Unit 16  Twelve Angry Men (Part I)
charge  v. a. to state officially that someone may be guilty of crime       
        b. to ask someone for a particular amount of money for something you are selling
They‘re going to charge him with dangerous driving.
The gallery charges an entrance fee.
He was accused of murder.
I think it’s customary to take a preliminary vote.
I think it is a common practice to take vote first to find out where we are before we start our discussion
It’s hard to put into words. I just think he’s guilty. I mean nobody proved otherwise.
It’s hard to express my views. I just think he’s guilty. I mean nobody proved him innocent.
Innocent until proven guilty. The burden of proof is on the prosecution.
The accused is not guilty unless we prove him guilty. And it is the prosecutor’s responsibility to present the evidence.
refute  v. to prove that a statement or idea is not correct
refute a hypothesis/a claim/an idea, etc.        反驳一个假设/说法/想法
provoke  a. to cause a reaction or feeling挑拨, 煽动, 惹起;;  b. to make sb. angry 激怒
The novel has provoked fierce debate in the US.
provoke sb. into doing
She hopes her editorial will provoke readers into thinking seriously about the issue.
provocative  a.
reaction toolIt may have been two too many. Everyone has a breaking point. (Para. 47)
These two slaps may have been beyond his limit of endurance. The boy has been kicked around so often that he may have been reaching the breaking point when the two slaps come.
I think we’re missing the point here.
make a point                              证明论点正确 , 立论, 得一分
see the point                              懂得要点
miss the point                          不得要领,偏离正题
come to/get to  the point                    谈正题
conduct  a. to carry out a particular activity or process   
b. to stand in front of a group of musicians or singers and direct their playing or singing
c. if something conducts electricity or heat, it allows electricity or heat to travel along or  through it
conduct a survey/investigation
conduct a campaign
conduct an orchestra
conduct heat/electricity
Tear/rip … to shreds
The clothes were ripped/torn to shreds and covered in blood.
Within a year, other researchers had torn the theory to shreds.
allege  v. to say that something is true or that someone has done something wrong, although it has not been proved 宣称,指控
The prosecution alleged that the man had been responsible for an act of terrorism.
allegation  n.
diverge    v. a. to develop in different ways (道路等)分叉,   
            b. be different from each other(意见等)分歧, 脱离
        n. divergence    a. divergent
The two species diverged millions of years ago.
Here his views diverged from Gregory's.
a wide divergence in opinion
talk it out :to discuss a problem thoroughly in order to solve it 谈个明白,详尽讨论, 说明
It might help if you talked it out with Dad.
talk somebody out of (doing) something 说服某人不做……
    Can't you talk him out of buying a new car?
    talk somebody into…
upright:  a./adv.  placed in a vertical position; honest
n. uprightness
Supplementary Exercises
1. We should always keep in mind that       decisions often lead to bitter regrets.
    A. urgent            B. hasty                  C. instant            D. prompt
2. Obviously, the Chairman’s remarks at the conference were       and not planned.
    A. substantial            B. spontaneous        C. simultaneous        D. synthetic
3. The space Age ___ in October 1957 when the first    artificial satellite was launched by the Soviet Union.
    A. initiated        B. originated            C. embarked        D. commenced
4.  Too much alcohol makes your senses ___.
    A. blended        B. bleak                C. blade            D. blunt
5. The songs of Bob Dylan were very popular among young people, who regarded him ___ other musicians.
    A. as superior than              B. as more superior to 
    C. as superior to                D. as more superior than
6. Advertising is distinguished from other forms of communication in ___ the advertiser pays for the message to be delivered.
    A. that        B. which                C. what            D. spite of the fact that
7. The morning news says a school bus __ with a train at the junction and a group of policemen were sent there    immediately.
    A. bumped            B. collided        C. crashed        D. struck
8. We __ the founding of our nation with a public holiday.
