授 课 教 案
周 次
Unit 4 At critical moments
学 时
1.Teaching Objectives
  In this unit, students will discuss their experiences at critical moments and how to behave at such moments, which will help them better understand the concept of “morality”.
2.Teaching Requirements
To achieve the teaching objectives, students need to
preview and review before and after the class
take notes carefully
actively participate in class discussion
actively interact with the teacher
finish tasks as required
Grammar: use the present tense in narrative stories
Vocabulary building: use intensifying adverbs to modify verbs
Important words and phrases: alert, assembly, charity, companion, conscience, daring, deception, ensure, explosive, fraction, mass, minimum, moral, suicide, tempt, upsurge, virtually, at stake, chain reaction;
anchor, belly, charm, decorate, encounter, fateful, meditation, mission, nature, spiritual, swing, thoughtful, bare hands, mutual friend, role model
Understand some long and difficult sentences.
1. Teaching Methods
1) Task-Based Language Teaching
2) Heuristic Thinking
3) Group work & discussion
4) Exercise Practice
2. Teaching Aids
1) PowerPoint Presentation
2) Multi-media Aids
3)Board Writing
旁 批
1. Teaching Contents
  In this unit, students will learn
Part I: Brief Introduction & Fast Reading (A)
Part II: Reading Comprehension
Reading A: A moral for any age
Part III: Exercises 
Part IV: Grammar&Language in Use
Part V: Culture tips
2. Teaching Process
In the First and Second Classes
Part1: Lead-in
(1)Vocabulary expansion
Make a list of synonyms for “important” or “urgent”
(2)Listening and note down the adjectives.
important          having or likely to have great effect, value, or influence
significant                      having an important effect or influence
weighty                                      important and serious
serious                    not easily dealt with, needing careful thought
grave                                important and needing attention
essential                          extremely important and necessary
vital    extremely important and necessary for something to succeed or exist
key                                    very important or necessary
pressing                  needing to be discussed or dealt with very soon
critical                              of being a moment of great danger
crucial                                      of deciding importance
urgent          very important and needing to be dealt with immediately
Part2: Discussion
Watch the video about the Manhattan Project and answer the following questions.
(1)What do you know about the experiment of atomic bombs? In what way do you think it is very dangerous?
(2)What do you think the title A moral for any age means?
In the Third and Fourth Classes
Part1: Pre-reading
Reading tips
  Titles are very useful in helping us to understand the text. Don’t forget to study the title of the text before you start reading.
Part 2: Fast Reading
Before the third and fourth class, students should preview the reading A.
In class, students will have 10 ms to read it again and complete task A on page 68.
Part 3: Careful Reading
  First, listen to the tape para by para.
  Second, a certain student read one para.
  Third, a certain student translate some sentences which have different expression in Chinese.
  Forth, teacher explain the difficult and complex sentences.
After explaining, students should review the text and complete task B and task C on page 68.
Part 4: Language points
(1) alert
v. to officially warn someone about a problem so that they are ready to deal with it
e.g. The doctor alerted me to the danger of not getting enough sleep.
The school immediately alerted the police.
(2) assembly
n. the process of putting the parts of something together
e.g. The assembly of the parts of the machine took me several hours.
(3) charity
n. kindness or sympathy that you show towards other people
e.g. Charity made her give food to the old woman.
(4) companion
n. a person who spends time with another
e.g. For ten years he had been her constant companion.
His brother is not much of a companion for him.
(5) conscience
n. the part of your mind that tells you whether what you are doing is morally right or wrong
e.g. It was his guilty conscience that made him offer to help. Well, at least I can face them all with a clear conscience.
(6) daring
adj. showing bravery or willingness to take risks
e.g. a daring person/action/crime
a daring effort to save the city
(7) deception
n. the act of deliberately making someone believe something that is not She didn’t have the courage to admit to her deception.
He was convicted of obtaining money by deception.
(8) ensure
v. to make certain that something will happen properly
e.g. The recommendation letter will ensure you an interview.
Great efforts ensure the success of our work.
(9) explosive
adj. able or likely to explode
e.g. Because the gas is highly explosive, it needs to be kept in high-pressure
A small explosive device was set off outside the building.
(10) fraction
n. a very small amount of something
e.g. I got these shoes at a fraction of the original price.
I’ll be ready in a fraction of a second.
(11) mass
n. a large amount of a substance which does not have a definite or regular shape
e.g. A great mass of rock fell from the cliff and blocked the road.
(12) minimum
n. the smallest amount of something or number of things that is possible
e.g. The judge recommended that he should serve a minimum of 12 years.
She had reduced her consumption of fat and sugar to an absolute minimum.
(13) moral
n. a practical lesson about what to do or how to behave
e.g. The moral of this story for children is that brothers and sisters shouldn’t quarrel.
The moral of the film was that crime does not pay. 
e.g. He attempted suicide after his firm had gone bankrupt.
(14) tempt
v. to try to persuade someone to do something by making it seem The warm sun tempted us to go swimming.
The offer of a high salary tempted Tom.
(15) upsurge
n. a sudden increase
e.g. There was an upsurge in violence during June and July.
A new upsurge in construction is in the making.
(16) virtually
adv. almost; very nearly
e.g. My book is virtually finished; I’ve only a few changes to make in the
He virtually lived in his office.
(17) at stake
at risk
e.g. By the time the conferences actually began in December, they had realised that real interests were at stake.
