⼭东省 2019 年普通⾼等教育
21. By eleven o'clock yesterday I ______at the airport.
A. has arrived
B. arrived
C. had arrived
D. will have arrived
22. Don’t stand there ______ nothing.
A. to do
B. doing
C. do
D. for doing
23. ______with Lei Feng, we still have a long way to go.
A. Comparing
B. Compared
C. To compare
D. Being compared
24. Many a member of the armed forces ______ given his life for our country.
A. had
B. have
C. has
D. had been
25. Let us go, ______ ? " the crooks said to the policeman.
reaction to a book or an articleA. shall we
B. won't you
C. won't we
D. don't we
26. If Jackie is as sick as you say, she ______ see a doctor as soon as possible.
A. has better
B. had better
C. has rather
D. would rather
B. not smoke
C. would not smoke
D. did not smoke
28. The results of the experiment were not ______ to publish.
A. so interesting
B. enough interesting
C. too interesting
D. interesting enough
29. A friend of mine returned to his house after a holiday, only to find it ______ .
A. be broken into
B. had broken into
C. was broken into
D. had been broken into
30. With a great weight ______my mind, I turned into a by-stander.
A. to take of
B. taking off
C. taken off
D. being taken off
31. The young man ______ his training ______a good use in that job.
A. ver
D. ut
32. Had you asked me yesterday, I ______you the money.
A. have lent
B. lent
C. would lend
D. could have lent
33. The managing director took the ______ for the accident, although it was not really his fault.
A. guilt
B. charge
C. blame
D. accusation
34. His new appointment takes ______ from the beginning of next month,
35. Jim's plans to go to college ______ at the last moment.
A. fell out
B. gave away
C. gave off
D. fell through
36. I left for the office earlier than usual this morning ______ traffic jam.
A. inline with
B. in case of
C. for the sake of
D. at the risk of
37. The boy had a ______ escape when he ran across the road in front of the bus,
A. close
B. short
C. narrow
D. fine
38. Dress warmly, ______ you'll catch cold.
A. on the contrary
B. or rather
C. or else
D. in noway
39. The island where these rare birds nest has been declared______ .
A. an observation
B. a reservation
C. a preservation
D. a conservation
40. With prices ______ so much, it's hard for the company to plan a budget.
A. fluctuating
B. waving
C. swinging
D. vibrating
41. ______ the author wants to express in the book is the love and care for the family.
42. The new buyer identified a dozen new sources for the material, ______ proved to be reliable,
A. most of them
B. most of which
C. most of whom
D. most of what
43. You will never gain success ______ you arc fully devoted to your work.
A. when
B. because
C. after
D. unless
44. Tom is interested in this poem now, but he thought it boring ______ he read it.
A. in the first time
B. the first time
C. for the first time
D.at first
45. Not until recently ______ the development of tourist-related activities in the rural areas.
A. they had encouraged
B. had they encouraged
C. did they encourage
D. they encourage
46. If ______ for the job, you will be informed soon.
A. to accept
B. accept
C. accepted
D. accepting
47. Before you quit your job, ______ how your family will feel about your decision.
A. consider
B. considering
C. to consider
D. considered
48. Computers are tools carrying ______ for human beings.
B. many informations
C. more information
D. much information
49. She asked me ______. I had returned the book to the library, and 1 admitted that I hadn't.
A. when
B. whether
C. where
D. what
50. Looking round the town, he felt as though he ______ away for ages.
A. has been
B. was
C. is
D. had been
Part III Reading Comprehension (1.5 points each, 30 points) Section A
Directions: In this part there are three passages followed by questions, each with four suggested answers marked 4), B), C) and D). Choose the one that you think is the best answer Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.
Passage One
When something terrible happens w our friends, we often can't respond properly, We hurt their feelings by saying exactly what they don't want to hear; we stay away when they need. us; or if we do get in touch, we avoid the sensitive subject altogether. We don't mean to be rude or thoughtless- so why do we act this way when we really want to help? How can we find the right thing to say to a friend in a difficult situation? Here are some suggestions: Keep the focus off yourself. When you are with a friend who has suffered a tragedy, remember that you are there to provide support and comfort. Concentrate on his or her feelings rather than your own. Don't use a friend's tragedy as an excuse to drag out similar experiences you’ve had. There's nothing wrong with saying: I've been through it, I know how you must
fee", but you should not say: “When my mother died, I stopped eating for a week." Not everyone experiences grief in the same way, so don't impose guilt on a person who doesn't show emotion as openly as you might.
Just listen. Many painful people need to mourn, to go through the normal stages of grief and to talk about their feelings: and memories, So just 1isten, accept your friend's feelings and be understanding. Some hurting people may not want to say anything. and you have to respect that too. One man says that the best phone calls he got were from a friend who called once a day and talked for no more than a minute, letting him know she was thinking of him.
Offer help. An emotionally hurt person may be overwhelmed by the details of everyday l ife. Offer to do something, finish a project or take the kids to their piano lessons. “When I had a broken back, I felt completely out of control," says Joan, a divorced woman with a young daughter. “When my neighbors took turns filing in for me in the car pool, it helped me relax. It was the difference between chaos and order."
Be patient. The grief and sorrow can range in intensity and duration and often lasts a few years. Let the person know you're concerned. You might say: “What you're going through mus t be very difficult, and I don't think you have to do it alone. I’d like to help and would be always here with you”.
No one can be expected to know what to say or how to act in every difficult situation. But if you begin with common sense and politeness, and focus on being supportive, s0on you will know the right way to respond.
51. When we have hurt our friends in trouble by improper response, we ______.
A. usually did it on purpose
