; characterization; loss-gain;
十二个认知偏差:irrational escalation of commitment; mythical fixed-pie beliefs; anchoring &adjustment; issue framing & risk; availability of information; the winners curse; overconfidence; the law of small number; self-serving biases; endowments effect; ignoring others cognitions; reactive devaluation;
三个情绪和情感的区分标准:Specificity; intensity; duration;
社会账户三方面解释Explanations of mitigating circumstances; explanations of exonerating circumstances; reframing explanations.
Special notes for what is communication:(1. Avoiding fatal mistakes:Negotiation closure process involves making decisions to accept offers, to compromise priorities, to trade off across issues with the other party, or to take some combination of these steps.  fo
ur key elements: framing, gathering intelligence, coming to conclusions and learning from feedback 2. Achieving closure:when to shut up;last-minute problems reduction of agreement in written form)
改进沟通的三个工具The use of question; listening; role reversal;
权利的类型:expert power; reward power; coercive power; legitimate power; referent power;
处于权利劣势时如何应对Never do an all-or-nothing deal; make the other party smaller; make yourself bigger; build momentum through doing deals in sequence; use the power of competition to leverage power; constrain yourself; good information is always a source of power; ask lots of questions to gain more information; do what you can to manage the process.
伦理道德的四个学派:end-result ethics(Jeremy Bentham, John Stuart Mill);duty ethics (Immanuel Kant); social contract ethics(Jean-Jacques Rousseau); personalistic ethics(Martin Buber) .
怎样使用欺骗策略:ask probing questions; phrase questions in different ways; force the other party to lie or back off; test the other party; call the tactic; ignore the  tactic; discuss what you see and offer to help the other party shift to more honest behaviors; respond in kind;
分配式谈判注意的问题:do not rush prenegotiation;  recognize a long-term business deal as a continuing negotiation;  consider mediation or conciliation..
名誉的重要性 :reputations are perceived and highly subjective in nature;        an individual can have a number of different, even conflicting, reputations because she may act quite differently in different situations;  reputations are shaped by past behavior; reputations are also influenced by an individuals personal characteristics and accomplishments; reputation develop over time; Others reputations can shape emotional states as well as their expectation; negative reputations are difficult to repair.
Restart the negotiation again on tough issues in order to seize the right time.
Correct anticipation about the future is normally unable to get.
It is always possible that there is disagreement.reactions to the online manage
团队领队者能给谈判带来的好处: move the group toward selecting one or more of the options; shape & draft the tentative agreement; discuss whatever implementation & follow-up or next steps need to occur; thank the group for their participation, their hard work, and efforts; organize & facilitate the postmortem.
影响文化的因素Learned behavior; dialectic; shared value; in context;
文化的影响:1. Definition of negotiation2. Negotiation opportunity3. Selection of negotiators4. Protocol 5. Communication 6. Time sensitivity 7. Risk propensity8. Groups versus individual9. Nature of agreements10. Emotionalism.
Stephen Weiss proposal:Low familiarity:intervention of others; Induce your opponenttouseyourapproach;Moderate;familiarity:adaptation;coordination;Highfamiliarity;complete adoption ;a new approach ;Joint strategy. 
