Chapter 3 Steam turbine
Words and Expressions
Access 通道,入口Coverband 围带
Admiralty brass 海军铜Crane 起重机,吊车
Aluminium brass 铝黄铜Critical speed 临界转速
Annex 附属建筑物,附录Cylinder 圆筒,汽缸
Aspect ratio 相对高度Debris 矸石,有机残留物Assembly组件,装配Deflector 导向器,致偏板Attachment 附件连接设备Detail 零件,零件图Backpressure背压Diaphragm 隔板
Balance piston 平衡活塞Diode 二极管
Bearing box 轴承箱Dismantling 拆除
Bellows 膜盒,波纹筒Double-shell casing 双层缸
Blade 叶片,刀片Drum type rotor 鼓形转子
Blower送风机、吹灰器Ductility 黏性,延展性
Bolting螺栓连接Dynamic balance 动平衡
Boundary layer 边界层Elastic arch banding 弹性拱形围带Brittle fracture 脆性断裂Excitation 励磁,扰动
Built-up blade 组合式叶片Fabrication 装配
Built-up rotor 套装转子Fastening 连系,紧固
Carrier ring 持环Fatigue cracking 疲劳断裂
Case壳,罩Finger-shaped pinned fixing  叉形叶根Casing 套管,外壳,箱Fitting 装配
Cast 铸造Fixed blade 固定叶片,导向叶片Cast-in blade 铸造叶片Flange 法兰
Chimney 烟囱Flange warming steam 法兰加热蒸汽Chord弦,翼长Flexible coupling 挠性联轴器
Flexible rotor 挠性转子
Computer-aided design 计算机辅助设
Flue gas 烟气
Convergent-divergent type nozzle 缩放
cooling tower 冷却塔Forging 锻件
Coupling 连接,联轴器Fracture 裂面,裂纹,断裂
Full admission 全周进汽Out-of-balance weight 不平衡重量Gland housing 轴封腔室Overlap 重叠,
Head 汽包封头Partial admission部分进汽
Heat transmission 传热Pedestals 支架,轴架
Impeller 叶轮,推进器Penetrations 穿透,渗透
Impulse 冲击,冲动Penultimate stage次末级
Impulse turbine 冲动式汽轮机Pitch 节距
Incidence angle 入射角Purge 清洗
Inlet belt 入口区域Rating额定功率,额定值
Inner casing内缸Reaction 反作用
Integral rotor 整锻转子Reaction machine 反动式汽轮机Inter-shell 缸间Resonance 共振
Jig夹具,模具,钻具Rigid coupling刚性联轴器
Key 键Rigid rotor刚性转子
reaction in the shaft
Lacing wire 拉金rim边缘
Rivet 铆钉,铆接
Large turbine-generator unit
Robust 坚固的
Liquid-ring type air pump 水环式真空
Mach number 马赫数Root根部
Makeup 补给,补充Rotor转子
Monobloc rotor 整锻转子Rupture 断裂
Monolithic 单一的、整体的、整铸的钢丝线规
Moving blade 动叶片,Semi-flexible coupling 半挠性联轴器Nest一套,塔齿轮Shoulder 肩
Nozzle 喷嘴Shrink fit 冷缩配合
Nozzle box 喷嘴室Shrink-on disc rotor 套装转子Nozzle governing 喷嘴调节Shrounding包箍
Numerically-controlled machine 数控机床Skirt 环、套筒
Offset 补偿、抵消Sleeve 套筒
On-site 现场Slot槽
Operational speed 运行速度Solid coupling刚性联轴器
Outer casing外缸Stage 级
Static balance 静平衡Abbreviations
Steam bending stress 蒸汽弯曲应力FATT脆性转变温度
Straight or curved fir-tree root 枞树形叶根NDT 无损检测
Stress concentration 应力集中O.D.外径
Stub shaft 短轴CFD计算流体力学
Tenon 凸榫BFP锅炉给水泵
Throttle governing  节流调节BFPT 锅炉给水泵汽轮机
Tip seal 叶顶密封LP 低压缸
Toughness 韧度HP 高压缸
Turbine汽轮机IP 中压缸
Twisted moving blade扭叶片CW循环水
Two-shift operation 两班制运行AGR改进气冷反应堆
Velocity-compounded stage 复速级FWT 给水温度
Velocity triangle速度三角形FRF 抗燃油
Ventilation 通风GSC轴封蒸汽冷却器
Wake 尾流,尾迹NPSH静压头
Welded disc rotor 焊接转子PWR压水堆
Wheel 齿轮SV 主气阀
3.1 Introduction
Steam turbine is one of the most important power generating turbo-machines. It is the principal prime mover in the field of electric power generation. The role of the steam turbine as one of the components in the steam power plant is briefly discussed in this chapter.
3.1 引言
For a simple steam turbine plant, the first component is the steam boiler which raises steam at the required pressure and temperature for the turbine. The boiler receives feed water at an elevated temperature through various regenerative and heat recuperating apparatuses. In a majority of power plants steam is superheated; in large
plants it is reheated once or twice after expanding through some stages.
Superheated steam enters the steam turbine through the governor value. The steam turbine is invariably a multistage machine having one or more cylinders depending on the plant size.
The steam after expanding through the turbine condenses in the condenser at a low pressure [i.e. 0.507~1.014 psi(0.0035~0.007MPa)]. The condensate along with the bled steam is pumped to the boiler.
在汽轮机中膨胀后的蒸汽在凝汽器中以低压凝结(0.0035 到 0.007 MPa)。凝结水以及抽汽用泵打入锅炉。
3.1.1 Types of steam turbines
Various types of steam turbines can be classified in the following manner.
On the basis of flow direction
3.1.1 蒸汽轮机的类型
On the basis of expansion process
●Combined impulse and reaction
On the basis of number of stages
●Single stage
On the basis of steam entry configuration
●Full admission
●Partial admission
On the basis of number of flows
●Single flow
●Double flow
●Tandem or cross compounded
