1.How should the woman go to the movie theater according to the man?
A.By bicycle.
B.By taxi.
C.On foot.
2.Why are the women holding umbrellas?
A.It is raining.
B.It is sunny.
C.It will rain soon.
3.What is the best way for the woman to save money?
A.Buying fewer clothes.
B.Getting her hair cut less often.
C.Getting her nails painted less often.
4.What did the man do yesterday?
A.He cut the grass.
B.He repaired the cars.
C.He played video games.
5.At what time does the meeting start?
6.Where are the speakers probably?
A.In a bookstore.
B.In a café.
C.In a hotel.
7.What will the man probably do next?
A.Go to buy a drink.
B.Use the woman's computer.
C.Use the woman's phone data.
8.What do we know about the man?
A.He opened a new bar.
B.He just gave up his job.
C.He didn't perform well in the last show.
9.When will the man have a longer show?
A.On Wednesday.
B.On Friday.
C.On Saturday.
10.What's the probable relationship between the speakers?
B.Director and actor.
C.Comedian and audience.
11.What's the conversation mainly about?
A.A physical test.
B.A job interview.
C.A team meeting.
2.What is the woman's biggest weakness?
A.She's bad at studying.
B.She's hard on herself.
C.She's not skilled at technology.
13.In what aspect has the woman greatly improved?
A.Working in teams.
B.Working by herself.
C.Working in companies.
14.Why is the man wearing one sock?
A.It's the fashion.
B.It's an accident.
C.It's comfortable.
15.What kind of clothes does the woman like?
A.Fashionable ones.
B.Formal ones.
C.Classic ones.
16.How does the woman feel about big suits?
A.They are too loose.
B.They are a good trend.
C.They are not big enough.听下面一段独白,回答第17至第20四个小题。
17.What made sweet foods special in ancient civilizations?
A.They were hard to make.
B.They were the safest foods.
C.They were only given to important people.
18.Which country traded sugarcane first?
19.When was the first recorded recipe of an apple pie published?
A.In the1200s.
B.In the1300s.
C.In the1800s.
20.Why didn't most people try to experiment with new techniques?
A.The materials were too expensive.
B.People perfected desserts early on.
C.More demand for sugar was needed.
Travel Guide to Hangzhou,a Paradise on Earth
Hangzhou is now in the spotlight as the main host of the19th Asian Games.The capital city of East China's Zhejiang province,is one of the seven ancient capitals of China.Here are some highlights of the city you can't miss.
West Lake
West Lake is definitely a place people can never miss when visiting Hangzhou.It is situated in the center of the city,with convenient public transport access.The Hangzhou government also offers free public bikes for tourists to travel around the lake.The parks around the lake are all free to visit.
Six Harmonies Pagoda
Standing on Yuelun Hill,on the north bank of the tidal Qiantang River,the Six Harmonies Pagoda is another masterpiece built during the Wuyue Kingdom——this one designed to conquer flooding from the Qiantang River.The name Six Harmonies was given to characterize its purpose west.Itoring the balance between the heavens and earth,as well as north,south,east,and west.It was erected in the hop
e of combating the“evil”river's tidal action.Today,the13-storey pagoda commands a spectacular view of the Qiantang River.
The Xixi Wetland Park
Xixi,located less than five kilometers from West Lake in the west of Hangzhou,is China's first national wetland park.Environmental degradation is threatening wetland worldwide,and more than half of the country's inter-tidal wetland has also vanished,which makes the226plant species,50kinds of fish and aquatic animals as well as126kinds of birds in Xixi even more valuable.Its native vegetation consists of subtropical mountainous swamp and evergreen and deciduous,broad-leafed forest. Leifeng Pagoda
On the south of West Lake,Leifeng Pagoda is considered the top scenic structure around West Lake due to its stunning silhouette in the glow of evening.For almost a thousand years the pagoda withstood fires and wars,but finally fell down in1924.
21.What benefit is provided for tourists visiting West Lake?
A.Discounted tickets.
B.Free bike rentals.
C.Convenient location
D.Paid tourist guides.
22.What was the Six Harmonies Pagoda built for?
A.Combating the river's annual action.
B.Preventing the Qiantang River's flooding damage.
C.Restoring the balance between God and human beings.
D.Demonstrating an image of centuries-old majesty.
23.Which spot can make tourists enjoy biological diversity?
A.West Lake.
B.Six Harmonies Pagoda.
C.The Xixi Wetland Park.
D.Leifeng Pagoda.
After many years of wearing my favorite denim long-sleeved shirt,I noticed a hole in the elbow.
“You better put a patch or something on it,or it's going to get worse.”My husband says the second he sees me.I kindly thank him for his advice——and promptly proceed to ignore it.
Rip.ady for my day.I reach for something at the bottom of my closet.Rip.Was that…I'm sure it's fine.I stand up and look for something at the top of my closet.Riiiip.Um.I reach for the closet door and slide it shut.Riiiiippp.I look down at my shirt and see paper-thin scraps of fabric flapping around my arms.
This shirt was one of those that got more comfortable the more it was worn,slowly becoming arms.Someutter against my skin.There were warning signs that it was on its last legs,or arms.Some of
the buttons were getting a bit loose.And there were those faint splatters of meals enjoyed that hadn't quite come out in the wash.People weren't really wearing this style anymore.But this shirt had seen a lot with me:the ups and downs of dating,saying my vows,the birth of my
There are few material items in life that gain my loyalty.We're constantly attacked by advertisements,begging us to try the latest and greatest thing.The so-called fast-fashion industry rushes to produce clothes that fit the latest,but in a week those styles are yesterday's news.But there's something sweet about reaching for what you know,holding tight to that thing you're just drawn to,long past when logic tells you it might be time to let go.They represent a life well lived and the joy of being in your element.
reaction to a book or an article“Is it time to let that one go?”My husband asked,as I inspected my blown-out elbows.I paused for a moment,then smiled.I grabbed a pair of scissors and cut the paper-thin fabric right above the rips. Gently,I folded the material past my elbows.I turned to ward my husband to show him my new, short-sleeved shirt.
Not yet.
24.What was the author's initial reaction to her husband's advice about the hole in her shirt?
A.She immediately started repairing it.
B.She thanked him and ignored the advice.
C.She went shopping for a new shirt.
D.She argued with her husband.
25.What is the author's attitude towards fast fashion?
A.She praises its affordability and convenience.
B.She emphasizes sustainability in fashion choices.
C.She criticizes its influence on clothing choices.
B.She expresses concerns about its environmental impact.
26.What's the possible reason for the author to transform the shirt into a short-sleeved one?
A.A creative way to hold onto sentimental value.
B.A desire for a more stylish appearance.
C.A response to her husband's suggestion.
D.An attempt to follow current fashion trends.
27.What could be a suitable title for the article?
