ink and ink manufacturing 油墨及其制造

  Ink is transferred from a plate or stencil to paper or some other material during the printing process. The ink forms the image on the printed product. Over two thousand years ago, the Chinese made and used inks to print from wood blocks.

  Most printing inks consist of pigments vehicles and modifiers. Pigment is the ingredient that provides the color of the ink. Many pigment colors are produced from rocks and clays. Others can be traced to plants, sea life, or even insects. Several pigments may be blended together to obtain a desired color ink.

  The vehicle is the fluid that carries the pigment. Oil, lacquer, alcohol, and water are all used as ink vehicles.
  Modifiers may be added to ink for certain desired characteristics. For example, driers are added to speed up the drying process. Waxes are used to minimize setoff. Setoff refers to the transfer of ink from a freshly printed sheet to the back of the sheet above.


  Ink manufacturing is complex and requires extensive chemical and printing process knowledge as well as specialized ink manufacturing equipment use. While there are a number of manufacturing methodsmost share these basic phases of production formulating premixing milling filtration and testing.
  油墨制造非常复杂,而且需要广博的化学和印刷工艺知识,还要使用专用的油墨制造设备。尽管油墨制造方法有多种,但大都包含有这些共有的基本生产过程: 配制、预混合、研磨、过滤和测试。

  Formulating Since formulation of inks is the ink manufacturers responsibility, the subject is presented only briefly here. A typical sheetfed ink contains the following materials
  Pigment carbon black, phthalo blue, rubine, or other
  Varnish long-oil alkyd phenolic, or urethane litho varnish
  ? Drier: cobalt and manganese salts
  Solvent heatset oil, 535°F (2801)
  Modifier wax compound for rub resistance

  These standard inks dry primarily by polymerizationa chemical reaction that is initiated by oxygen and catalyzed by cobalt and manganese ions from the drier.

  The formulation of inks involves the selection and proportioning of ingredients. These decisions are made in accordance with the intended use of the ink. However, there are so
me general categories of ingredients that are common to most lithographic inks, including pigments, vehicles, additivesand drying agents (driers).
  油墨的配制包括对各种成分的选择以及按比例定量配合。作出这些决定的依据都是基于对油墨的使用预期。但是,对大多数平印油墨来说,有一些通用类型的成分是共有的, 其中包括颜料、连接料、添加剂和干燥剂。

  Premixing Premixing is particularly important when inks are made from dry pigments. The dry pigment is formed of large clumps of particles called aggregates or agglomerates. These aggregates must be broken down and reduced in size as the pigment is wet with the vehicle. The initial dispersion involves premixing the dry pigment with the vehicle using a mechanism consisting of rotating mixing blades. This process thoroughly wets the dry pigment. The second stage of premixing involves adding more oil and resin to form a mill base”,
最初的弥散需要使用一种由旋转的搅拌叶片组成的机械把干颜料与连接料预混合在一起。这一过程可把干颜料彻底润湿。预混合的第二阶段要添加更多的油料和树脂, 以形成“研磨基料”。

  Unlike dry pigments, flush pigments are predispersed in the vehicle and therefore require less rigorous premixing. Inks made from flush pigments may go directly to milling after mixing the primary ingredients.

  Milling The mill base still contains large agglomerates that must be further broken down. Also, the addition of other ingredients like waxes and driers can be done at this stage. In many cases, this is done in a shot mill, which is made up of a chamber, rotating disks, and shot pellets. The ink is forced into the chamber and the rotating disks move the metal pellets through the ink, breaking the pigment down.
  研磨研磨基料仍然含有必须进一步分解的大团块。而且,其他成分,如蜡和干燥剂的添加,也可在这一阶段完成。在许多情况下,这一阶段都是在弹子研磨机中完成的,这种研磨机由一个腔体、旋转圆盘和弹子球组成。油墨被强制注人腔体,旋转圆盘使金属球 在油墨中移动,使颜料分解。

