登记尺度register dimension 登记长度register length 登记宽度register breadth 登记深度register depth 容积吨/登记吨capacity tonnage 总吨位/总吨gross tonnage/GT 抗沉性floatability 兼用船combination carrier 矿砂/石油两用船,O/O船ore/oil carrier 滚装船roll on/roll off ship , Ro/Ro ship 乙烯运输船ethylene tanker 工程船engineering ship 挖泥船dredger 起重船floating crane 海洋调查船marine survey ship 敷缆船cable ship 锻钢,锻件forging 塞焊plug welding 搭接焊lap welding 覆板doubling plate 铆接riveting 板材deals and battens 骨架skeleton 扭转强度torsional strength 局部强度local strength 刚度rigidity 应力集中stress concentration 实肋板/主肋板solid floor 舭肘板/污水沟三角板bilge bracket 防倾肘板tripping bracket 纵中剖面结构图central fore-and-aft plane construction plan 机舱处横剖面图engine-room transverse cross-section plan 首防撞舱壁fore collision bulkhead 实肋板solid floor 组合肋板/框架肋板bracket floor 切口incision 止裂crack arrest 支撑肘板buttress bracket 扶手armrest 栏杆hand rail 遮蔽甲板shelter deck 斜置加强筋tilt stowing stiffener 管型支柱tubular pillar 菱形面板diamond plate 悬臂梁cantilever beam ] 对称槽形舱壁symmetrical corrugated bulkhead 三角形triangle 梯形trapezoid 底登lower stool 直立型首straight bow 前倾型首raked bow 飞剪型首clipper bow 首楼甲板forecastle deck 破冰型首ice resistant bow 兴波阻力wave making resistance 形状阻力form resistance 铸钢首柱cast steel stem post 钢板首柱steel plate stem post 升高肋板raised floor 开孔平台trepanned platform 椭圆形尾elliptical stern 巡洋舰形尾cruiser stern 方型尾transom stern
尾封板stern transom plate 剖面模数section modulus 尾肋板transom floor 尾柱底骨sole piece 推进器柱propeller post 轴毂propeller boss 斜横梁cant beam 舵机舱平台steering gear room platform 尾升高肋板stern raised floor 斜肋骨cant frame 舵杆管rudder case 防火措施fire precaution 耐火材料refractory material 主竖区main vertical zone 自燃autoignition 易燃蒸气inflammable vapour 等效材料equivalent material 推进器轴propeller shaft 逃生孔escape trunk 中机型船amidship-engined ship 尾机型船stern-engined ship 木铺板batten ceiling 滑动式水密门slid watertight door 拱形顶板arch top plating 平顶板flat top plating 轴承基座stool supporting shaft bearing 格子板grating 坞墩docking block 锰黄铜manganese bras 舷侧型线moulded line of side shell 船底型线moulded line of bottom shell 垫圈insertion ring 隔离空舱caisson 业务衡准数criterion of service numeral 旋塞faucet 螺纹盖thread cap 起重柱Samson post 循环泵circulating pump 制动销detent pin 松紧螺丝扣turnbuckle 弃链器releasing gear 横闩式弃链器dog type cable clench 螺旋弃链器screw type cable releaser 手轮hand wheel 脱钩senhouse slip 有杆锚/海军锚stocked ancho 锚爪anchor fluke 锚爪掌anchor flukepalm 锚杆销forelock pin 横杆folding stock 无杆锚/山字锚stockless anchor 锚卸扣anchor shackle 锚肩/助抓突角anchor shoulder 销轴pintle 横销pin cotter 大抓力锚high holding power anchor 加大链环enlarged link 散合式连接链环detachable link 肯特卸扣Kenter link 转环swivel link 链轮chain wheel 刹车操纵杆brake control rod 带缆卷筒rope drum 带式刹车brake 绞盘capstan 挂锚hanging off an anchor 锚链
