to give somebody a piece of one’s mind;to tell someone off
今天我们要给⼤家介绍两个表⽰⾮常⽣⽓的习惯⽤语。你有没有因为⼗分⽣⽓⽽对别⼈⼤发雷霆?美国⼈有⼀个说法是形容这种情绪的,那就是:to give someone a piece of one’s mind。To give someone a piece of one’s mind并不是把⾃⼰的聪敏才智分给别⼈⼀点。To give someone a piece of one’s mind是指对某⼈⼤发雷霆。
"This stupid idiot passed me on the left, then cut in ahead of me so close I had to jam on the brakes to keep from hitting him. When I caught up with him at the stoplight, I rolled down my window, and boy, did I give him a piece of my mind."
这个⼈说:“这个混蛋,他从我左边超车,然后在靠我很近的地⽅就往我前⾯挤,我不得不急煞车,否则我的车就要撞上他的车了。当我在红灯的地⽅和他平⾏的时候,嗨,我可把他臭骂了⼀顿。”give a personal reaction
"Today I’ll give my business manager a piece of my mind. I’m tired of him coming in an hour late every
day. I’ll tell him to be here on time or look for a job some place else."YouTheme
在美国⼝语⾥有⼀些表⽰⽣⽓的习惯⽤语都是由tell这个字组成的。其中美国⼈最常⽤的⼀个就是:to tell someone off。To tell someone off也是表⽰⽣⽓,但是也包含⼀些拒绝某⼈要求的意思,例如:
"My brother-in-law borrowed $200 from me six months ago and never paid me back. So when he tried to borrow another $200 last night, I certainly told him off."YouTheme
"Can you believe this mechanic charged $800 to fix my car and it runs worse than it did before. Tomorrow I’ll go back to tell him off: I’ll make his ears burn for a week!"
今天我们给⼤家介绍了两个和发脾⽓有关的习惯⽤语。第⼀个是:to give somebody a piece of one’s mind。To give somebody a piece of one’s mind的意思是“痛快地把别⼈⼤骂⼀通”。今天我们给⼤家讲解的第⼆个习惯⽤语是:to tell someone off。To tell someone off也是⽣⽓的意思,但带有拒绝的含义。
美国习惯⽤语: 第⼋⼗⼆课就讲到这⾥。欢迎下次再⼀起来学习美国习惯⽤语。再见。