They didn’t carry out the plan because too much was at stake.
(18) chain reaction
a chemical or nuclear reaction which produces energy and causes more reactions of the same kind
e.g. A sudden drop on Wall Street can set off a chain reaction in other financial markets.
An atomic explosion is created by setting off a chain reaction in the atom.
Part 5: Sentence structure
(1) At Los Alamos, Slotin, then aged thirty-five, was concerned with the assembly of pieces of plutonium, each of which alone is too small to be dangerous, and which will only sustain a chain reaction when they are put together. (Para. 1)
斯洛廷当时 35 岁,在洛斯阿拉莫斯研究钚块的反应堆。每一块单独的钚块非常小, 并不足以产生危险,只有放在一起才能产生链式反应。
本句中需要注意的是“ to”结构。“ to”结构一般表示否定含义,意为 “太......以致于不能”。
e.g. He is too old to work. 他年纪太大了已经不能工作了。
但是如果“ to”结构前面有only,all,not,but,never,simply,just,only 等 词 时,too 后 面 是 eager,anxious,pleased,kind,willing,apt,ready,inclined, glad,quick 等词,这时的“ to”结构表示肯定含义。
e.g. He is too ready to promise. 他总是轻易承诺。
I am only too glad to help you. 我非常乐意帮助你。
I know but too well to hold my tongue. 我深知少说为妙。
Slotin moved at once; he pulled the pieces of plutonium apart with his bare hands. (Para. 3)
斯洛廷立即采取行动,徒手将钚块拆开。 本句中需要注意动词 move 的用法,意思是“采取行动”。
e.g. Unless the employers move quickly, there will be a strike. 雇主若不尽快采取措施,就要引起一场罢工。
本句中还需要注意词组 bare hands 的用法,意思是“徒手”。
e.g. Rescuers were using their bare hands to reach the trapped miners.
(2) This was virtually an act of suicide, for it exposed him to the largest dose of radioactivity. (Para. 3)
本句中需要注意动词 expose 的用法。
(1)动词 expose 的基本含义是“有意或无意地使某人 / 物从隐藏之处或掩盖之中暴
露出来展示在他人面前”,也可表示“把某些丑恶的,见不得人的东西揭露出来”,还可 以表示“撕下面具”,即“揭穿”。
e.g. He lifted his T-shirt to expose a jagged scar across his chest. 他撩起 T 恤衫露出胸口上的锯齿状伤疤。
The report exposes the weaknesses of modern medical practice. 报道揭露了现代医务工作的不足之处。
(2)expose 是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构中。
e.g. The report revealed that workers had been exposed to high levels of radiation.
(3)expose的宾语后面通常可接介词to构成“expose sb./sth. to sth”的结构,表示 “将......暴露于...... ;接触;体验”。
e.g. Potatoes turn green when exposed to light. 马铃薯在光的照射下会变绿。
Some children are never exposed to classical music. 有些孩子从来没有接触过古典音乐。
Part 6: Exercise
  After the class, the students should complete exercises about vocabularies and phrases from page 68 to page 70 before the next class. And in the third class, teacher will ask some students to tell answers to all class.
In the Fifth and Sixth Classes
Part 1: Grammer
First, watch a video about present tense in narrative stories, which come from a native English teacher.
Second, teacher will explain this grammar again and expand knowledge about tense.
Third, ask students to give answers of exercise on page 71 and 72 and teacher re-correct them.
Part 2: Vocabulary Building
Teacher summarizes information about intensifying adverbs.
Then, ask students to give answers of exercise on page 73 and 74 and teacher re-correct them.
In the Seventh and Eighth Classes
Part 1:Presentation
Group 4: Crisis intervention hotline in America
Students of Group 4 should prepare presentation under the title of Crisis intervention hotline in America before class and show it in this class. The time is 15 minutes.reaction to a book or an article
Part 2:Culture tips
Teacher and students read the small article about dreams on ancient cultures on page 79 together and enjoy it.
Part 3:Questions and Answers
Students review this unit and ask question if they have, and the teacher answers the questions.
In the next class, there will be words dictation.
Acomprehensive English Course (III)
致用英语 综合教程3 第二版
1.Review the words and vocabulary in this unit.
应到:    实到:    其他情况:
1. 本篇课文为夹叙夹议文,其中既有叙事,又有作者对叙事的评价。通过学习该文章,可以增强学生们阅读和书写夹叙夹议文的能力。另外,本篇文章中动词的时态变化非常值得学习。在英语语法中,动词的时态变化是极为重要的一环。通过这篇文章,同学们对动词时态,尤其是被动时态的使用有了更深刻的理解。第三,本篇文章后两段的理解较为有难度,存在很多隐藏信息需要读者推敲,经过学习,同学们理解了文意中所蕴含的隐藏信息。
2. 本课的语法是动词的过去时态。动词的时态对于同学们来说并不陌生,但大多数同学掌握并不扎实,同时也不系统,老师先通过让同学们观看英语母语者的教学视频,深刻理解叙述时态,然后通过画表格的方式,帮同学们梳理了动词的时态。
3. 本课的词汇学内容具有一定的难度,但有章可循,老师对规律进行了总结,便于同学们同学学习。
4. 本课的culture tip可拓展性较弱,且同学们对此较为不熟悉,难以进行材料的搜集,因此同学们presentation的内容普遍扩展不足。
