A.Genetically modified seeds should be banned
B.Brazil government should crack down on the smuggling of genetically modified seeds
C.The fear over the use of genetically modified seeds is uncalled for
D.Consumers should file more law suits to protect their rights
2、_________is a type of activity in which the teacher reads out a passage in normal speed for two or three times and students are to note down the words they could catch as they listen as much as possible.
A.Answering questions
A.People will have more time to relax and achieve quality of life
B.People can generate new entertainment activities in the spare time
C.People will have time to think about other ways of being occupied
D.People will be happy and more willing to go to work
Abat unnecessary waste
B.shut out the feverish fashion world
D.shop for their garments more frequently
5、Campaigning on the Indian frontier is an experience by
itself.Neither the landscape nor the people find their counterparts
A.Melting snows
B.Large population
C.Steep hillsides
D.Fertile valleys
A.work fewer hours than in the past
< home from work much later than in the past
C.work more reasonable hours than in the past
D.finish the workday earlier than in the past
7、Teaching cases mainly include teaching reflection,teaching record, and__________.
A.instructional design
reaction to a book or an article8、When a student said in class,"I come home at6o'clock yesterday",the teacher said"Came not corned".Which rule of
effective feedback does the teacher NOT obey?
9、Cats have the widest hearing range of nearly any mammal”not only can they perceive sound in what we define as the“ultrasonic”range, they can also appreciate all the bass Dr Dre can throw at them.They can swivel their whiskers forwards while hunting to provide a kind of short-range radar.And they can see exceptionally well in the dark thanks to a reflective surface behind the retina that bounces lightback,giving it a second chance to hit a photoreceptor.They see more distinct images per second than we do.
10、Pitch variation is known as__________when its patterns are imposed on sentences.
A.the power of influence goes with social interactions
B.interpersonal links can be enhanced through the media
C.influentials have more channels to reach the public
12、The British Medical Journal recently featured a strong response to what was judged an inappropriately lenient reaction by a medical school to a student cheating in an examination.
A.Medical schools should make exams easier for the students to alleviate the fiercecompetition
B.Prominent figures in the medical institution should create a set of moral standards to be applied in medical schools
C.Medical students should play an active role in the creation and preservation of a culture of integrity
D.Those students who cheat in the exams should be instantly expelled from school
13、Mr.Johnson has a habit of asking questions_________.
A.and then not listen to the answers
B.but then not listen for the answers
C.and then not listening to the answers
D.and then doesn't listen to the answers
14、What teaching method is used by the teacher if much of his/her class time is spent on drilling sentence patterns followed by exercises like repetition,memorization,mimicry,etc?
A.The Natural Approach
B.The Communicative Approach
C.The Audio-lingual Metho
D.The Grammar-translation Method
A.she often felt abandoned and unwanted
B.she was unwilling to live with her grandmother
