Introduction 203 -208页
In recent years there has been considerable interest in exploring the nature of expert performa nce across domains ( e.g.,Ericsson,Hoffman,Charness,&Feltovich.2006;Ericsson & Williams, 2007).For example,scientists with an interest in sports have analyzed the perceptual
cognitive skills underpinning anticipation in this domain and
identified how these processes are acquired through prolonged
engagement in practice (for reviews, see Hodges, Huys, &Starkes, 2O07: Williams Ford. 2008 : Wi lliams Ward, 2007 ).The scientific study of skill acquisition has a
long history in experimental psychology,dating back to the early studies of Bryan and Harter (1899) .In more recent times, Poulton (1957) was the first
to systematically discriminate between different types of anticipation judgements using experimetal methods common to this discipline. The scientific study of anticipation as a field of inquiry in its own right in sport psychologyhas a much shorter history, emerging primarily in 1970s ( far a hist orical overview, see Williams. Davids. & Williams, 1999).The majority of sport psychologists wor k in multi_disciplinary departments where research in traditional discipline areas,such as physiolog y. psychology. and biomechanics, often
develops somewhat independently of academic endeavour within the main disciplines themselves. The empirical findings that have been reported on anticipation in the field of
sport psychology could therefore contribute to the generation of new knowledge on this topic in th e parent discipline area, and particularly in applied cognitive psychology.
近年来,在探索专家性能的跨域的性质得到了相当大的兴趣(例如,爱立信,霍夫曼,& feltovich查尼斯,2006;爱立信&威廉姆斯,2007)。例如,对体育感兴趣的科学家分析了感性认知技能支撑预期在本域和确定这些过程是如何在实践中通过长期参与收购的(评论,见霍奇,huys,& Starkes,2o07:威廉姆斯福特,2008:威廉姆斯福特,2007)。技能习
Sport offers a relatively unique environment where the limits of human achievement are ch allenged continually. This environment provides a fertile context to identify the
essential skills and attributes for performance as well as the underlying processes that discriminat e individuals with varying levels of performance.Such knowledge provides a basis
for determining what types of practice activities are likely to lead to the acquisition of skill across domains and, potentially, why some individuals improve at different rates to others
or achieve much higher performance levels (Ericsson. 2006). This information may subsequently be used to e valuate the applicability of general theories of expertise and skill acquisition,to design appropriate interventions for performance enhancement, and to identify factors that contribute to enhancing the processes of talent search and talent development across different fields of human endeavor (Ericsson Ward. 2007: Williams Ericsson, 2005, Williams, Ericsson. Ward &Eccles. 2008).
In this review paper, we synthesise recent research on
reaction paper to metaphorperceptual_cognitive expertise in sport and consider potential implications for those working withi n the field of applied cognitive psychology. We focus exclusively on research that
has attempted to identify the perceptual and cognitive processes underpinning anticipation.
The ability to anticipate is crucial to performance in sport as well as
in many other domains such as military combat,law enforcement,and everyday tasks such as drivi ng a car.These situations require performers to determine the intentions of others and to formulat e an appropriate response often under severe temporal constraint.In fast ball sports such as ten nis,the time taken for theball to travel from one opponent to the other is often shorter than the combined sum of an athlete's reaction time
and movement time, implying the need to initiate a response
ahead of the opponent actually striking the ball (Williams et al., 1999).
Since most sports, and in particular racket sports and team ball games,
require athletes to process information in a time_constrained
environment,it is necessarry for performers to adapt to the unique constraints of the task by acquiri ng knowledge structures and cognitive processes that allow them to
anticipate.The ability to anticipate allows athletes additionaltime to formulate and execute an appr opriate response We document attempts to ascertain how anticipation and the processes underlying it are acquired in sport. Moreover