成长英语作文 篇1
  I believe that my beliefs are changing. Nothing is positive. Perhaps I’m in a stage of metamorphosis, which will one day have me emerging complete, sure of everything. Perhaps, I shall spend my life searching.reaction rod
  Until this winter, I believed in outward things, in beauty as I found it in nature and art. Beauty past—swift and sure—from the outside to the inside, bringing intense emotion. I felt a formless faith when I rode through summerwoods, when I heard the counterpoint of breaking waves, when I held a flower in my hand.
  There was the same inspiration from art, here and there in flashes; in seeing for the first time the delicacy of a green jade vase, or the rich beauty of a rug; in hearing a passage of music played almost perfectly; in watching Markov dance Giselle; most of all, in reading. Other people’s creations, their sensitivity to emotion, color, sound, their feeling for form, instr
ucted me. The necessity for beauty, I found to be the highest good, the human soul’s greatest gift. But there were moments when I wasn’t sure. There was an emptiness inside, which beauty could not fill.
  This winter, I came to college. The questions put to me changed. Lists of facts—and who dragged whom how many times around the walls of what—lost importance. Instead, I was asked eternal question: what is beauty, what is truth, what is God? I talked about faith with other students. I read St. Augustine and Tolstoy. I wondered if I hadn’t been worshipping around the edges. Nature and art were the edges, and inner faith was the center. I discovered—really discovered—that I had a soul.
  Just sitting in the sun one day, I realized the shattering meaning of St. Augustine’s statement that, “The sun and the moon, all the wonders of nature, are not God’s first works but second to spiritual works.” I had, up till then, perceived spiritual beauty only through the outward. It had come into me. Now I am groping towards an inner, spiritual consciousness that will be able to go out from me. I am lost in the middle ground. I’m learning.
成长英语作文 篇2
  From the picture we can see a family of three walking on a long red carpet. The son , well dressed, waves proudly in the middle while the father behind bends forward to hold the jacket and the mother in front rolls out the carpet, sweating.
  It shows a common phenomenon nowadays that children are the focus of families, shouldering the hope of their parents. Parents arrange everything for their children and spare no effort to pave the way for their success. As a consequence, children become so reliant on their parents that they have no independent thought or creative ideas.
  Such a situation is of great concern. In my opinion, overprotection and too much care are extremely bad for children’s development. Instead of doing everything for them, parents should encourage their children to overcome difficulties and inspire them to develop by themselves. Only in this way can they grow up to be independent and become truly successful.
成长英语作文 篇3
  If there is any single factor that makes for success in living, it is the ability to profit by defeat. every success i know has been achieved because the person was able to analyze defeat and actually profit by it in his next undertaking. confuse defeat with failure, and you are doomed indeed to failure. for it isnt defeat that makes you fail: it is your own refusal to see in defeat the guide and encouragement to success.
  defeats are nothing to be ashamed of. they are routine incidents in the life of every man who achieves success. but defeat is a dead loss unless you do face it without humiliation, analyze it and learn why you failed. defeat, in other words, can help to cure its own cause. not only does defeat prepare us for success, but nothing can arouse within us such a compelling desire to succeed. if you let a baby grasp a rod and try to pull it away, he will cling more and more tightly until his whole weight is suspended. it is this same reaction which should give you new and greater strength every time you are defeated. if you exploit the power which defeat gives, you can accomplish with it far more than you are capable of.
成长英语作文 篇4
  No matter the day is how to spend endless, the sun always rises and falls, flowers always bloom and wither, around heavy traffic is always fleeting, stand at the time of the tail, we kept after the mist as ignorant of the future。