绞缠foul hawse 清解锚链cleaning a foul hawse 力链riding cable 惰链sleeping cable 保险缆safety line 挂缆hang line 送出缆removing rope 纤维缆绳fibre rope 钢丝缆绳wire rope 涤纶绳polyester rope 丙纶绳polypropylene 乙纶绳polyethylene 维尼龙绳vinylon rope 硬钢丝绳stiff wire rope 半硬钢丝绳semi-flexible
reaction in the shaftwire rope 软钢丝绳flexible wire rope 钢丝股strand 油麻芯股jute heart 油麻芯jute or wire core 复合缆compound rope 验证负荷proof load/PL 前横缆forward breast line 后横缆aft breast line 前倒缆/首倒缆fore spring line 后倒缆aft spring line 单头缆buoy line 回头缆slip line 吊拖leading ahead 巴拿马导缆孔Panama fairlead 缆桩bitt/bollard 导向滚轮pedestal fairlead 万向导缆孔multi-angled fairlead 导向滚轮guide roller 单十字缆桩single cross bitt 羊角桩cleat 单柱系缆桩single-post bitt 双柱系缆桩double-post bitt 斜式双柱系缆桩double raked bitt 双十字缆桩double cross bitt 导缆孔chock 导向滚柱fairlead roller 导缆钳fairleader 转动导缆器/万向导缆器universal fairlead 水平滚柱horizontal roller 垂直滚柱vertical roller 卷筒cable drum 挡角horn 基座pedestal 绞缆机/系缆绞车mooring winch 系缆绞盘capstan 圆盘刹车disc brake 联轴节union joint 滚筒capstan head 检查盖inspection cover 接线盒terminal box 自动张力绞缆机automatic tension mooring winch 压力调节阀pressure adjusting valve 液压泵hydraulic pump 制缆索stopper 撇缆绳heaving line 撇缆头heaving line ball 碰垫/靠把fender 防鼠板rat guard 撇缆器throwing line ap
paratus 靠泊berthing 离泊unberthing 乔塞尔公式Joessel 平板舵/单板舵single-plate rudder 流线型舵streamline rudder 连接法兰coupling flange 焊接衬板welding bracket 垂直加强筋vertical stiffener 吊舵孔lifting rudder tube 不平衡舵unbalanced rudder 平衡舵balanced rudder 半平衡舵semi-balanced rudder 支承舵bearing rudder 多支承舵multi-pintle rudder 双支承舵double bearing rudder 穿心舵轴平衡舵balanced rudder with axle 悬挂舵underhung rudder 半悬挂舵partially underhung rudder 反应舵/迎流舵reaction rudder 主动舵active rudder 整流帽舵bulb rudder 襟翼舵flettner rudder/flap rudder 科特导流管舵Kort nozzle rudder 组合舵unit rudder 希林舵Schilling rudder 舵叶rudder blade 固定导流管fixed nozzle 可转动导流管movable nozzle 翼片fin 螺旋桨舵rudder propeller 水平法兰连接horizontal coupling joint 垂直法兰连接vertical coupling joint 上轴承upper bearing 舵轴rudder axle 下轴承lower bearing 吊舵孔tube hole 骨架肋板webs 舵底塞drain plug 舵板rudder plate 衬套cylinder liner 止推滚珠轴承non-return ball bearing 舵承体rudder bearing frame 填料packing 舵承盖rudder bearer cover 挡板shield 水密填料watertight packing 螺钉screw 舵杆衬套stock bushing 本体rudder body 压盖screw cover 滚珠轴承ball bearing 底座bed plate 舵扇rudder quadrant 缓冲弹簧buffer spring 舵柄tiller 液缸hydraulic cylinder 柱塞ram 滑块cod piece 换向阀CO/changeover valve 溢流阀RV/relief valve 锁紧阀LV/locking valve 阀门箱VC/valve chest 伺服控制SC/servo control 辅助泵auxiliary pump 固定体/定子stator 回转体/转子rotor 动叶movable vane 压力舱室pressure chamber 定叶fixed vane 油