  Another device used for milling is the three-roll mill, which shears the ink as it passes between the rolls, which rotate at different speeds. This shearing breaks up the pigment agglomerates into microscopic particles so that each becomes completely surrounded and wet by the varnish. Milling also classifies the pigment, permitting finely dispersed pigment to flow through the mill and retaining or holding back coarser pigment particles. The ground ink is taken off the high-speed roll by a doctor blade. A thorough job of grinding may require as many as three passes through the mill, depending on whether the pigment is soft or hard and how easily it is wet by the varnish
  研磨用的另一种装置是三辊研磨机。它对两根以不同速度旋转的辊之间通 过的油墨进行剪切。这种剪切作用把颜料团块破碎成微小的颗粒,从而使每个颗粒都被调 墨油完全包围起来
并被润湿。研磨过程也对颜料具有“分选”作用,它允许精细弥散的颜料流动通过研磨机,而留住或阻拦比较粗的颜料颗粒。研磨过的油墨被一个刮刀从高速辊 上带走。研磨工作彻底完成可能需要通过研磨机研磨三次,具体研磨次数取决于颜料的软 与硬,以及它们被调墨油润湿的难易程度.

  mymms Papers And Inks
    Heavy-duty twin-shaft disperses . Viva programmable three-roll mill
  The grinding action of a three-roll ink mill
  Milling is costly, and inks can be made less expensive by reducing the amount of milling. This, however, causes several problems including reduced color strength and coarser pigment. Large pigment particles in the ink may cause premature plate wear and scratches in the plate. Since the pigment is the most expensive part of the ink, and uniform dispersion is accomplished by extensive millinghigh-quality inks cost more.

  Filtration After millingink may be put through a series of filtration steps to remove any oversized particles. The filtration system consists of bag filters that have decreasing pore sizes, from 150 microns down to about 10 microns. In some cases (particularly when manufacturing inks from dry pigments)an electromagnetic filter is used as a part of the filtration system to eliminate metal fragments.
  过滤在研磨之后,油墨经过一系列的过滤程序,用以去除任何尺寸粗大的颗粒。过滤系统由多个袋滤器组成,袋滤器的过滤孔径从15υm递减到约10υm大小。在某些情况 中(尤其是在用干颜料制造油墨时),可把电磁过滤器用作过滤系统的一部分,以便除去 金属碎片。

  Testing The finished ink can be tested for a wide variety of properties. Those particularly important to the offset printer include color, viscosity, tack, fineness of grind (pigment particle size) and water pickup (emulsification rate). Once the product is assured of meeti
ng requirements, the ink is packaged for shipping.
  测试油墨制造完成后,可进行各种性能的测试。对胶印印刷企业来说,甚为重要的 性质包括彩、黏度、黏性、研磨细度(颜料粒度)和水吸收性(乳化率)等。一旦确认油墨产品符合要求,即可包装发货。

  Many times, a customer requests a specific color other than black, cyan, yellow, or magenta. Depending on the amount of the ink required, the printer either orders the specific color from the inkmaker or mixes it in the printing plant. Obtaining the ink from the inkmaker is preferred if the color is a shelf ink or if the amount required is large. Small amounts of a particular ink can be mixed in the plant. Color charts from an inkmaker are extremely helpful.
  客户经常会要求使用除黑、青、黄或品红之外的一种特殊颜。印刷企业会根据所需油墨的数量,要么从油墨制造商那里订购特殊的颜,或者在印刷厂内自己 混合出这种

  In plants where a great deal of color matching is done, the press operator seldom mixes the ink. A better way-both economically and from a quality control standpoint - is to have a special person assigned to do color matching.

  The simple rule of good color matching is to use the formula method. Every mixed color that is used in the plant should
  have each ingredient carefully weighed and recorded. This includes additives like driers.
  实现良好配的一条简单规则就是使用配方方法。在印刷厂使用的每一种混合颜, 都应该小心地称重它的每一种成分并作记录。这其中也包括像干燥剂这样的添加剂。