管路manifold 储油箱oil tank 活塞piston 轴axle 活塞杆piston lever 液压管路hydraulic pipe 自动操舵装置控制系统automatic course-keeping control system 自动舵autopilot 比例旋钮/舵角调节旋钮rudder adjust 微分旋钮/反舵角调节旋钮/速率调节rate adjust 灵敏度旋钮/天气调节旋钮/航摆角调节weather adjust 航摆角yawing 自动改向旋钮course adjust 自适应舵adaptive autopilot 恒向线rhumb line 综合导航仪integrated NA V system 航路数据routeing data 微处理器micro-processing 计程仪Log speed 船舶动态vessel movement 警报系统alarm system 选择开关select switch 舵角反馈器rudder angle feedback 计划航线navigation plan 计划航向predetermined course 大圆航法great circle 滑车block 挂头oval eye 车壳steel side plate 车带tail strop 制动板stopping plate 轴spindle 滑轮
cast-iron sheave 车尾tail 绞辘tackle 辘绳tackle-fall 力端running end 根端standing end 定滑车fixed block 动滑车movable block 卸扣shackle 钩hook 眼板eye plate 眼环ring plate 心环thimble 紧索夹/绳头卸扣clamp 索头环socket/swaged terminal 松紧螺丝扣/花篮螺丝rigging screw 起重机/克令吊crane 控制室cabin 变幅/旋转操纵杆control lever for slewing/luffing 起货操纵杆control lever for hoisting 吊臂jib 油马达oil motor 限位器箱differential limit switch box 变幅绞车luffing winch 起货绞车hoisting winch 吊货滑车falling block 液压千斤顶hydraulic cylinder 吊货索cargo fall 千斤索topping lift 千斤索绞车topping lift winch 起重柱Samson post/SP 双杆联合unio
n purchase 舷内吊杆/大关inside boom 舷外吊杆/小关outside boom 调整稳索adjustable guy 保险稳索insurance guy 三角眼板triangle eye-plate 吊货索滑车组cargo fall tackle 千斤索滑车组topping lift tackle 稳索guy 导向滑车leading block 轻型吊杆derrick 山字吊货钩Flemish hook 连接横杆connecting traverse 拉索pull guy 滚翻式rolling and tipping type 偏心轮eccentric wheel 连接链connecting chain 压紧器cleat halve 上升轨wheel ramp 导装面板leading panel 折叠式folding type 铰链slotted hinge 存放臂stowing arm 钢索wire pendant 铰接滑车hinged sheave 关闭臂closing arm 固定钩securing hook 熏舱fumigation 地铃lashing eye 系固链条lashing chain 紧链器tension lever 钢丝绳lashing wire rope 系固钢带lashing steel band 花篮螺丝/松紧螺旋扣turnbuckle 系固槽座lashing pot 绑扎带lashing band 象脚elephant feet 拖车支架trailer trestle 拖车千斤顶trailer support jack 轮楔wheel chock 快速释放紧索器quick release lashing 底座foundation 滑移底座sliding foundation 埋入式底座imbed foundation 燕尾槽/燕尾底座dovetail foundation 板式底座doubling plate foundation 眼板lashing plate 箱格导轨系统cellguide system 横撑材transverse prop 导箱构件container guide member 横向支撑底座lateral support foundation 集装箱绑扎桥lashing bridge 扭锁twistlock 操作杆operating rod 半自动扭锁semi-automatic twistlock 锁销locking pin 底座扭锁bottom twistlock 堆锥stacking cone 中间堆锥inter-bridge stacking cone 底座堆锥bottom stacking cone 可移动锥板removable cone plate 自动定位锥automatic fixing cone 锁紧装置locking device 调整堆锥/高度补偿锥leveling stacking cone 桥锁bri
dge fitting 绑扎杆/绑扎棒lashing bar 横向撑柱lateral support element 辅助工具accessory appliance 分舱因数factor of subdivision 临时修理occasional repair 检修overhaul 浮坞floating dock 船底望光light measure with eye for the bottom deforming 裂缝crack 止裂孔stopper hole 船舶修理单repair list 缺陷清单defect list 外观检查external examination 内部检查internal examination 缺陷修补imperfection mend 倾斜试验inclining test 加强检验附加标志ESP/Enhanced Survey Program 保持船级检验survey for class maintenance 循环检验continuous survey 法定检验statutory survey 营运中检验survey for ships in service 定期检验periodical survey