reaction in the shaft
  When the proper shade is found, a large batch is mixed, following the formula. After the color is printed on the job, a small sample from the printed sheet is saved, and the formula and date are marked on the back. A sample should not be kept too long, perhaps one year for lightfast colors. In addition, the name and/or number of the job should be put on the sample
  in case of a reprint. TheHnks are then listedwith brand, name,
  Place first color on scale
  Add ink until balanced
  Place second color on scale
  \ Add ink until balanced
  2 parts Rubine50.0
  1 part Process Blue 25.0
  (add first 2 colors)
  2 parts Rubine50.0
  1 part Process Blue 25.0
  1 part White25.0
  (add first 3 colors)
  number, and weight indicated.Figure 5-14. Procedures for mixing ink
  当到正确的调值时,就按照这一配方进行大批量的混合。在把这种彩印刷到印件上之后,要从印张中保留少量的样品,并把配方和日期标注在样品的背面。样品保存的时间不应过长,耐光照的颜可保存一年。此外,还应把印件的名称和编号记在样品上, 以便再版重印时使用。然后列出所用各种油墨,指明其品牌、名称、编号和重量等。

  Ink samples can be drawn out with a spatula, rolled out with a Quickpeek tester, or printed using a proof press and allowed to dry. Exposing one sample to atmospheric conditions overnight and enclosing the other in a book gives an indication of the drying behavior of the

  Sometimestwo or three small color samples are mixed if the color is expected to change during drying. For example, if a green made from a certain blue and yellow is expected to dry toward the blue sidea second sample would be made with less blue init. The one drying closest to the desired color is used. If the desired color falls between two samples, a new sample can be mixed, using the formulas from the first two samples as the basis for the new formula.
  有时,如果预计颜在干燥过程中会改变,就混合两个或三个小样。例如,如果预 计用一定量的蓝和黄配出的绿干燥时会偏向蓝,就可用较少的蓝制作第二个样品。最终选用干燥后最接近所希望得到的彩的那个样品。如果所希望的彩处在两个样 品之间,就可以前两个样品的配方为基础得出新的配方并混合出一个新样品。

  A tint of a color is produced by adding an extendera white transparent tinting medium, to a colored ink. The simplest form of color matching, as performed by the printer, is mixing an ink to obtain a required shade. The stronger color should always be added to the lighter colored ink in order to obtain a match more quickly and economically. The color should be viewed under different light sources to check for metamerism — the phenomenon of colors that match under one light but do not under a different light.
  某种颜的淡是通过把补充剂,即一种白透明的调剂添加到彩油墨中产生的。最简单的配形式,如同印刷工所做的那样,就是把油墨混合以获得所需的调值。 总是应当把更浓重的颜添加到较浅淡颜的油墨中,从而能够更快更经济地完成配。 应该在不同的光源下察看颜,以便检查有无同异谱——在一种光照条件下彩相匹配,而在另一种不同的光照条件下彩不相匹配的现象。

  Without a knowledge of color theory and without perfect color perception an individual will resort to trian  and_error color matching. Fortunately, color matching systems are availa
ble that take the trial and error out of color matching.

  Each printing process requires the use of an ink developed specifically for that process. Letterpress, gravure, lithographic, and screen-process inks are specially formulated to match the requirements of the printing process. For exampleletterpress inks are designed to distribute evenly over and adhere well to raised plate surfaces. Gravure inks are quite fluid and dry rapidly. Lithographic inks are formulated so as not to absorb or combine with the fountain solution in the press. And inks used for screen-process printing will have the consistency of thick paint, which is usually required in this process.
  每种印刷工艺都要求使用特别为该种工艺生产的油墨,凸印、凹印、平印及丝网印刷油墨经专门配制以适应印刷工艺的要求。例如凸印油墨应在凸起的印版表面上均匀分布并 有较好
的黏附性。凹印油墨流动性强且快速干燥。平印油墨要求在印刷机上既不吸收润版 液又不与它相混合。而丝网印刷油墨具有浓漆一样的黏度,这正是丝网印刷工艺通常要求的。

  Another consideration when selecting an ink is the eventual use of the printed item. For example, ink on items used outdoors must be able to withstand the weather. Ink printed on fabrics should hold up under repeated washings. Food packages should be printed with an odorless ink. And products that will be handled by young children must be printed with non-toxic inks.
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